
Bitcoin God社區宣佈參選波場TRON超級代表



今天,郭洪才(寶二爺)正式宣佈Bitcoin God社區將參選波場TRON超級代表。如競選成功,將把成為超級代表的所有收益捐獻給慈善事業。4月12日,波場TRON創始人孫宇晨發表《就超級代表選舉致波場TRON社區的公開信》,宣佈2018年6月26日進行首次27名超級代表選舉,建立廣泛選舉的自治社區。Bitcoin God是無國界點對點的慈善系統,

其宗旨是用去中心化的方式解決當前中心化慈善機構的種種問題,Bitcoin God作為一個公開可追溯不可篡改的區塊鏈網路結合數位身份系統可以清楚地追蹤到每一筆善款的去向,旨在用點對點的方式精准地説明需要幫助的人。

Bitcoin God Community to Run for TRON Super RepresentativeToda

Chandler Guo announced that the Bitcoin God community will be running in the TRON Super Representatives Election. If elected as a TRON SR, they will donate all proceeds to charity. Justin Sun, founder of TRON, published his “Letter to the TRON Community: On Super Representative Elections” on April 12th. The letter announced the first Super Representatives Election for June 26, 2018, where 27 SRs will be elected, laying the foundation for a self-governed community with a general election. Bitcoin God is a borderless, peer-to-peer, non-profit organization aimed at finding decentralized solutions for the existing centralized charities. As a public, verifiable, and immutable blockchain network with a digital identification system, Bitcoin God will be able to track every donation through a precise point-to-point method, making sure those who need help get it.

波場TRON創始人孫宇晨(Justin Sun):1990年生,


2015 CNTV中國互聯網年度新銳人物,2015年成為湖畔大學首批學員中唯一90後學員 ,2017年福布斯亞洲30位30歲以下創業者,2015/2017福布斯中國30位30歲以下創業者。


Born in 1990 Masters, University of Pennsylvania, Bachelors, Peking University

Former chief representative at Ripple Labs, Greater China Region

2011 Asia Weekly Cover Person; 2014 Davos Global Shaper; 2015 CNTV Rising Star of the Year; 2017 Forbes Asia 30 Under 30; 2015-2017 Forbes China 30 Under 30;

Only millennial graduate in the first batch of entrepreneurs at Hupan University.



TRON:Decentralize the Web

TRON is dedicated to building the infrastructure for a truly decentralized Internet. The Tron Protocol, one of the largest blockchain-based operating systems in the world, offers scalable, high-availability, and high-throughput support that serves as the foundation for all decentralized applications in the TRON ecosystem. It also provides better compatibility for Ethereum smart contracts through an innovative, pluggable smart contract platform.

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