



Nice 不錯的

enjoyable: Games can make learning more enjoyable.遊戲可以讓學習變得更加有趣。

pleasurable: We do everything we can to make your trip pleasurable.我們竭盡所能讓您的旅途愉快。

thoughtful: It was really thoughtful of you to remember my birthday.你記得我生日,


courteous: The hotel staff are friendly and courteous.酒店員工很友好,有禮貌。

lovely: That was a lovely cup of tea.那杯茶很不錯哦。

likeable: She’s warm, friendly and likeable.她很熱心,友好,討人喜歡。

pleasing: The new building was pleasing to the eye.新樓看上去很舒服。

Good 好的

excellent: Second-hand computers can be excellent value.二手電腦可以很值錢的。

amazing: He’s an amazing player to watch.看他打球很爽的。

marvelous: I can’t stand him, but my wife thinks he’s marvelous.我是受不了他,但我老婆覺得他很棒。

fantastic: It’s a fantastic place, really beautiful!這地方很不錯,真的漂亮。

Bad 壞的,差的,嚴重的

awful: The weather was awful. 天氣很糟糕。

rotten: He’s a rotten driver. 他是一個很爛的司機。

naughty: You’re a very naughty boy! Look what you’ve done! 你是個很調皮很不好的男孩子。看看你都做了什麼好事。

terrible: Their son had been injured in a terrible accident.他們的兒子在一次很嚴重的交通事故中受傷了。

nasty: There’s a nasty streak in her character. 她的性格中有兇惡的本性。

Happy 開心快樂的

cheerful: She’s feeling more cheerful today.她今天感覺更高興了。

delighted: Sandy will be delighted to see you. Sandy見到你會很開心的。

pleased: She seemed pleased by the compliment. 她聽到讚美好像很高興。

glad: I’m really glad I don’t have to go back there again. 不用回到以前那地方我真是太開心了。

joyful: Christmas is a joyfuloccasion for children.耶誕節對於孩子來說是個很快樂的節日。

Big 大的

huge: These shoes make my feet look huge. 這鞋子顯得我的腳超級大。

giant: The giant has fallen. 巨人已經倒下。

enormous: The team made an enormous effort. 這個團隊做出了巨大的努力。

large: Los Angeles is the second largest city in the US.洛杉磯是美國第二大城市。
