

520悄然過去, 大家有努力備戰嗎?成功屠雅的小夥伴們並不是靠著單純的運氣, 而是擁有真正去克服它的能力。 今天依然給大家帶來5.20雅思考試分析。


各位烤鴨們, 老師這次給你們分析雅思口語part 2的話題:特殊的蛋糕。

Describe an occasion that you had a special cake

Well, I’d like to talk about a special cake I had. It was approximately two years ago, back when I was studying law in college in New York. We were finally done with the exams and all the students were eager to start their summer vacation. I was an exchange student there and I didn’t plan to come back to China for the summer, so, I wasn’t thrilled at all. Luckily, I wasn’t the only exchange student, so I went to ask my dorm-mates if they wanted to do something together. One of them said we should organize a picnic in the campus’ park. So, I decided to make a cake for us. But the only fruit I had in my room was a big durian. That tropical fruit has a very particular smell and most people can’t bear it. On the day of the picnic, I brought my cake to the group and they all had a piece of my cake. Surprisingly, nobody thought it was disgusting and repulsive, they actually ate it all. It was the first time I made a durian-flavored cake and, even now, I often bake cakes with this fruit.


Approximately 大約

Back when… 當…的時候

Be done with… 完成, 與…了結關係

Be eager to… 盼望

Exchange student 交換生

Thrilled 非常興奮/非常激動

…at all 【否定句】完全(不)

Dorm-mate 宿友

Picnic 野餐

Durian 榴槤

Tropical 熱帶的

Bear(動詞) 忍受, 承受

Surprisingly 驚人的

Disgusting 噁心的

Repulsive 令人厭惡的

Actually 實際上



聽力部分考試題目為2新2舊, 新題為Section1, Section2。

下面我們來看看聽力部分的題目回憶。 (答案僅供參考~)

S1 photography course諮詢


答案回憶:1-10 填空題:beginner, interview, 38, April 17, 電話號碼(無回憶), weather, equipment, position, edit, sell.

S2 某個建築翻新

涉及題型:配對題, 選擇題

答案回憶:11-16 配對題:市內各大機構捐獻物 11----money 12----land 13----materials

14----furniture 15----labor 16----arts.

17-20 選擇題 選: unique, 選:Cannot see from street.選: remove regularly, 選:Waiting.

S3 關於SUV的調查研究


答案回憶:21-30 填空題: cities, engine, safe, higher seats, commercial, cost, roll over, weight, farmers, insurance.

S4 傳統教育失效, 課程教育和學習效率


答案回憶:31-34 多選題:31&32 選: High absent rate Students hard to recall 33&34 選: Lecturers do not want changes Need a long time to adapt a new system 35-40 單選題 選:Survey done on a regular basis 選: 34% 選: Use real experience 選: Sentence completion 選: More pauses without activities 選: Under different subjects.


Passage 1 Castle

涉及題型:判斷題(T F N G), 無詞庫Summary, 多選題。

Passage 2 Art Survey:Update

涉及題型:LOH, 人名配對, 句子填空。

Passage 3 Literacy skills in Australia

涉及題型:判斷題(Y N N G), 段落配對, 單選題。



本次小作文按常理出牌考了線形圖, 題目為:“歐洲五個國家1991年到2011年間請假超過5天人數比例”。 屬於常規類題目, 對於熟悉句型, 邏輯尚可的考生順利寫作不是問題。


The government should control the amount of violence in films and TV in order to decrease the level of violent crime in society. To what extent you agree or disagree?

本次考題為社會類和媒體類相結合的題目, 尤其對於媒體類, 考生們並不陌生, 段時間內容組織思路不是很困難。 該題目客觀講選擇同意比較容易, 這是由媒體本身的局限性決定的, 如何組織語言, 合理分佈段落層次是接下來的關鍵。

Debates sparked on effects of medias among public will continue to exist, especially for its relation to the society order caused by the violent contents from TV and films.

Undoubtedly, leisure time coupled with TV and films certainly can’t be ignored.

Also, some violent plots are indispensable in conveying a more touching feeling. However, getting lost in violent plots and taking negative actions unconsciously is not limited to youth, similarly, violent scenes also spread to a wider range to adults.

In view of the unstoppable spread of TV and film, criminal groups of violent crimes is not limited to youth, for they are not capable of telling rights and wrongs in many cases, even having no guilty after being sentenced. Also, even with a clear and sober mind, some adults also have a tendency to behave blindly, especially when they are controlled by negative moods. Admittedly, we have no evidence to claim that violent scene on screens is a direct factor to violent crimes, while it can be seen as a strong driving force behind some society disorders. In order for lessen the negative influence caused by violent content, taking measure to restrict the affected groups and severity seems a good option. As the most power target for this plan, government should take its responsibility without hesitation.

In conclusion, establishing new rules for media industry is a necessary part for government to manage a peaceful society. I am convinced that the rate of violent crimes will drop greatly after the new standards begin to work.

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