
BBC每日聽讀 | 一艘伊朗油輪與一艘香港貨輪在東海相撞

BBC News with Fiona Mike Donald.

North Korea says it will send a delegation to next month's winter Olympics in South Korea. The offer came during the first talks in two years between the two Koreas. The South has suggested that the two teams march together at the opening of the ceremony. It's also proposed meetings of families divided by the Korean war. There are some hopes that Seoul would lead to a period of stability after a month of heightened tensions.

The White House's declaring its comment on the report saying that its lawyers are being investigated by the special council Robert Muller. He is leading the investigation of alleged Russian interference in US elections. The reports say there are plans for Mr Muller to interview president Trump.

The head of US chip maker Intel says the collaboration by the tech industry limited the impact of a recently discovered security flaw.

The Syrian military says Israel has launched a series of strikes on targets close to Damascus. It says both Israeli warplanes and missiles were deployed. Syrian rebel's CNR's deport's targeted.

China has sent clean-up ships to the location in the East China Sea where an Iranian oil tank is still burning three days after it collided with a Hong Kong registered cargo ship. The tank was carrying about a million barrelsofcompensate. One body has been found, but more than 30 of the Iranian and Bangladeshi crew remain missing.

The Philippine said it would fire a diplomatic protest if it can prove that China has broken a promise not to militarize an artificial island in the South China Sea. The comments came after Chinese television broadcast footage of a reclaimed islands which seem to have been transferred into an airbase.

And Japan said it won't accept South Korean request for additional assistance to help so-called comfort women, Koreans who were forced to work in Japanese military brothelsduring the second World War.

BBC News.



❂ barrel


vt. 把……裝入桶內

n. 桶;槍管,炮管

vi. 快速移動

❂ compensate


vi. 補償,賠償;抵消

vt. 補償,賠償;付報酬

❂ brothel


n. 妓院






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