


1 I will remember the day 1[ ] I first came to the house 2_____ met Jack in the evening 3 [ ] witnessed his 4 _____[kind].

During the hard time something 5____ [happen ],6____[bring ] me the 7_____ ____[bad] luck.

8____[help ] sincerely by him, I was 9____[ luck ] enough to be safe.

10 ____[think ] of this I am 11_____[ move ].

12作文改錯Jack,I very thank him and I very like him!


1】定語從句連接詞when, that和which 的區別



1 I will remember the day 1[ ] I first came to the house 2_____ met Jack in the evening 3 [ ] witnessed his 4 _____[kind].

I will remember the day 1[ when 從意思上說,這裡應該是:在那天,所以填when;連接詞後面的句子I first came to the house 是完整句,不能填which和that,只能填when ] I first came to the house

2_____ [填and,來came 和相遇met,是兩個動詞的列舉,用and連接 ]met Jack in the evening 3____ [ 填that,意思是“這個晚上”witnessed了什麼東西,而不是“在這個晚上”,所以不填when,witness意思是見證 ] witnessed his 4 _____[kind 前面有his,所以應該是填名詞,kind的名詞形式是kindness].


During the hard time something 5____ [happen ],6____[bring ] me the 7_____ ____[bad] luck.

During the hard time something 5____ [填happened,有些事情發生了,

發生happen在這裡是謂語,所以靠的是時態和語態,happen沒有被動語態,所以只考時態。根據上下文這裡是過去的事情,所以用過去時,動詞加ed],6____[填bringing,這裡的意思是:並且帶給我……] me the 7_____ ____[填worst,前面有the先考慮填最高級,在這裡是最糟糕的運氣] luck.

答案 8-9

8____[help ] sincerely by him, I was 9____[ luck ] enough to be safe.

8____[填Helped,意思是因為得到〔被〕他誠心誠意地幫助] sincerely by him, I was 9____[ 填lucky,前面有 I was,表示某人某物是怎麼樣的,所以填形容詞,luck運氣,名詞,變成lucky形容詞] enough to be safe.


10 ____[think ] of this I am 11_____[ move ].

10 ____[填Thinking,意思是當想到這的時候] of this I am 11_____[ 填moved,

move意思是令人感動,前面有 I am,這裡應該構成被動語態,我被感動了,所以填過去分詞,be +過去分詞構成被動語態,意思是:被].

12 作文改錯Jack,I thank you very much and I like you very much!〔原句:I very thank him and I very like him! very修飾的是形容詞和副詞,只用於這樣的表達: The house is very small 或者是 They man lives there very happily. 如果要修飾動詞,表示非常喜歡,非常感謝等,用very much,而且放在句子後面 所以,我們說I thank you very much and I like you very much!〕
