


Organized by Green City and City Weekend, the annual Family Day event is now in its 14th year! With over 6,000 families attending this much anticipated extravaganza, this is the biggest family event in Shanghai that will bring together both international and local families for a fun-filled weekend of Animal Magic in Pudong.



What can you do at Family Day, Pudong?


Family Day, Pudong, will have everything for kids big (parents included) and small – so the entire family can enjoy the weekend together. Here's what you can look forward to...


For Kids 小朋友可以玩什麼呢

1. Become a cover model superstar with Shanghai Family magazine 來成為《Shanghai Family》雜誌封面模特吧!

At Pudong's Family Day, kids can take part in a competition for a chance to become the next cover star of Shanghai Family magazine! Barefoot will be on-site to take photographs which you'll be able to get a copy of FOR FREE!

如果您家的小朋友喜歡“扮靚”,那麼你一定不能錯過這場活動。在浦東國際家庭日終,小朋友們可以參與《Shanghai Family》的雜誌封面模特海選,您家的小朋友將有機會成為一期雜誌的封面模特哦!現場將會有專業攝影師免費為您家的小朋友拍攝,不要錯過讓小朋友被印刷在雜誌封面的機會!

2. Play ball with Shanghai International Youth Soccer League 觀看上海國際青少年足球聯賽吧!

Having been around for over 10 years, these guys have become the largest, most popular international youth soccer league in Shanghai. The most influential among foreign communities, with participation in most of Shanghai's international schools. There's plenty for little athletes to be excited about.



3. Animal magic fest 神奇動物在哪裡?

Whether their favorite animal is a dog, cat or llama, get dressed up and enjoy a fun-filled weekend where the whole family can join magical activities, play in costumes, make animal-shaped cookies and watch some jaw-dropping magic shows.


For Big Kids 大孩子們可以玩什麼呢?

4. VR Games虛擬實境遊戲

Step into another world with the help of a lens and incredible technology, playing games that will really leave you feeling like you just stepped into another realm entirely.


5. Discovery Land魔幻探險基地

Climb and clamber through a land of discovery. Will children be an animal wandering through a castle, a pirate searching for lost treasure or a wizard looking for his wand? All that's needed is the power of imagination.



6. Magical Sports魔法運動

Football is for muggles, wizards play Quidditch! From running through the field on a broom to finding your way out of a mysterious maze, big kids will have the chance to enjoy some magical activities and games.

在哈利波特的魔法世界裡,足球是麻瓜踢的,只有魁地奇才是小法師們的運動! 通過美式橄欖球和魔法道具的結合,孩子們也能體驗一番“魁地奇”的樂趣。

For parents 大人們能做什麼呢

7. Yoga camp瑜伽集訓

Join Tiffany, a prominent industry professional and yoga teacher, at Pudong Family Day for an hour long session of stretch and relaxation alongside your friends and family.


8. Food truck 美食市集

Get ready, as there will be wine and beer for parents to enjoy as you sit on the grass, relax and watch your children play games.


Date: Saturday, Nov 4th to Sunday, Nov 5th 2017



Location:Green Sunshine Stadium, 600 Lan Tian Lu, Pudong


Price:¥100/ pre-sale adult day ticket, ¥120/on the door adult ticket.free tickets for kids under 1.3M


Extract the QR code below to buy tickets.

Contact us now for cooperation

Tel:021 6039 8210

Mobile:139 1711 7461


7. Yoga camp瑜伽集訓

Join Tiffany, a prominent industry professional and yoga teacher, at Pudong Family Day for an hour long session of stretch and relaxation alongside your friends and family.


8. Food truck 美食市集

Get ready, as there will be wine and beer for parents to enjoy as you sit on the grass, relax and watch your children play games.


Date: Saturday, Nov 4th to Sunday, Nov 5th 2017



Location:Green Sunshine Stadium, 600 Lan Tian Lu, Pudong


Price:¥100/ pre-sale adult day ticket, ¥120/on the door adult ticket.free tickets for kids under 1.3M


Extract the QR code below to buy tickets.

Contact us now for cooperation

Tel:021 6039 8210

Mobile:139 1711 7461
