








趙衛 Zhao Wei


Born in 1957 in Beijing. Now he is member of the CPPCC, member of China Artists Association, deputy president of China National Academy of Painting, deputy president of Traditional Chinese Painting Institute of China National Academy of Painting and national first - class artist. He enjoys the State Council Special Allowance, He had won Bronze Award, Excellent Works Prize, Qi Baishi Prize and Outstanding Creation Prize respectively in the 7th, 8th, 9th, 10th and 11th National Fine Arts Exhibitions.

趙衛 燕山長城

紙本設色 138cm×69cm 2015年

趙衛 西山秋意

紙本設色 138cm×69cm 2014年

劉雲 Liu Yun



Born in 1957 in Yueyang, Hunan Province. Now he is mumber of China Artists Association, mumber of Chinese Painting Institute, Party committee member and deputy president of Hunan Literature & Art Association, member of the CPPCC of Hunan Province, the president of Hunan Academy of Painting, deputy president of China Great Wall Academy of Painting. He enjoys the State Council Special Allowance and is also the a distinguished professor of Renmin University of China, part - time professor of Central South University, deputy president of Hunan Artists Association and national first - class artist.

劉雲 湘水弄樹影之十二

紙本設色 136cm×68cm 2017年

劉雲 夕陽無語山更靜之二

紙本設色 136cm×68cm 2015年

孫永 Sun Yong

祖籍山東泰安, 1957年生於浙江杭州。 1981年畢業於浙江美術學院(現中國美術學院)中國畫系山水畫碩士研究生班,師從陸儼少先生。現為浙江畫院院長、《中國畫畫刊》雜誌社社長、國家一級美術師、中國美術家協會理事、浙江省美術家協會副主席、浙江省陸儼少藝術研究會會長、浙江省政協委員、享受國務院頒發的政府特殊津貼的專家。

Born in 1957 in Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province, originally from Tai'an, Shandong Province. He learned landscape painting from Mr. Lu Yanshao in Department of Chinese Painting of Zhejiang Academy of Fine Arts (known as China Academy of Fine Arts now) and graduated as a post-graduate in 1981. Now he is the president of Zhejiang Academy of Painting, the president of Journal of Chinese Painting, national first - class artist, mumber of China Artists Association, deputy president of Zhejiang Artists Association, the president of Lu Yanshao Art Research Institute, member of the CPPCC of Zhejiang Province. He enjoys the State Council Special Allowance.

孫永 朱家角寫生圖

紙本設色 69cm×69cm 2014年

孫永 玉泉院內拾得

紙本設色 69cm×69cm 2005年

楊曉陽 Yang Xiaoyang


Born in 1958 in Xi'an, Shaanxi Province. Admitted to Department of Chinese Painting of Xi'an Academy of Fine Arts in 1979 and graduated in 1983. Then he became a graduate student and stayed there as a teacher in the academy after graduation in 1986. Once served as vice dean and then dean of Department of Chinese Painting of Xi'an Academy of Fine Arts. He became deputy president of the academy in 1994 and took charge of the whole academy in 1995. In 1997, he was appointed as the president, professor and doctoral instructor of Xi'an Academy of Fine Arts. In 2009, he was transferred to work in China National Academy of Painting. Now he is the president of China National Academy of Painting, also member of the CPPCC, deputy president of China Artists Association, committee member of China Literary & Art Association, first - class national talent of the "3-5 Project", talent of the "Four Batches Project", expert with outstanding contribution and advanced teacher recognized by the Ministry of Education.

楊曉陽 儒釋道三教合一之美

紙本水墨 68cm×68cm 2017年

楊曉陽 題材模糊化、主題多義化與章法多維化相結合嘗試之作

紙本水墨 68cm×68cm 2017年

Born in 1957 in Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province, originally from Tai'an, Shandong Province. He learned landscape painting from Mr. Lu Yanshao in Department of Chinese Painting of Zhejiang Academy of Fine Arts (known as China Academy of Fine Arts now) and graduated as a post-graduate in 1981. Now he is the president of Zhejiang Academy of Painting, the president of Journal of Chinese Painting, national first - class artist, mumber of China Artists Association, deputy president of Zhejiang Artists Association, the president of Lu Yanshao Art Research Institute, member of the CPPCC of Zhejiang Province. He enjoys the State Council Special Allowance.

孫永 朱家角寫生圖

紙本設色 69cm×69cm 2014年

孫永 玉泉院內拾得

紙本設色 69cm×69cm 2005年

楊曉陽 Yang Xiaoyang


Born in 1958 in Xi'an, Shaanxi Province. Admitted to Department of Chinese Painting of Xi'an Academy of Fine Arts in 1979 and graduated in 1983. Then he became a graduate student and stayed there as a teacher in the academy after graduation in 1986. Once served as vice dean and then dean of Department of Chinese Painting of Xi'an Academy of Fine Arts. He became deputy president of the academy in 1994 and took charge of the whole academy in 1995. In 1997, he was appointed as the president, professor and doctoral instructor of Xi'an Academy of Fine Arts. In 2009, he was transferred to work in China National Academy of Painting. Now he is the president of China National Academy of Painting, also member of the CPPCC, deputy president of China Artists Association, committee member of China Literary & Art Association, first - class national talent of the "3-5 Project", talent of the "Four Batches Project", expert with outstanding contribution and advanced teacher recognized by the Ministry of Education.

楊曉陽 儒釋道三教合一之美

紙本水墨 68cm×68cm 2017年

楊曉陽 題材模糊化、主題多義化與章法多維化相結合嘗試之作

紙本水墨 68cm×68cm 2017年