

It is never too late to fall in love.愛永遠不會嫌晚。

During the whole life, you will regret for two things: one is that you don’t get the one you love and the other is the one you love is not happy. 人的一生,有兩種遺憾最折磨人:一是得不到你心愛的人;二是心愛的人得不到幸福。

When you choose to be a sunny, happy person, a rainstorm becomes just another excuse to dance.-----一旦選擇做一個陽光,快樂的人,那風雨也只會是讓你起舞的理由。

You can walk how far your heart take you to. Be a warm person with a smile and gently love!-----心有多遠,


You deserve to be with somebody who makes you happy, somebody who doesn’t complicate your life, somebody who won’t hurt you.----你值得擁有一個能帶給你快樂,不讓你受傷,不會把你的生活變得複雜的人。

The one who’s good in taking care of other people is the same person who needs someone to take care of them.----喜歡照顧別人的人,其實也同樣需要別人的關心。

Follow your heart but take your brain with you. ~~~跟隨自己的心,但記得帶上理智。

All that you have lost can be won back bit by bit as long as you wish for it. ~~~曾經輸掉的東西,只要你想,就一定可以再一點一點贏回來。

I can wait, happiness can come slowly, as long as it is true.~~~ 我可以耐心等,幸福可以來的慢一些,只要它是真的。

It’s nice when someone remembers small details about you. Not because you keep reminding them, but because they actually care.——有人記住了你的小細節,感覺很窩心。不是因為你一直提醒他們,
