


跨考教育 英語教研室

Section I Use of English


Read the following text. Choose the best word (s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on the ANSWER SHEET. (10 points)

why do people read negative Internet comments and do other things that will obviously be painful?Because humans have an inherent need to 1 uncertainty,according to a recent study in Psychological Science. The new research reveals that the need to know is so strong that people wiill 2 to satisfy their curiosity even when it is clear the answer will 3.

In a series of four experiments, behavioral scientists at the University of Chicago and the Wisconsin School of Business tested students' willingness to 4 themselves to unpleasant stimuli in an effort to satisfy curiosity. For one 5 each participant was shown a pile of pens that the researcher claimed were from a previous experiment. The twist?Half of the pens would 6 an electric shock when clicked.

Twenty-seven students were told which pens were electrified;another twenty-seven were told only that some were electrified 7 left alone in the room, the students who did not know which ones would shock them clicked more pens and incurred more shocks than the students who knew what would 8 .Subsequent experiments reproduced this effect with other stimuli, 9 the sound of fingernails on a chalkboard and photographs of disgusting insects.

The drive to 10 is deeply rooted in humans,much the same as the basic drives for 11 or shelter,says Christopher Hsee of the University of Chicago. Curiosity is often considered a good instinct-it can 12 new scientific advances, for instance-but sometimes such 13 can backfire.The insight that curiosity can drive you to do 14 things is a profound one.Unhealthy curiosity is possible to 15 ,however. In a final experiment,participants who were encouraged to 16 how they would feel after viewing an unpleasant picture were less likely to 17 to see such an image.These results suggest that imagining the 18 of following through on one's curiosity ahead of time can help determine 19 it is worth the endeavor. Thinking about long-term 20 is key to reducing the possible negative effects of curiosity."Hsee says.In other words,don't read online comments.

1. A.resolve
























7. A.Unless




8. A.happen




9. A.rather than

B.such as

C.regardless of

D.owing to

10. A.disagree

B. forgive



11. A.pay




12.A.begin with

B.rest on

C.learn from

D.lead to

13.A. withdrawal

B. inquiry

C .persistence




C. self-evident










17. A.remember




18. A.relief




19.A. whether




20. A.limitations




1. A



2. C

解析:本題考查動介詞搭配。根據原文語境,需要選擇一個動詞和後面的“to”連用。[A]拒絕做...[B]等待做...[C]尋求,力求做...[D]後悔做...結合文意“人們要___ 滿足他們的好奇心”來判斷,正選為[C]尋求,力求做。

3. D

解析:根據原文語境,“painful, uncertainty”均為消極詞彙。

4. C

解析: 固定搭配考查。根據原文語境,考查短語____ sb to sth 意為“讓某人承受某事”。


5. B

解析: 根據上文,第二段句首提到in a series of four experiments,說明是在“實驗”的語境。結合四個選項,[A]資訊[B]實驗[C]複習[D]觀念,只有B選項和段落語境相符合。因此為正選。

6. C

解析: 動賓搭配。結合語境,“當點擊的時候,一半的鋼筆會____電流。”根據動賓搭配,本題需要一個動詞來搭配電流,考查四個選項,[A]移除[B]削弱[C]傳遞[D]打擾 A選項更符合語境。

7. D



8. A

解析:動詞辨析。結合原文語境,由who 引導的定語從句修飾前面的學生,而在定語從句中,又出現由what引導的賓語從句。結合賓語從句的含義,“知道接下來會發生什麼”更符合語境。

9. B


10. D

解析:Discover 與上文中的Curiosity 相對應。

11 C

解析: 本詞與後文的Basic drives 的詳細說明。與shelter一樣都屬於人類的基本需求。

12 D

解析:破折號的內容是對前文instinct 的解釋。說明這種本能能夠促進新的科學發展,屬於因果關係。

13. B

解析:跟前文的drives 相對應。

14. A


15. A


16. A


17. B



解析:of 引導的後置定語。由一個人的好奇心所帶來的結果。


解析:whether 引導賓語從句。



Section Ⅱ Reading Comprehension

Part A


Read the following four texts. Answer the questions below each text by choosing A, B, C or D. Mark your answers on the ANSWER SHEET. (40 points)

Text 1

It is curious that Stephen Koziatek feels almost as though he has to justify his efforts to give his students a better future.

Mr.Koziatek is part of something pioneering. He is a teacher at a New Hampshire high school where learning is not something of books and tests and mechanical memorization, but practical. When did it become accepted wisdom that students should be able to name the 13th president of the United States but be utterly overwhelmed by a broken bike chain?

As Koziatek knows,there is learning in just about everything. Nothing is necessarily gained by forcing students to learn geometry at a graffitied desk stuck with generations of discarded chewing gum. They can also learn geometry by assembling a bicycle.

But he’s also found a kind of insidious prejudice. Working with your hands is seen as almost a mark of inferiority.Schools in the family of vocational education “have that stereotype..that it’s for kids who can’t make it academically,”he says.

On one hand,that viewpoint is a logical product of America’s evolution.Manufacturing is not the economic engine that it once was.The job security that the US economy once offered to high school graduates has largely evaporated.More education is the new principle.We want more for our kids,and rigitfully so.

But the headlong push into bachelor’s degrees for all -and the subtle devaluing of anything less-misses an important point:That’s not the only thing the American economy neds.Yes,a bachelor’s degree opens more doors.But even now,54 percent of the jobs in the country are middle-skill jobs,such as construction and high-skill manufacturing.But only 44 percent of workers are adequately trained.

In other words,at a time when the working class has turned the country on its political head,frustrated that the opportunity that once defined America is vanishing,one obvious solution is staring us in the face.There is a gap in working-class jobs,but the workers who need those jobs most aren’t equipped to do them.Koziatek’s Manchester School of Technology High School is trying to fill that gap.

Koziatek’s school is a wake-up call.When education becomes one-size-fits-all,it risks overlooking a nation’s diversiy of gifts.

21.A brokan bike chain is mentioned to show students’ lack of______.

A.mechanical memorization

B.academic training

C.practical ability

D.pioneering spirit

22.There existsthe prejudice that vocational education is for kids who______.

A.are financially disadvantaged

B.are not academically successful

C.have a stereotyped mind

D.have no career motivation

23.We can infer from Paragraph 5 that high school graduates______.

A.are entitled to more “ducational privileges

B.are reluctant to work in manufacturing

C.used to have more job opportunities

D.used to have big financial concerns

24.The headlong push into bacheloi’s degrees for all_____.

A.helps create a lot of middle-skill jobs

B.may narrow the gap in working-class jobs

C.is expected to yield a better-trained workforce

D.indicates the overvaluing of higher education

25.The author’s attitude toward Koziatek’s school can be described as_____.





21. 答案 C practical ability


Mr Koziatek是New Hampshire高中的一名老師,在這所學校,學習不只是書本上的知識,或者是為了考試,也不是為了機械化的記憶,而是為了實際的技能。能看出,作者認為學生們缺少的是實際技能,所以答案是C practical ability.

22. 答案 B are not academically successful

這是一道具體細節題,根據題幹關鍵字職業教育對孩子存在的偏見可定位至第四段最後一句,意思是“在很多職業化教育的學校中,有這樣一種老套的思想,那就是,職業教育是針對那些在學術上不能成功的那些孩子的。”根據這句話可確定答案就是B are not academically successful 。其他選項均不符合文意。

23.答案C used to have more job opportunities

這是一道細節推斷題,根據題幹第五段和high school graduates 回到原文定位致第五段第三句,說到美國經濟曾經提供給高中畢業生的那種the job security已經在很大程度上evaporated也就是消失了,那說明過去的時候高中畢業生是有職業安全感的,故選C,其他選項都不在定位處,可以排除。

24.答案D indicate the overvaluing of higher education

這是一道事實細節題,根據題幹內容“the headlong push”找到出處是第六段開頭But後,發現後面還有一個and...和其並列,所以主要關注對這兩部分的評價,後面有明顯的標點:冒號出現,冒號後說that is not the only thing the American economy needs. 可以看出這句話對前面的否定,選項中只有D選項動詞overvalue是負面詞,而且提到主題詞education。故選D。這道題最適合用感情☆禁☆色彩來排除與D相反的其他三個選項。

25.答案A supportive

這是一道態度題,放在最末的態度題更傾向於到最後一段找答案。通過定位詞Koziatek’s school 看到最後一段也確實提到了,說它是一個wake-up call。也就是在喚醒人們教育不應該是統一的形式,這樣會overlooking a nation’s diversity of gifts,也就是忽視人才的差異性。所以可以看出作者是支持的態度。


While fossil fuels- coal,oil,gas- still generate roughly 85 percent of theworld's energy supply,it'sclearer than ever that the future belongs to renewablesources such as wind and solar.The move to renewables is picking up momentumaround the world: They now account for more than half ofnew power sourcesgoing on line.

Some growth stems from a commitment bygovernments and farsighted Businssesto fundcleanerenergy sources.But increasinglythestoryisabout theplummeting prices of renewables,especially wind and solar.The cost of solarpanels has dropped by 80 percent and the cost of wind turbines by close taone-third in the past eight years.

In many parts of the world renewable energy is already a principal energy source.In Scotland,for example, wind turbines provide enough electricity to power 95 percent of homes. While the rest of the world takes the lead, notably China and Europe, the United States is also seeing a remarkable shift. In March,for the first time,wind and solar power accounted for more than 10 percent of the power generated in the US,reported the US Energy Information Administration.

President Trump has underlined fossil fuels - especially coal - as the path to economic growth. In a recent speech in Iowa, he dismissed wind power as an unreliable energy source, But that message did not play well with many in Iowa,where wind turbines dot the fields and provide 36 percent of the state's electricity generation - and where tech giants like Microsoft are being attracted by the availability of clean energy to power their data centers.

The question “what happens when the wind doesn't blow or the sun doesn'tshine?" has provided a quick put-down for skeptics. But a boost in the storage apacity of batteries is making their ability to keep power flowing around the clock more likely.

The advance is driven in par by vehicle manufacturers, who are placing big bets on battery-powered electric vehicles. Although electric cars are still a rarity on roads now. this massive investment could change the picture rapidly in coming years.

While there's a long way to go,the trend lines for renewables are spiking. The pace of change in energy sources appears to be speeding up perhaps: just in time to have a meaningful effect in slowing climate change.What Washington does-or doesn't do- to promote alternative energy may mean less and less a time of a global shift in thought.

26.The word "plummeting"(Line 3,Para.2)is closest in meaning to ______





27. According to Paragraph 3,the use of renewable energy in America ______

A. is progressing notably

B. is as extensive as in Europe

C. faces many challenges

D. has proved to be impractical

28. It can be learned that in Iowa,


A. wind is a widely used energy source

B. wind energy has replaced fossil fuels

C. tech giants are investing in clean energy

D. there is a shortage of clean energy supply

29. Which of the following is true about clean energy according to Paragraphs 5&6?A. Its application has boosted battery storage.B. It is commonly used in car manufacturing.C. Its continuous supply is becoming a reality.D. Its sustainable exploitation will remain difficult. 30. It can be inferred from the last paragraph that renewable energy _____.

A. will bring the US closer to other countries

B. will accelerate global environmental change

C. is not really encouraged by the US government

D. is not competitive enough with regard to its cost

30. It can be inferred from the last paragraph that renewable energy _____.

A. will bring the US closer to other countries

B. will accelerate global environmental change

C. is not really encouraged by the US government

D. is not competitive enough with regard to its cost

26.答案 C falling

這是一道詞義句意題,要想知道plummeting 的意思,首先要回到原文找線索,即plummeting所在的句子以及上下句,由原文可知,plummeting所在句子是在說現在例如風能和太陽能這樣的可再生資源的價格的問題,plummeting是修飾可再生資源的價格的,接著二段最後一句就在用具體數字來證明可再生資源的成本在下降,如太陽能成本下降了百分之八十,風能也降到三分之一,由此可知,可再生資源的成本在下降,plummeting的含義是下降的意思。所以選擇C falling。

27. 答案 A is progressing notably


28. 答案 A wind is a widely used energy source


29.答案 C its continuous supply is becoming a reality

這是一道是非細節題,根據題幹給出的段落位置,5-6兩段和主題詞clean energy,回到原文的第5-6段,這兩段都不長,第五段出現了But後講到電池容量的提升a boost in the storage,與A選項不符,並不是因果關係,故排除;B選項說道廣泛用在製造業也不符合原文第六段第一句;而D選項和原文第六段最後一句是語義相反的,故也排除;正確選項C是和這句話語義一致的,也是和全文主題一致的,故為正確答案。

30.答案C is not really encouraged by the US government

這是一道細節推斷題,題幹問“根據最後一段可以推斷出來可再生能源怎麼了”,回到原文最後一段第一句就表明儘管還有很長一段路要走,可再生能源發展的趨勢在增強。後面也提到改變的節奏在加快,對slowing氣候變化有meaningful effect,所以可以看出B選項accelerate...是不對的,D選項中提到的價格不具有競爭力不在本段當中,也應排除。剩下的兩個選項都提到了美國,就應該重點看最後一句,最後一句提到華盛頓政府做或不做什麼都may mean less and less...所以可以看出美國不應該是和其他國家更近,排除A,所以選C,美國不是真正支持可再生能源的。

Text 3

The power and ambition of the giants of the digital economy is astonishing —Amazon has just announced the purchase of the upmarket grocery chain Whole Foods for $13.5bn, but two years ago Facebook paid even more than that to acquire the WhatsApp messaging service, which doesn’t have any physical product at all. What WhatsApp offered Facebook was an intricate and finely detailed web of its users’ friendships and social lives.

Facebook promised the European commission then that it would not link phone numbers to Facebook identities, but it broke the promise almost as soon as the deal went through. Even without knowing what was in the messages, the knowledge of who sent them and to whom was enormously revealing and still could be. What political journalist, what party whip, would not want to know the makeup of the WhatsApp groups in which Theresa May’s enemies are currently plotting? It may be that the value of Whole Foods to Amazon is not so much the 460 shops ft owns, but the records of which customers have purchased what.

Competition law appears to be the only way to address these imbalances of power. But it is clumsy. For one thing, it is very slow compared to the pace of change within the digital economy. By the time a problem has been addressed and remedied it may have vanished in the marketplace, to be replaced by new abuses of power. But there is a deeper conceptual problem, too. Competition law as presently interpreted deals with financial disadvantage to consumers and this is not obvious when the users of these services don’t pay for them. The users of their services are not their customers. That would be the people who buy advertising from them — and Facebook and Google, the two virtual giants, dominate digital advertising to the disadvantage of all other media and entertainment companies.

The product they’re selling is data, and we, the users, convert our lives to data for the benefit of the digital giants. Just as some ants farm the bugs called aphids for the honeydew they produce whe

31.According to Paragraph1,Facebook acquired WhatsApp for its 。



C.physical assets

D.quality service

32.Linking phone numbers to Faccbook identities may

A.worsen political disputes

B.mess up customer records

C.pose a risk to Facebook users

D.mislead the European commission

33.According to the author,competition law

A.should serve the new market powers

B.may worsen the economic imbalancens

C.should not provide just one legal solution

D.cannot keep pace with the changing market

34.Competition law as presently interpreted can hardly protect Facebook nsers


A.they are no defined as customers

B.they are not financially reliable

C.these rvices aregenerally digital

D.the services are paid for by advertisers

35.The ants analogy is used to llustrate

A.a win-win business model between digital giants

B.a typical competition pattem among digital giants

C.the benefits provided for digital giants' customers

D.the relationship between digital giants and their users

31. 答案 [B]user information


32. 答案[C]pose a risk to Facebook users

解析:細節題。根據題幹關鍵字linking the phone number定位第二段第一句。該句提到Facebook向歐洲委員會承諾不會把使用者的電話號與Facebook的身份認證連系到一起,但是協議通過之後Facebook立馬失信。接下來提到“甚至都不清楚資訊裡面都有什麼,也不知誰發的消息,發送的目的又是什麼”。因此,可能會給用戶造成風險。因此C項符合文意。

33. 答案 [D]cannot keep pace with the changing market

解析:細節題。根據題幹關鍵字competition law 定位到第三段第一句。該句指出“競爭法似乎成為解決這些不平等權力的唯一辦法,但是此法案太過笨拙”。下一句提到“一方面,相比於資料經濟變化的速度,此法案發展是非常緩慢的”。由此可知,該法案跟不上當前市場變化的步伐。因此D項為正確答案。

34. 答案[D]the services are paid for by advertisers.

解析:根據題目中的because 可確定為因果細節題。題幹中的資訊出現在第三段後半部分,是題目中的原詞 competition law as presently interpreted,而原因在其後面的句子。下文寫到,the users of their services are not,讀到這裡的not,一定要找而是誰。繼續讀下一句,That would be the people who buy advertising from them…,與選項對應,可得出[D]the services are paid for by advertisers。

35. 答案[D]the relationship between digital giants and their users.

解析:根據題目中is used to illustrate可判斷為例證題,要找到the ants analogy論據所證明的論點;論點在論據之前,因此先找到論據the ants analogy,再找到論據前的論點句。所以本題定位到最後一段的第一句,The product …is data,and we…convert our lives to data…。此句中,data即digital giants,we 即 users。因此答案為[D]the relationship between digital giants and their users.


To combat the trap of putting a premium on being busy, Cal Newport,author of Deep Work: Rules for Focused Success in a Distracted World,recommends building a habit of “deep work” - the ability to fucus without distraction.

There are a number of approaches to mastering the art of deep work - be it lengthy retreats dedicated to a specific task; devel oping a daily ritual;or taking a “journalistic” approach to seizing moments of deep work when you can throughout the day. Whichever approach,the key is to determine your length of focus time and stick to it.

Newport also recommends “deep scheduling” to combat constant interruptions and get more done in less time. “At any given point, I should have deep work scheduled for roughly the next month.Once on the calendar, I protect this time like I would a doctor’s appointment or important meeting,” he writes.

Another approach to getting more done in less time is to rethink how you prioritise your day-in particular how we craft our to-do lists.Tim Harford, author of Messy: The Power of Disorder to Transform Our Lives, points to a study in the early 1980s that divided undergraduates into two groups: some were advised to set out monthly goals and study activities; others were told to plan activities and goals in much more detail, day by day.

While the researchers assumed that the well-structured daily plans would be most effective when it come to the execution of tasks, they were wrong: the detailed daily plans demotivated students. Harford argues that inevitable distractions often render the daily to-do list ineffective,while leaving room for improvisation in such a list can reap the best results.

In order to make the most of our focus and energy, we also need to embrace downtime, or as Newport suggests, “be lazy.”

“Idleness is not just a vacation, an indulgence or a vice; it is as indispensable to the brain as vitamin D is to the body...[idleness] is ,paradoxically, necessary to getting any work done,” he argues.

Srini Pillay, an assistant professor of psychiatry at Harvard Medical School, believes this counterintuitive link between downtime and productivity may be due to the way our brains operate. When our brains switch between being focused and unfocused on a task, they tend to be more efficient.

“What people don’t realise is that in order to complete these tasks they need to use both the focus and unfocus circuits in their brain,” says Pillay.


36. The key to mastering the art of deep work is to______

A. seize every minute to work

B. list you immediate tasks

C. make specific daily plans

D. Keep to your focus time

37. The study in the early 1980s cited by Harford shows that

A. students are hardly motivated by monthly goals

B. detailed plans may not be as fruitful as expected

C. distractions may actually increase efficiency

D. daily schedules arc indispensable to studying

38. According to Newport, idleness is __________-

A. a desirable mental state for busy people

B. a major contributor to physical health

C. an effective way to save time and energy

0. an essential factor in accomplishing any work

39. Pillay believes that our brain’s shift between being focused and infocused ______

A. can bring about greater efficiency

B. can result in psychological well-being

C. is driven by task urgency

D. is aimed at better balance in work

40. This text is mainly about_____

A. approaches to getting more done in less time

B. Ways to relieve the tension of busy life

C. The key to eliminating distractions

D. The cause of the lack of focus time

36. 答案[D]keep to your focus time

解析:細節題。根據題幹的mastering the art of deep work定位到第二段首句。該句指出“有很多種掌握深度工作的方法-不論是專注于指定工作時長時間的後退,或者養成慣例,還是當你一天有閒暇之余採用紀實的方式捕捉深度工作的瞬間”。接著提到“不論是那種方式,關鍵在於確定你的專注力時間長度並保持專注”。由此可知,D項為正確答案。

37. 答案[B]detailed plans may not be as fruitful as expected


38. 答案[D]an essential factor in accomplishing any work.

解析:根據題目Newport得出本題目為細節題中的文中人物觀點題。根據題幹中的idleness可定位到倒數第三段,idleness is not,讀到這裡依然需要看下文,下面提到it is as…as…,is necessary to getting any work done。再對應選項,可直接選出[D]an essential factor in accomplishing any work。

39. 答案[A]can bring about greater efficiency.

解析:根據題目中的Pillay believes 可得出本題目為細節題中的文中人物觀點題型。根據題目中的資訊,可以定位到倒數第二段最後一句,明確指出they tend to be more efficient。然後對應選項得出[A]can bring about greater efficiency。

40. 答案[A]approaches to getting more done in less time.

解析:根據題目的mainly about可知為文章主旨題,首先可以通過題目的複現內容找與文章主旨有關的詞彙,題目中反復出現了focus內容,可判斷與人們的注意力有。其次,文章主旨一般在開篇第一段或第二段會出現,第一段引用Cal Newport的觀點指出focus without distraction話題,第二段就提到了主題approaches to mastering thd art of deep work,此刻主題已明確,並且第四段有明顯的證明another approach。所以本題選[A]approaches to getting more done in less time。

Part B


Read the following text and answer the questions by choosing the most suitable subheading from the list A-G for each of the numbered paragraphs(41-45).There are two extra subheadings which you do not need to use. Mark your answers on the ANSWER SHEET.

A. Be present

B. Just say it

C. Ask for an opinion

D. Find the"me too"s

E. Name,places,things

F. skip the small talk

G. Pay a unique compliment

Five ways to make conversation with anyone

Conversations are links,which means when you have a conversation with a new person a link gets formed and every conversation you have after that moment will strengthen the link.

You meet new people every day:the grocery worker,the cab driver,new people at work or the security guard at the door.Simply starting a conversation with them will form a link.

Here are five simple ways that you can make the fit move and start a conversation with strangers.


Suppose you are in a room with someone you don’t know and something within you says “I want to talk with this person”-this is something that mostly happens with all of us.You wanted to say something-the first word-but it just won’t come out,it feels like it is stuck somewhere.l know the feeling and here is my advice:just get it out.

Just think:what is the worst that could happen?They won’t talk with you?Well,they are not talking withing with you now!

I truly believe that once you get that first word out everything will just flow.

I truly believe that once you get that first word out everything else will just flow.So keep it simple"hi","hey"or"hello"-do the best you can to gather all of the enthusiasm and energy you can,put on a big smile and sey"hi".

42. _________________________________

It’s a problem all of us face; you have limited time with the person that you want to talk with and you want to make this talk memorable.

Honestly,if we got stuck in the rut of “h”,”hello”,” how are your”and “what’s going on?”,you will fail to give the initial jolt to the conversation that can make it so memorable.

So don’t be afraid to ask more personal questions.Twst me,you’ll be surprised to see how much people are willing to share if you just ask.

43. ________________________________

When you meet a person for the first time,make an effort to find the things which you and that person have in common so that you can build the conversation from that point.When you start conversation from there and then move outwards,you’ll find all of a sudden that the conversation becomes a lot easier.

44. _____________________________

Imagine you are pouring your heart out to someone and they are just busy on their phone,and if you ask for their attention you get the response “I can multitask”.

So when someone tries to communicate with you,just be in that communication wholeheartedly.Make eye contact.Trust me,eye contact is where all the magic happens.When you make eye contact,you can feel the conversation.

45. _____________________

You all came into a conversation where you first met the person,but after some time you may have met again and have forgotten their name.Isn’t that awkward! So,remember the little details of the people you met or you talked with; perhaps the places they have been to.the places they want to go,the things they like.the things they hate-whatever you talk about.

Vhen you remember such things you can automatically become investor in their well being.So they feel a responsibility to you to keep that relationship going.

That’s it.Five amazing ways that you can make conversation with almost anyone.Every person is a really good book to read ,or to have a conversation with!

41.選B。該小標題需要涵蓋三段內容。第一段開始說到你想跟陌生人說話,但是“it just won’t come out”,提到說話說不出來,隨後直接出現我的建議“My advice:just get it out“,即去說。所以選B:Just say it去說

42,選F。該小標題下第一段第一句話就說了你時間有限“you have limited time”,然後說到如果陷到寒暄當中“hi,hello,how are you, what is going on”會讓對話沒法令人印象深刻。下一段“So”表明結論,去問更多個人問題“personal questions”,所以選F:Skip the small talk跳過寒暄

43.選D。第一句話就說到了第一次交談要找到共同點“have in common”,從這個共同點“that point”來開展對話“build the conversation”,所以選D:find the “me too”s找到共同點

44.選G。第一段先舉例,說你跟人講心事時,別人分心幹別的。然後下一段“So”表明結論,人家跟跟你溝通,你要全心投入“wholeheartedly”。所以選G:Pay a unique complement專注


Section III Translation


Translate the following text from English into Chinese. Write your translation on ANSWER SHEET. (15 points)

A fifth grader gets a homework assignment to select his future career path from a list of occupations. He ticks “astronaut” but quickly adds “scientist” to the list and selects it as well. The boy is convinced that if he reads enough, he can explore as many career paths as he likes. And so he reads—everything from encyclopedias to science fiction novels. He reads so passionately that his parents have to institute a “no reading policy” at the dinner table.

That boy was Bill Gates, and he hasn’t stopped reading yet—not even after becoming one of the most succe ssful people on the planet. Nowadays, his reading material has changed from science fiction and reference books: recently, he revealed that he reads at least 50 nonfiction books a year. Gates chooses nonfiction titles because they explain how the world works. “Each book opens up new avenues of knowledge to explore”, Gates says.




Section IV Writing

Part A



Suppose you have to cancel your travel plan and will not be able to visit Professor Smith. Write him an email to

1) Apologize and explain the situation, and

2) Suggest a future meeting

You should write neatly on the ANWSER SHEET.

Do not sign you own name at the end of the letter, use “Li Ming ” instead.

Do not write the address .(10 points)

Dear Prof.Smith,

I am sorry to tell you that I have to cancel my travel plan to your city for some reasons,thus I am afraid that I couldn't visit you according to the due course.So I am writing for the purpose of extending my sincere apology to you.

Actually, I miss you very much, but I received a notice suddenly that I have to attend an exam if I would love to apply for an opportunity for further study abroad.Nevertheless I haven't prepared for it very well Hence I have to spend more time and energy on it.

Please accept my heartfelt apology again! I am really sorry for any inconvenience I caused. And I am honorable to ask if I could make an another appointment with you.I am looking forward to your response at your earliest convenience. Regards !

Yours faithfully,

Li Ming

Part B

48. Directions:

Write an essay based on the chart below. In your writing, you should

1) interpret the chart, and

2) give your comments.

You should write about 150 words on the ANSWER SHEET.(15 points)

The pie chart above evidently illustrates various target elements in terms of consumers’ choosing restaurants in a certain city in 2017. To be specific. distinguishing feature took a lion’s share, accounting for approximately 36.3%. While service and surroundings made up around 26.8% and 24.2% respectively. However, the least proportions were price and other factors, occupying roughly 8% and 4.7%.

What triggers this phenomenon? Maybe at least two reasons can be identified to contribute to this matter. But the most important is that along with the development of economy, people’s living standards have been improved remarkably, as a consequence of which, an increasing amount of individuals focus on superior service and favorable surroundings when they choose restaurants rather than price. Simultaneously, there is another essential factor that after resolving the issue of food and clothing, quite a few consumers’ food conception has transfromed dramatically, to the extent that they increasingly pursue spiritual consumption, which should be also taken into account.

Based on what has been discussed above: a conclusion can be drawn safely that more up-scale food services will be prevailing in modern food market. And it is predictable that those restuarants with favorable service: distinctive features and excelent circumstances will be beloved by more customers in some years ahead. However, it is advisable for the public to consume rationally, avoiding extravagance and waste.

職業教育是針對那些在學術上不能成功的那些孩子的。”根據這句話可確定答案就是B are not academically successful 。其他選項均不符合文意。

23.答案C used to have more job opportunities

這是一道細節推斷題,根據題幹第五段和high school graduates 回到原文定位致第五段第三句,說到美國經濟曾經提供給高中畢業生的那種the job security已經在很大程度上evaporated也就是消失了,那說明過去的時候高中畢業生是有職業安全感的,故選C,其他選項都不在定位處,可以排除。

24.答案D indicate the overvaluing of higher education

這是一道事實細節題,根據題幹內容“the headlong push”找到出處是第六段開頭But後,發現後面還有一個and...和其並列,所以主要關注對這兩部分的評價,後面有明顯的標點:冒號出現,冒號後說that is not the only thing the American economy needs. 可以看出這句話對前面的否定,選項中只有D選項動詞overvalue是負面詞,而且提到主題詞education。故選D。這道題最適合用感情☆禁☆色彩來排除與D相反的其他三個選項。

25.答案A supportive

這是一道態度題,放在最末的態度題更傾向於到最後一段找答案。通過定位詞Koziatek’s school 看到最後一段也確實提到了,說它是一個wake-up call。也就是在喚醒人們教育不應該是統一的形式,這樣會overlooking a nation’s diversity of gifts,也就是忽視人才的差異性。所以可以看出作者是支持的態度。


While fossil fuels- coal,oil,gas- still generate roughly 85 percent of theworld's energy supply,it'sclearer than ever that the future belongs to renewablesources such as wind and solar.The move to renewables is picking up momentumaround the world: They now account for more than half ofnew power sourcesgoing on line.

Some growth stems from a commitment bygovernments and farsighted Businssesto fundcleanerenergy sources.But increasinglythestoryisabout theplummeting prices of renewables,especially wind and solar.The cost of solarpanels has dropped by 80 percent and the cost of wind turbines by close taone-third in the past eight years.

In many parts of the world renewable energy is already a principal energy source.In Scotland,for example, wind turbines provide enough electricity to power 95 percent of homes. While the rest of the world takes the lead, notably China and Europe, the United States is also seeing a remarkable shift. In March,for the first time,wind and solar power accounted for more than 10 percent of the power generated in the US,reported the US Energy Information Administration.

President Trump has underlined fossil fuels - especially coal - as the path to economic growth. In a recent speech in Iowa, he dismissed wind power as an unreliable energy source, But that message did not play well with many in Iowa,where wind turbines dot the fields and provide 36 percent of the state's electricity generation - and where tech giants like Microsoft are being attracted by the availability of clean energy to power their data centers.

The question “what happens when the wind doesn't blow or the sun doesn'tshine?" has provided a quick put-down for skeptics. But a boost in the storage apacity of batteries is making their ability to keep power flowing around the clock more likely.

The advance is driven in par by vehicle manufacturers, who are placing big bets on battery-powered electric vehicles. Although electric cars are still a rarity on roads now. this massive investment could change the picture rapidly in coming years.

While there's a long way to go,the trend lines for renewables are spiking. The pace of change in energy sources appears to be speeding up perhaps: just in time to have a meaningful effect in slowing climate change.What Washington does-or doesn't do- to promote alternative energy may mean less and less a time of a global shift in thought.

26.The word "plummeting"(Line 3,Para.2)is closest in meaning to ______





27. According to Paragraph 3,the use of renewable energy in America ______

A. is progressing notably

B. is as extensive as in Europe

C. faces many challenges

D. has proved to be impractical

28. It can be learned that in Iowa,


A. wind is a widely used energy source

B. wind energy has replaced fossil fuels

C. tech giants are investing in clean energy

D. there is a shortage of clean energy supply

29. Which of the following is true about clean energy according to Paragraphs 5&6?A. Its application has boosted battery storage.B. It is commonly used in car manufacturing.C. Its continuous supply is becoming a reality.D. Its sustainable exploitation will remain difficult. 30. It can be inferred from the last paragraph that renewable energy _____.

A. will bring the US closer to other countries

B. will accelerate global environmental change

C. is not really encouraged by the US government

D. is not competitive enough with regard to its cost

30. It can be inferred from the last paragraph that renewable energy _____.

A. will bring the US closer to other countries

B. will accelerate global environmental change

C. is not really encouraged by the US government

D. is not competitive enough with regard to its cost

26.答案 C falling

這是一道詞義句意題,要想知道plummeting 的意思,首先要回到原文找線索,即plummeting所在的句子以及上下句,由原文可知,plummeting所在句子是在說現在例如風能和太陽能這樣的可再生資源的價格的問題,plummeting是修飾可再生資源的價格的,接著二段最後一句就在用具體數字來證明可再生資源的成本在下降,如太陽能成本下降了百分之八十,風能也降到三分之一,由此可知,可再生資源的成本在下降,plummeting的含義是下降的意思。所以選擇C falling。

27. 答案 A is progressing notably


28. 答案 A wind is a widely used energy source


29.答案 C its continuous supply is becoming a reality

這是一道是非細節題,根據題幹給出的段落位置,5-6兩段和主題詞clean energy,回到原文的第5-6段,這兩段都不長,第五段出現了But後講到電池容量的提升a boost in the storage,與A選項不符,並不是因果關係,故排除;B選項說道廣泛用在製造業也不符合原文第六段第一句;而D選項和原文第六段最後一句是語義相反的,故也排除;正確選項C是和這句話語義一致的,也是和全文主題一致的,故為正確答案。

30.答案C is not really encouraged by the US government

這是一道細節推斷題,題幹問“根據最後一段可以推斷出來可再生能源怎麼了”,回到原文最後一段第一句就表明儘管還有很長一段路要走,可再生能源發展的趨勢在增強。後面也提到改變的節奏在加快,對slowing氣候變化有meaningful effect,所以可以看出B選項accelerate...是不對的,D選項中提到的價格不具有競爭力不在本段當中,也應排除。剩下的兩個選項都提到了美國,就應該重點看最後一句,最後一句提到華盛頓政府做或不做什麼都may mean less and less...所以可以看出美國不應該是和其他國家更近,排除A,所以選C,美國不是真正支持可再生能源的。

Text 3

The power and ambition of the giants of the digital economy is astonishing —Amazon has just announced the purchase of the upmarket grocery chain Whole Foods for $13.5bn, but two years ago Facebook paid even more than that to acquire the WhatsApp messaging service, which doesn’t have any physical product at all. What WhatsApp offered Facebook was an intricate and finely detailed web of its users’ friendships and social lives.

Facebook promised the European commission then that it would not link phone numbers to Facebook identities, but it broke the promise almost as soon as the deal went through. Even without knowing what was in the messages, the knowledge of who sent them and to whom was enormously revealing and still could be. What political journalist, what party whip, would not want to know the makeup of the WhatsApp groups in which Theresa May’s enemies are currently plotting? It may be that the value of Whole Foods to Amazon is not so much the 460 shops ft owns, but the records of which customers have purchased what.

Competition law appears to be the only way to address these imbalances of power. But it is clumsy. For one thing, it is very slow compared to the pace of change within the digital economy. By the time a problem has been addressed and remedied it may have vanished in the marketplace, to be replaced by new abuses of power. But there is a deeper conceptual problem, too. Competition law as presently interpreted deals with financial disadvantage to consumers and this is not obvious when the users of these services don’t pay for them. The users of their services are not their customers. That would be the people who buy advertising from them — and Facebook and Google, the two virtual giants, dominate digital advertising to the disadvantage of all other media and entertainment companies.

The product they’re selling is data, and we, the users, convert our lives to data for the benefit of the digital giants. Just as some ants farm the bugs called aphids for the honeydew they produce whe

31.According to Paragraph1,Facebook acquired WhatsApp for its 。



C.physical assets

D.quality service

32.Linking phone numbers to Faccbook identities may

A.worsen political disputes

B.mess up customer records

C.pose a risk to Facebook users

D.mislead the European commission

33.According to the author,competition law

A.should serve the new market powers

B.may worsen the economic imbalancens

C.should not provide just one legal solution

D.cannot keep pace with the changing market

34.Competition law as presently interpreted can hardly protect Facebook nsers


A.they are no defined as customers

B.they are not financially reliable

C.these rvices aregenerally digital

D.the services are paid for by advertisers

35.The ants analogy is used to llustrate

A.a win-win business model between digital giants

B.a typical competition pattem among digital giants

C.the benefits provided for digital giants' customers

D.the relationship between digital giants and their users

31. 答案 [B]user information


32. 答案[C]pose a risk to Facebook users

解析:細節題。根據題幹關鍵字linking the phone number定位第二段第一句。該句提到Facebook向歐洲委員會承諾不會把使用者的電話號與Facebook的身份認證連系到一起,但是協議通過之後Facebook立馬失信。接下來提到“甚至都不清楚資訊裡面都有什麼,也不知誰發的消息,發送的目的又是什麼”。因此,可能會給用戶造成風險。因此C項符合文意。

33. 答案 [D]cannot keep pace with the changing market

解析:細節題。根據題幹關鍵字competition law 定位到第三段第一句。該句指出“競爭法似乎成為解決這些不平等權力的唯一辦法,但是此法案太過笨拙”。下一句提到“一方面,相比於資料經濟變化的速度,此法案發展是非常緩慢的”。由此可知,該法案跟不上當前市場變化的步伐。因此D項為正確答案。

34. 答案[D]the services are paid for by advertisers.

解析:根據題目中的because 可確定為因果細節題。題幹中的資訊出現在第三段後半部分,是題目中的原詞 competition law as presently interpreted,而原因在其後面的句子。下文寫到,the users of their services are not,讀到這裡的not,一定要找而是誰。繼續讀下一句,That would be the people who buy advertising from them…,與選項對應,可得出[D]the services are paid for by advertisers。

35. 答案[D]the relationship between digital giants and their users.

解析:根據題目中is used to illustrate可判斷為例證題,要找到the ants analogy論據所證明的論點;論點在論據之前,因此先找到論據the ants analogy,再找到論據前的論點句。所以本題定位到最後一段的第一句,The product …is data,and we…convert our lives to data…。此句中,data即digital giants,we 即 users。因此答案為[D]the relationship between digital giants and their users.


To combat the trap of putting a premium on being busy, Cal Newport,author of Deep Work: Rules for Focused Success in a Distracted World,recommends building a habit of “deep work” - the ability to fucus without distraction.

There are a number of approaches to mastering the art of deep work - be it lengthy retreats dedicated to a specific task; devel oping a daily ritual;or taking a “journalistic” approach to seizing moments of deep work when you can throughout the day. Whichever approach,the key is to determine your length of focus time and stick to it.

Newport also recommends “deep scheduling” to combat constant interruptions and get more done in less time. “At any given point, I should have deep work scheduled for roughly the next month.Once on the calendar, I protect this time like I would a doctor’s appointment or important meeting,” he writes.

Another approach to getting more done in less time is to rethink how you prioritise your day-in particular how we craft our to-do lists.Tim Harford, author of Messy: The Power of Disorder to Transform Our Lives, points to a study in the early 1980s that divided undergraduates into two groups: some were advised to set out monthly goals and study activities; others were told to plan activities and goals in much more detail, day by day.

While the researchers assumed that the well-structured daily plans would be most effective when it come to the execution of tasks, they were wrong: the detailed daily plans demotivated students. Harford argues that inevitable distractions often render the daily to-do list ineffective,while leaving room for improvisation in such a list can reap the best results.

In order to make the most of our focus and energy, we also need to embrace downtime, or as Newport suggests, “be lazy.”

“Idleness is not just a vacation, an indulgence or a vice; it is as indispensable to the brain as vitamin D is to the body...[idleness] is ,paradoxically, necessary to getting any work done,” he argues.

Srini Pillay, an assistant professor of psychiatry at Harvard Medical School, believes this counterintuitive link between downtime and productivity may be due to the way our brains operate. When our brains switch between being focused and unfocused on a task, they tend to be more efficient.

“What people don’t realise is that in order to complete these tasks they need to use both the focus and unfocus circuits in their brain,” says Pillay.


36. The key to mastering the art of deep work is to______

A. seize every minute to work

B. list you immediate tasks

C. make specific daily plans

D. Keep to your focus time

37. The study in the early 1980s cited by Harford shows that

A. students are hardly motivated by monthly goals

B. detailed plans may not be as fruitful as expected

C. distractions may actually increase efficiency

D. daily schedules arc indispensable to studying

38. According to Newport, idleness is __________-

A. a desirable mental state for busy people

B. a major contributor to physical health

C. an effective way to save time and energy

0. an essential factor in accomplishing any work

39. Pillay believes that our brain’s shift between being focused and infocused ______

A. can bring about greater efficiency

B. can result in psychological well-being

C. is driven by task urgency

D. is aimed at better balance in work

40. This text is mainly about_____

A. approaches to getting more done in less time

B. Ways to relieve the tension of busy life

C. The key to eliminating distractions

D. The cause of the lack of focus time

36. 答案[D]keep to your focus time

解析:細節題。根據題幹的mastering the art of deep work定位到第二段首句。該句指出“有很多種掌握深度工作的方法-不論是專注于指定工作時長時間的後退,或者養成慣例,還是當你一天有閒暇之余採用紀實的方式捕捉深度工作的瞬間”。接著提到“不論是那種方式,關鍵在於確定你的專注力時間長度並保持專注”。由此可知,D項為正確答案。

37. 答案[B]detailed plans may not be as fruitful as expected


38. 答案[D]an essential factor in accomplishing any work.

解析:根據題目Newport得出本題目為細節題中的文中人物觀點題。根據題幹中的idleness可定位到倒數第三段,idleness is not,讀到這裡依然需要看下文,下面提到it is as…as…,is necessary to getting any work done。再對應選項,可直接選出[D]an essential factor in accomplishing any work。

39. 答案[A]can bring about greater efficiency.

解析:根據題目中的Pillay believes 可得出本題目為細節題中的文中人物觀點題型。根據題目中的資訊,可以定位到倒數第二段最後一句,明確指出they tend to be more efficient。然後對應選項得出[A]can bring about greater efficiency。

40. 答案[A]approaches to getting more done in less time.

解析:根據題目的mainly about可知為文章主旨題,首先可以通過題目的複現內容找與文章主旨有關的詞彙,題目中反復出現了focus內容,可判斷與人們的注意力有。其次,文章主旨一般在開篇第一段或第二段會出現,第一段引用Cal Newport的觀點指出focus without distraction話題,第二段就提到了主題approaches to mastering thd art of deep work,此刻主題已明確,並且第四段有明顯的證明another approach。所以本題選[A]approaches to getting more done in less time。

Part B


Read the following text and answer the questions by choosing the most suitable subheading from the list A-G for each of the numbered paragraphs(41-45).There are two extra subheadings which you do not need to use. Mark your answers on the ANSWER SHEET.

A. Be present

B. Just say it

C. Ask for an opinion

D. Find the"me too"s

E. Name,places,things

F. skip the small talk

G. Pay a unique compliment

Five ways to make conversation with anyone

Conversations are links,which means when you have a conversation with a new person a link gets formed and every conversation you have after that moment will strengthen the link.

You meet new people every day:the grocery worker,the cab driver,new people at work or the security guard at the door.Simply starting a conversation with them will form a link.

Here are five simple ways that you can make the fit move and start a conversation with strangers.


Suppose you are in a room with someone you don’t know and something within you says “I want to talk with this person”-this is something that mostly happens with all of us.You wanted to say something-the first word-but it just won’t come out,it feels like it is stuck somewhere.l know the feeling and here is my advice:just get it out.

Just think:what is the worst that could happen?They won’t talk with you?Well,they are not talking withing with you now!

I truly believe that once you get that first word out everything will just flow.

I truly believe that once you get that first word out everything else will just flow.So keep it simple"hi","hey"or"hello"-do the best you can to gather all of the enthusiasm and energy you can,put on a big smile and sey"hi".

42. _________________________________

It’s a problem all of us face; you have limited time with the person that you want to talk with and you want to make this talk memorable.

Honestly,if we got stuck in the rut of “h”,”hello”,” how are your”and “what’s going on?”,you will fail to give the initial jolt to the conversation that can make it so memorable.

So don’t be afraid to ask more personal questions.Twst me,you’ll be surprised to see how much people are willing to share if you just ask.

43. ________________________________

When you meet a person for the first time,make an effort to find the things which you and that person have in common so that you can build the conversation from that point.When you start conversation from there and then move outwards,you’ll find all of a sudden that the conversation becomes a lot easier.

44. _____________________________

Imagine you are pouring your heart out to someone and they are just busy on their phone,and if you ask for their attention you get the response “I can multitask”.

So when someone tries to communicate with you,just be in that communication wholeheartedly.Make eye contact.Trust me,eye contact is where all the magic happens.When you make eye contact,you can feel the conversation.

45. _____________________

You all came into a conversation where you first met the person,but after some time you may have met again and have forgotten their name.Isn’t that awkward! So,remember the little details of the people you met or you talked with; perhaps the places they have been to.the places they want to go,the things they like.the things they hate-whatever you talk about.

Vhen you remember such things you can automatically become investor in their well being.So they feel a responsibility to you to keep that relationship going.

That’s it.Five amazing ways that you can make conversation with almost anyone.Every person is a really good book to read ,or to have a conversation with!

41.選B。該小標題需要涵蓋三段內容。第一段開始說到你想跟陌生人說話,但是“it just won’t come out”,提到說話說不出來,隨後直接出現我的建議“My advice:just get it out“,即去說。所以選B:Just say it去說

42,選F。該小標題下第一段第一句話就說了你時間有限“you have limited time”,然後說到如果陷到寒暄當中“hi,hello,how are you, what is going on”會讓對話沒法令人印象深刻。下一段“So”表明結論,去問更多個人問題“personal questions”,所以選F:Skip the small talk跳過寒暄

43.選D。第一句話就說到了第一次交談要找到共同點“have in common”,從這個共同點“that point”來開展對話“build the conversation”,所以選D:find the “me too”s找到共同點

44.選G。第一段先舉例,說你跟人講心事時,別人分心幹別的。然後下一段“So”表明結論,人家跟跟你溝通,你要全心投入“wholeheartedly”。所以選G:Pay a unique complement專注


Section III Translation


Translate the following text from English into Chinese. Write your translation on ANSWER SHEET. (15 points)

A fifth grader gets a homework assignment to select his future career path from a list of occupations. He ticks “astronaut” but quickly adds “scientist” to the list and selects it as well. The boy is convinced that if he reads enough, he can explore as many career paths as he likes. And so he reads—everything from encyclopedias to science fiction novels. He reads so passionately that his parents have to institute a “no reading policy” at the dinner table.

That boy was Bill Gates, and he hasn’t stopped reading yet—not even after becoming one of the most succe ssful people on the planet. Nowadays, his reading material has changed from science fiction and reference books: recently, he revealed that he reads at least 50 nonfiction books a year. Gates chooses nonfiction titles because they explain how the world works. “Each book opens up new avenues of knowledge to explore”, Gates says.




Section IV Writing

Part A



Suppose you have to cancel your travel plan and will not be able to visit Professor Smith. Write him an email to

1) Apologize and explain the situation, and

2) Suggest a future meeting

You should write neatly on the ANWSER SHEET.

Do not sign you own name at the end of the letter, use “Li Ming ” instead.

Do not write the address .(10 points)

Dear Prof.Smith,

I am sorry to tell you that I have to cancel my travel plan to your city for some reasons,thus I am afraid that I couldn't visit you according to the due course.So I am writing for the purpose of extending my sincere apology to you.

Actually, I miss you very much, but I received a notice suddenly that I have to attend an exam if I would love to apply for an opportunity for further study abroad.Nevertheless I haven't prepared for it very well Hence I have to spend more time and energy on it.

Please accept my heartfelt apology again! I am really sorry for any inconvenience I caused. And I am honorable to ask if I could make an another appointment with you.I am looking forward to your response at your earliest convenience. Regards !

Yours faithfully,

Li Ming

Part B

48. Directions:

Write an essay based on the chart below. In your writing, you should

1) interpret the chart, and

2) give your comments.

You should write about 150 words on the ANSWER SHEET.(15 points)

The pie chart above evidently illustrates various target elements in terms of consumers’ choosing restaurants in a certain city in 2017. To be specific. distinguishing feature took a lion’s share, accounting for approximately 36.3%. While service and surroundings made up around 26.8% and 24.2% respectively. However, the least proportions were price and other factors, occupying roughly 8% and 4.7%.

What triggers this phenomenon? Maybe at least two reasons can be identified to contribute to this matter. But the most important is that along with the development of economy, people’s living standards have been improved remarkably, as a consequence of which, an increasing amount of individuals focus on superior service and favorable surroundings when they choose restaurants rather than price. Simultaneously, there is another essential factor that after resolving the issue of food and clothing, quite a few consumers’ food conception has transfromed dramatically, to the extent that they increasingly pursue spiritual consumption, which should be also taken into account.

Based on what has been discussed above: a conclusion can be drawn safely that more up-scale food services will be prevailing in modern food market. And it is predictable that those restuarants with favorable service: distinctive features and excelent circumstances will be beloved by more customers in some years ahead. However, it is advisable for the public to consume rationally, avoiding extravagance and waste.