
Nature Microbiol:北京大學李毅課題組發表昆蟲共生菌説明病毒傳播研究論文

2017年3月6日,國際學術權威刊物自然出版集團旗下子刊、微生物學領域著名期刊《Nature Microbiology》線上發表了北京大學生命科學學院李毅課題組與福建農林大學魏太雲課題組合作題為“Insect symbiotic bacteria harbour viral pathogens for transovarial transmission”的研究論文。








Many insects, including mosquitoes, planthoppers, aphids and leafhoppers, are the hosts of bacterial symbionts and the vectors for transmitting viral pathogens1,2,3. In general, symbiotic bacteria can indirectly affect viral transmission by enhancing immunity and resistance to viruses in insects3,4,5. Whether symbiotic bacteria can directly interact with the virus and mediate its transmission has been unknown. Here, we show that an insect symbiotic bacterium directly harbours a viral pathogen and mediates its transovarial transmission to offspring. We observe rice dwarf virus (a plant reovirus) binding to the envelopes of the bacterium Sulcia, a common obligate symbiont of leafhoppers6,7,8, allowing the virus to exploit the ancient oocyte entry path of Sulcia in rice leafhopper vectors. Such virus–bacterium binding is mediated by the specific interaction of the viral capsid protein and the Sulcia outer membrane protein. Treatment with antibiotics or antibodies against Sulcia outer membrane protein interferes with this interaction and strongly prevents viral transmission to insect offspring. This newly discovered virus–bacterium interaction represents the first evidence that a viral pathogen can directly exploit a symbiotic bacterium for its transmission. We believe that such a model of virus–bacterium communication is a common phenomenon in nature.