

HPCL Launches Lubes in Myanmar

BY D.S. NAG 編譯:木成優 / 謝潔

來源 | Lube Report Asia

版權 | 本文由Lube Report Asia獨家授權轉載




長期以來,緬甸與其鄰國的自由貿易處於被隔離狀態,來自Interra Resouces,新加坡石油勘探與生產公司的發言人在2016年6月的會議中說道。隨著國家逐步過渡到民主政治,進出口貿易常態化,潤滑油市場也呈迅速增長趨勢。

Hindustan Petroleum Corp. Ltd. began selling lubricants in Myanmar, claiming it’s the first Indian oil marketing company to expand into the Southeast Asian nation.

The state-run company, which sells HP-branded lubricants, launched its products in the neighboring country’s commercial hubs of Yangon and Mandalay earlier this month, it noted. “Having achieved the number one position in the domestic market, HP Lubricants sought to prove itself on foreign shores by venturing into Myanmar,” the company said in a statement last week.

Myanmar has long been isolated from its neighboring countries in terms of free trade, a spokesman from a Singaporean oil exploration and production company, Interra Resources, told a lubricants industry conference in June 2016. As the country slowly transitions to democracy, its doors are opening to imported products, and its lubricants market is mushrooming.

