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The lawyer advised him to find out more information from his bank first and to see if he can obtain copied documents of the loan application. The person should also provide evidence that he wasn't aware of the loan application. In the meantime, the person should also consider whether to report to the police because this is fraud and it is a criminal offence. The police can also investigate. Also the person should consider how he will deal with payment of the debts to the bank.

The lawyer gave an overview of how to file for a divorce in the UK the reasons for which include adultery, unreasonable behaviour, desertion, having lived apart for at least 2 years and having lived apart for at least 5 years. Getting a divorce in the UK involves various procedures and, depends on the ground for divorce, might take 4/5 months to a few years. It might take longer if the couple have more joint assets to divide.

Finally, a lot of Chinese living in the UK do not speak any or much English. In most situations these persons rely on others to deal with their finances including bank accounts. If they have suspicion or other doubts regarding their bank accounts, they should speak to their banks or ask for help from other means to avoid bigger losses.


當事人是一位家庭護工。 其工作需要到客戶家裡提供各項護理服務。當事人通過其雇主(一家護理仲介)提供服務。2015年11月,當事人搭巴士去客戶家裡途中摔倒肩膀骨折並被送醫救治。



The person is a domestic carer. She provided all sorts of home care to clients through an agency which is her employer. In November 2015, the person broke her shoulder on the pedestrian pavement while she was getting off the bus on her way to her next client's home. The person was taken to hospital and received treatment. The person was required to go back to the hospital for regular check-ups and treatments. In April 2016, she broke her leg during one of these journeys to the hospital. She reported the first injury to her employer and provided evidence required including hospital records and doctor's sick notes so that her employer can claim insurance for her. The person didn't report to her employer regarding the second injury as she thought that it wasn't work related. She had been off work since because she wasn't fit to get back to work. The person received 28 weeks sick pay from her employer but no other compensation (including insurance compensation), although she has received confirmation email forwarded to her daughter (on her behalf) that the insurer was going to make a payment. Her employer advised her that they have done what they can for the insurance and it is up to her to claim with the insurer directly. The person wants to know someone can claim insurance on her behalf for free.

The lawyer advised the person that she would refer her case to the group and see if anyone can take on her case. The lawyer also advised the person that she might have other compensation claims due to work related injury. A claim assessor or person injury specialist should be able to advise her further on the possibility of a compensation claim.



律師建議當事人等到租客承諾的日期。如其未按承諾交租金,當事人可考慮按合同通知期限終止租約並從租客押金扣除拖欠租金。如租客未在租約終止時搬遷,當事人可向租客提交法定租約終止通知(S21 notice)。此法定終止通知要求房東給予當事人至少兩個月通知。英國法律規定在2015年10月1日之後簽的租約,房東應當填相應的表格。如租約在2015年10月1日前簽署,則房東可已書面形式提交終止通知,當應寫明是按照英國住房法第21條規定提交的通知。另外房東應注意在2007年之後簽署的租約,房東如要提交法定租約終止通知,房東應確保押金已按要求提交到政府押金保障計畫。

The person and her husband is renting a property. Their tenant has not been able to pay last month's rent in time for two to three week because he has lost his job. The tenant promised to the person that he would pay the rent in the next week or so because he has found a new job. The person asked if the tenant did not pay the rent as promised what their options are. The person confirmed that they have received 6 weeks deposit from the tenant and has deposited it at the government's tenancy deposit scheme.

The lawyer advised the person to wait until the promised deadline. If the tenant did not pay the rent as promised, then the person could consider ending the tenancy by giving the required notice to the tenant. If the tenant did not move out at the end of that notice period, then they can serve a S21 notice to get the property back at the end of the notice period. A S21notice requires the landlord to give the tenant at least 2 months' notice. UK law requires the landlord to fill in a form for the notice if the tenancy was entered into on or after 1 October 2015. If the tenant was entered into before 1 October 2015, the landlord can write his notice but has to make clear that it is given under section 21 of the Housing Act 1988. Furthermore, the lawyer reminded landlords that for tenancies entered into after 2007, as a condition for serving a S21 notice, landlords should put the deposit into a tenancy deposit protection scheme.

The person is a domestic carer. She provided all sorts of home care to clients through an agency which is her employer. In November 2015, the person broke her shoulder on the pedestrian pavement while she was getting off the bus on her way to her next client's home. The person was taken to hospital and received treatment. The person was required to go back to the hospital for regular check-ups and treatments. In April 2016, she broke her leg during one of these journeys to the hospital. She reported the first injury to her employer and provided evidence required including hospital records and doctor's sick notes so that her employer can claim insurance for her. The person didn't report to her employer regarding the second injury as she thought that it wasn't work related. She had been off work since because she wasn't fit to get back to work. The person received 28 weeks sick pay from her employer but no other compensation (including insurance compensation), although she has received confirmation email forwarded to her daughter (on her behalf) that the insurer was going to make a payment. Her employer advised her that they have done what they can for the insurance and it is up to her to claim with the insurer directly. The person wants to know someone can claim insurance on her behalf for free.

The lawyer advised the person that she would refer her case to the group and see if anyone can take on her case. The lawyer also advised the person that she might have other compensation claims due to work related injury. A claim assessor or person injury specialist should be able to advise her further on the possibility of a compensation claim.



律師建議當事人等到租客承諾的日期。如其未按承諾交租金,當事人可考慮按合同通知期限終止租約並從租客押金扣除拖欠租金。如租客未在租約終止時搬遷,當事人可向租客提交法定租約終止通知(S21 notice)。此法定終止通知要求房東給予當事人至少兩個月通知。英國法律規定在2015年10月1日之後簽的租約,房東應當填相應的表格。如租約在2015年10月1日前簽署,則房東可已書面形式提交終止通知,當應寫明是按照英國住房法第21條規定提交的通知。另外房東應注意在2007年之後簽署的租約,房東如要提交法定租約終止通知,房東應確保押金已按要求提交到政府押金保障計畫。

The person and her husband is renting a property. Their tenant has not been able to pay last month's rent in time for two to three week because he has lost his job. The tenant promised to the person that he would pay the rent in the next week or so because he has found a new job. The person asked if the tenant did not pay the rent as promised what their options are. The person confirmed that they have received 6 weeks deposit from the tenant and has deposited it at the government's tenancy deposit scheme.

The lawyer advised the person to wait until the promised deadline. If the tenant did not pay the rent as promised, then the person could consider ending the tenancy by giving the required notice to the tenant. If the tenant did not move out at the end of that notice period, then they can serve a S21 notice to get the property back at the end of the notice period. A S21notice requires the landlord to give the tenant at least 2 months' notice. UK law requires the landlord to fill in a form for the notice if the tenancy was entered into on or after 1 October 2015. If the tenant was entered into before 1 October 2015, the landlord can write his notice but has to make clear that it is given under section 21 of the Housing Act 1988. Furthermore, the lawyer reminded landlords that for tenancies entered into after 2007, as a condition for serving a S21 notice, landlords should put the deposit into a tenancy deposit protection scheme.