


特別是在花粉最多的傍晚外出有關。醫生給他配了些抗過敏的藥,囑咐按時用藥並規避這些可能的過敏原, 經過一個週期的治療,小明果然就渡過了此劫。

春天到了,這是一個天氣變暖,萬物復蘇,綠意盎然的季節。 不過氣溫逐漸回升的同時, 各種病毒細菌也隨之復蘇,而且天氣忽冷忽熱, 加上花粉和各種微生物出現,春季是感冒,流感和過敏的高發季節。

很多時候,感冒,過敏和流感的表現有諸多類似,比如噴嚏, 流涕,鼻塞等,所以有時較難區別,給治療帶來了誤區。我們怎麼來區分這些呢?仔細分析一下就不難發現其中的奧妙!

Spring is coming, the arrival of spring brings warmer weather and greenery. The fluctuation of temperatures and the exposure to the pollen and environmental allergies means the overlap of colds, flu and allergies. It is sometimes hard to tell them apart because the symptoms can be so much alike, such as sneezing, runny nose and congestion. How do you tell the differences? Let's look closely to find clues about what's going on which will help us to choose the best treatment choices.


Consider the time of year. Is it tend to come at the same time every year?

如果是的話,需要考慮過敏的可能,而不是感冒。季節性的過敏所引起的噴嚏,流涕和鼻塞常發生於每年相同的時節和特定的類似條件下,比如有花粉的春天或落葉的秋天。免疫系統在人體吸入或接觸了諸如花粉,黴菌或動物的毛屑等過敏原後出現過度的反應,釋放組胺引起鼻腔和呼吸道粘膜上皮細胞水腫充血,導致噴嚏,流涕, 鼻癢和鼻塞等症狀。



If yes, it may well be seasonal allergies rather than a cold. Seasonal allergies tend to bloom at the same time every year and around the same set of conditions, such as the time of plant flowering in spring or leaves falling in autumn. When exposure to allergens, such as pollen, mold or pet dander, the immune system may overreact to these substances that is harmless to most people but triggers a reaction in anyone allergic to. It releases chemicals called histamines that cause respiratory tissues swelling and congestion and nose may become itchy, stuffed up or runny.

On the other hand, colds are caused by virus mostly. Although colds tend to be more often in winter, it could occurred at any time of year and in any environment. It usually takes several day to show up the symptoms after exposure to a virus.

2. 症狀持續的時間:是不是會持續較長時間?

Consider the duration of the symptoms. Did symptoms last a long time?



If yes, it could be allergies. The quick and best way to differentiate cold, flu and seasonal allergies is the duration of the symptoms. Common cold symptoms usually go away within 3 to 10 days and seasonal flu may last 1-2wks. Colds and flu rarely last beyond 2 weeks.

On the other hand, seasonal allergies last longer, usually for several weeks or months, as long as you are exposed to the allergen. It is not uncommon that people might suffer from the symptom about 6 to 9 weeks during pollen seasons in the spring or fall. They won't subsided without treatment or removal from the allergens.

3. 症狀的時間規律性:是不是隨時間段,氣候和環境地點而改變,具有一定週期性或規律性?

Consider the daily patterns of the symptoms. Does the symptoms vary with time of day, weather or location?





If yes, it is more likely to be allergies. Stuffy nose, sneezing and runny nose may continue for several days and then gradually subsided in people who catch cold or flu. On the other hand, seasonal allergies may varies with time of day, weather or location.

People with grass pollen allergies could have symptoms worse in the morning or evening of warm, dry windy weather when outdoors. This is because more pollen is shed from the grass in dry windy weather and it also varies at all times of the day, being usually worst in a sunny breezy evening.

Symptoms would be improved or even subsided during rainy days because rain dramatically lowers airborne pollen any time of day.

People with mould allergy would more likely to develop symptoms during the plum rain season in the southeastern China where the pollen season is succeeded by the mould spore.

4. 是不是伴有發熱,頭痛和肌肉酸痛?

Is there a fever, headache, or muscle aches?


If yes, it could be a cold or flu. Seasonal allergies won't cause fever, headache or body aches, whereas colds or flu sometimes have these symptoms.

5. 是不是有黃色或綠色的鼻涕?

Is there yellow/greenish nasal discharge?


If yes, it could be a cold or infection. Seasonal allergies usually tend to have a thin, clear nasal discharge rather than yellow or greenish discharge that come with cold or infection. However, people with allergies are sometimes more prone to catching colds or developed sinus infection resulting in yellow or greenish discharge.

6. 是不是具有傳染性?

Is it infectious?

如果是的話,需要考慮感冒或流感。感冒和流感是由病毒引起,具有傳染性,特別是流感。季節性過敏是由過敏導致的,不會傳染,雖然有時可以遺傳。父母一方有過敏性疾病的, 子女過敏的發生風險要相對高些。如果父母雙方都有過敏性鼻炎,子女過敏的風險會更高。

If yes, it could be a cold or flu. Common cold and flu are caused by virus and thus are infectious. Seasonal allergies are caused by allergies and appears to have a genetic component. People with a parent who has allergic rhinitis have an increased risk of developing allergic rhinitis themselves. The risk increases significantly if both parents have allergic rhinitis.

7. 是不是伴有眼睛發癢,流淚或水樣分泌物?

Are there itchy or watery eyes?

如果是的話,需要考慮過敏。過敏也可表現為過敏性結膜炎,出現眼睛癢,流淚,紅,或眼瞼腫脹等。這些症狀可以單獨出現也可以伴隨鼻部症狀一起,而通常感冒或流感是不會出現這些困擾的。 AR-SA'>是不是具有傳染性?

If yes, it is could be allergies. Allergies can also cause itchy, watery, red or swollen eyes, which won't normally seen in a cold or flu. This can occurred by itself or with a nasal allergy when allergens cause an inflammation of the conjunctiva.

8. 是不是有黑眼圈,經常揉搓鼻子以及鼻樑上橫向的皺痕?


If yes, it is more likely to be allergies. People with seasonal allergies are often seen dark, puffy circles under the eyes which are called “allergic shiners”. These are related to poor blood circulation caused by nasal congestion. "Allergic salute " is also be noted in children with seasonal allergies. They often frequently push their noses up with the palms of their hands to wipe or relieve itchiness and stuffiness. A horizontal crease usually develops on the nasal bridge due to upward rubbing called " allergic crease". Anyone with a cold may do the allergic salute, but children with allergies tend to do this a lot.


Cold,Flu, or Allergy?

Basedon NIH News in Health, 2014. https://newsinhealth.nih.gov/issue/Oct2014/Feature2






If yes, it could be allergies. The quick and best way to differentiate cold, flu and seasonal allergies is the duration of the symptoms. Common cold symptoms usually go away within 3 to 10 days and seasonal flu may last 1-2wks. Colds and flu rarely last beyond 2 weeks.

On the other hand, seasonal allergies last longer, usually for several weeks or months, as long as you are exposed to the allergen. It is not uncommon that people might suffer from the symptom about 6 to 9 weeks during pollen seasons in the spring or fall. They won't subsided without treatment or removal from the allergens.

3. 症狀的時間規律性:是不是隨時間段,氣候和環境地點而改變,具有一定週期性或規律性?

Consider the daily patterns of the symptoms. Does the symptoms vary with time of day, weather or location?





If yes, it is more likely to be allergies. Stuffy nose, sneezing and runny nose may continue for several days and then gradually subsided in people who catch cold or flu. On the other hand, seasonal allergies may varies with time of day, weather or location.

People with grass pollen allergies could have symptoms worse in the morning or evening of warm, dry windy weather when outdoors. This is because more pollen is shed from the grass in dry windy weather and it also varies at all times of the day, being usually worst in a sunny breezy evening.

Symptoms would be improved or even subsided during rainy days because rain dramatically lowers airborne pollen any time of day.

People with mould allergy would more likely to develop symptoms during the plum rain season in the southeastern China where the pollen season is succeeded by the mould spore.

4. 是不是伴有發熱,頭痛和肌肉酸痛?

Is there a fever, headache, or muscle aches?


If yes, it could be a cold or flu. Seasonal allergies won't cause fever, headache or body aches, whereas colds or flu sometimes have these symptoms.

5. 是不是有黃色或綠色的鼻涕?

Is there yellow/greenish nasal discharge?


If yes, it could be a cold or infection. Seasonal allergies usually tend to have a thin, clear nasal discharge rather than yellow or greenish discharge that come with cold or infection. However, people with allergies are sometimes more prone to catching colds or developed sinus infection resulting in yellow or greenish discharge.

6. 是不是具有傳染性?

Is it infectious?

如果是的話,需要考慮感冒或流感。感冒和流感是由病毒引起,具有傳染性,特別是流感。季節性過敏是由過敏導致的,不會傳染,雖然有時可以遺傳。父母一方有過敏性疾病的, 子女過敏的發生風險要相對高些。如果父母雙方都有過敏性鼻炎,子女過敏的風險會更高。

If yes, it could be a cold or flu. Common cold and flu are caused by virus and thus are infectious. Seasonal allergies are caused by allergies and appears to have a genetic component. People with a parent who has allergic rhinitis have an increased risk of developing allergic rhinitis themselves. The risk increases significantly if both parents have allergic rhinitis.

7. 是不是伴有眼睛發癢,流淚或水樣分泌物?

Are there itchy or watery eyes?

如果是的話,需要考慮過敏。過敏也可表現為過敏性結膜炎,出現眼睛癢,流淚,紅,或眼瞼腫脹等。這些症狀可以單獨出現也可以伴隨鼻部症狀一起,而通常感冒或流感是不會出現這些困擾的。 AR-SA'>是不是具有傳染性?

If yes, it is could be allergies. Allergies can also cause itchy, watery, red or swollen eyes, which won't normally seen in a cold or flu. This can occurred by itself or with a nasal allergy when allergens cause an inflammation of the conjunctiva.

8. 是不是有黑眼圈,經常揉搓鼻子以及鼻樑上橫向的皺痕?


If yes, it is more likely to be allergies. People with seasonal allergies are often seen dark, puffy circles under the eyes which are called “allergic shiners”. These are related to poor blood circulation caused by nasal congestion. "Allergic salute " is also be noted in children with seasonal allergies. They often frequently push their noses up with the palms of their hands to wipe or relieve itchiness and stuffiness. A horizontal crease usually develops on the nasal bridge due to upward rubbing called " allergic crease". Anyone with a cold may do the allergic salute, but children with allergies tend to do this a lot.


Cold,Flu, or Allergy?

Basedon NIH News in Health, 2014. https://newsinhealth.nih.gov/issue/Oct2014/Feature2


