
跟著中國"第一天團"學英語: 2017年外交部十大經典成語回應, 很硬氣!





懸崖勒馬 cease and desist

Clearly, deploying THAAD is the wrong choice. It's not how neighbors should behave to each other, and it may very well make the ROK less secure. We strongly advise some elements in the ROK not to pursue this course of action, otherwise they will only end up hurting themselves as well as others. China urges the ROK to cease and desist, halt the THAAD deployment and not to go further down the wrong path.



pull back before it is too late

例句:In spite of having done wrong, pull back now before it is too late and work for a bright future.(雖然做錯事,


枉費心機waste one’s efforts

We have noted the relevant report but have not seen clarification by the Japanese side. If what is told in the report is true, I can only say that they are wasting their efforts doing so. Japan's credibility is called into question when it on the one hand calls for an improved relationship with China and throws mud at China on the other. We urge the Japanese side to correct its attitude toward China and work for the improvement of the bilateral relationship rather than the opposite.



bark/bay at the moon/bay the moon

狗有時會對著月亮吠叫,藉以嚇唬月亮,可是無論它再怎麼兇猛咆哮都只是白費力氣而已。後來人們就用bay the moon或bark at the moon來比喻空嚷嚷,徒勞,



make speculations out of thin air

We have said repeatedly that China takes a positive and open attitude towards China-ROK exchanges and cooperation, but such exchanges and cooperation hinge on proper popular support and appropriate public opinion.

I have to add that rather than making speculations out of thin air or filling oneself with suspicions, it is better to heed the voice of the people and take effective measures to avoid affecting China-ROK relations and bilateral exchanges and cooperation.



put two and two together and make five

“put two and two together 把二和二放一起”的意思就是“根據所見所聞推定,綜合判斷”。多在口語交流中表達強調根據已知的一些情況來判斷事情的真相。

與這個表達相關聯的一個說法“put two and two together and make five 把二和二放一起得出五”的意思是“聽風就是雨”,強調誇大事實,捕風捉影。

例句:It’s typical of him to put two and two together and make five. I am used to it now. (他經常亂下結論,我都已經習慣了。)


an attempt out of ulterior motives

The illegal trespass by the Indian troops took place at the Sikkim section of the China-India boundary over 2000 meters away from Mount Gipmochi and has nothing to do with the tri-junction. The Indian side, in disregard of the boundary convention, takes the whole Doklam area as part of the tri-junction. This is obviously an attempt out of ulterior motives.The Indian side tries to introduce the concept of tri-junction into this incident and equate that point with an area. They are misleading the public.



(made with)ulterior motives

例句:She must have some ulterior motives for being nice to me – what does she really want? (她對我這麼好肯定別有用心——她到底想幹什麼呢?)

井底之蛙a frog in a well

We hope the Taiwan authorities can make a correct assessment of the situation and return to the 1992 consensus as soon as possible, and do no more things that are against the trend of the times and the will of the people.

We would also like to advise certain people in Taiwan to open their eyes to see the world, place themselves in a right position, stop being a frog in a well and deceiving themselves.



frog in the well

例句:The frog in the well knows nothing of the great ocean. (井底之蛙,不知大海。)

其他和動物相關的表達還包括:熱鍋上的螞蟻(as restless as ants on a hot pan)、雞皮疙瘩(goose bumps)、狐假虎威(ass in the lion’s skin)等。


tear down the bridge after crossing the river

For a long time, China has been making unremitting efforts to resolve the Korean Peninsula nuclear issue, and played an important and constructive role. As a permanent member of the Security Council, China has actively participated in the consultation of a series of the Security Council's DPRK-related draft resolutions and supported the adoption of relevant drafts. Relevant country asked China for help and cooperation before the draft is adopted, but after the adoption, it is going to impose unilateral sanctions on China. Isn't it tearing down the bridge after crossing the river?



kick down the ladder

此外,還有一個表達很貼切——The danger past and God forgotten. 危險過去了就忘了上帝了,不是過河拆橋是啥?


show one’s utmost patience and tolerance

So far, China has exercised utmost restraint. We can show our utmost patience and tolerance, but we hope that India, as a major country, can adopt the responsible attitude of abiding by the law and respecting the fact and make reasonable and wise judgment and decision.


Our forbearance has been utterly exhausted.






“仁至義盡”除了是對中方過往行為與態度的總結,更多地是暗示未來將不再姑息縱容印方越界挑釁。因此,We have shown utmost forbearance這樣的表述就不是最佳,因為utmost雖是最高程度,但沒有完結,窮盡之意,表達不出原文的弦外之音。

綜合以上內容,“仁至義盡”在本文討論語境中或可譯為:Our forbearance has been utterly exhausted。


Staying panic-stricken and being jittery with imaginary fear

Tiankun represents China's new achievement in the area of dredging equipment development and construction. We hope that relevant media can put China's scientific and technological development and engineering progress in perspective and refrain from making unwarranted connections, or even staying panic-stricken and being jittery with imaginary fear.



afraid of one's own shadow

如果表示虛驚一場還可以用a false alarm“拉錯了的警報”,比喻“事後才發現不必要的驚慌”。如果是反義詞“空歡喜一場”,則是false hope或者a bubble burst,如:He gave us false hope. We had our bubble burst.


Pull the wool over the eyes of the public

The concept of the so-called non-market economy can be found in no multilateral WTO rules, since it was created by several countries during the Cold War and only incorporated into domestic laws of a scanty few of the 164 WTO members.

According to the Article 15 of China's Protocol on the Accession to the WTO, the surrogate country approach in anti-dumping cases must be abandoned as scheduled in the Protocol. It has nothing to do with whether China meets the so-called standards of market economy status or not. Some countries and individuals are trying to force a connection between these two just to serve their purpose of pulling the wool over the eyes of the public.



pull the wool over someone’s eyes

短語“pull the wool over someone’s eyes”意思為“欺騙,隱瞞某人”,也可以說“deceive someone to stop them from knowing what you’re really doing”。

無事生非 Stir troubles

It’s just normal for China to carry out peaceful construction and deploy necessary defense equipment in its own territory, which is part of China’s sovereignty. We believe it is out of ulterior motives that certain people make a fuss over and create trouble out of this issue.

At present, with the concerted efforts of China and ASEAN countries, the situation in the South China Sea continues to be stabilized and get better. Besides, China and ASEAN countries have reached sound consensus and are implementing it. Therefore we hope non-regional countries and the relevant party will respect the efforts of regional countries and refrain from stirring troubles.



a fuss about nothing,也可以表示大驚小怪

例句:She must be making a fuss about nothing again. (她肯定又在為一些無謂的事情大驚小怪。)






“仁至義盡”除了是對中方過往行為與態度的總結,更多地是暗示未來將不再姑息縱容印方越界挑釁。因此,We have shown utmost forbearance這樣的表述就不是最佳,因為utmost雖是最高程度,但沒有完結,窮盡之意,表達不出原文的弦外之音。

綜合以上內容,“仁至義盡”在本文討論語境中或可譯為:Our forbearance has been utterly exhausted。


Staying panic-stricken and being jittery with imaginary fear

Tiankun represents China's new achievement in the area of dredging equipment development and construction. We hope that relevant media can put China's scientific and technological development and engineering progress in perspective and refrain from making unwarranted connections, or even staying panic-stricken and being jittery with imaginary fear.



afraid of one's own shadow

如果表示虛驚一場還可以用a false alarm“拉錯了的警報”,比喻“事後才發現不必要的驚慌”。如果是反義詞“空歡喜一場”,則是false hope或者a bubble burst,如:He gave us false hope. We had our bubble burst.


Pull the wool over the eyes of the public

The concept of the so-called non-market economy can be found in no multilateral WTO rules, since it was created by several countries during the Cold War and only incorporated into domestic laws of a scanty few of the 164 WTO members.

According to the Article 15 of China's Protocol on the Accession to the WTO, the surrogate country approach in anti-dumping cases must be abandoned as scheduled in the Protocol. It has nothing to do with whether China meets the so-called standards of market economy status or not. Some countries and individuals are trying to force a connection between these two just to serve their purpose of pulling the wool over the eyes of the public.



pull the wool over someone’s eyes

短語“pull the wool over someone’s eyes”意思為“欺騙,隱瞞某人”,也可以說“deceive someone to stop them from knowing what you’re really doing”。

無事生非 Stir troubles

It’s just normal for China to carry out peaceful construction and deploy necessary defense equipment in its own territory, which is part of China’s sovereignty. We believe it is out of ulterior motives that certain people make a fuss over and create trouble out of this issue.

At present, with the concerted efforts of China and ASEAN countries, the situation in the South China Sea continues to be stabilized and get better. Besides, China and ASEAN countries have reached sound consensus and are implementing it. Therefore we hope non-regional countries and the relevant party will respect the efforts of regional countries and refrain from stirring troubles.



a fuss about nothing,也可以表示大驚小怪

例句:She must be making a fuss about nothing again. (她肯定又在為一些無謂的事情大驚小怪。)
