

Starbucks has apologized after a boycott erupted over a video of two black men being arrested inside a Philadelphia store, which led to accusations of racism on social media.一段視頻曝出在星巴克費城門店兩名黑人男子被拘押了,這在社交媒體上引起了眾人對星巴克種族歧視的譴責。在這場聯合抵制之後,星巴克為此表達了歉意。

As viral videos of the incident show, officers handcuffed the two men in a Starbucks location in Philadelphia's downtown district on Thursday.正如這段在網路上瘋狂傳播的視頻顯示,


At one point in the video, a white man can be heard explaining that he was meeting with the men and describing the arrest situation with police officers as “ridiculous.”在視頻中的某一刻,我們可以聽到一名白人男子解釋道,他偶然遇見這兩名男子並表示員警逮捕他們“太荒唐了”。

Police Commissioner Richard Ross said in a Facebook video that employees at the coffee store called 911 to report two men who were trespassing .警察局長理查·羅斯在臉書上的一段視頻中說道,


Ross explained that the officers were told the two men requested to use the restroom when they came into the store but were denied because they hadn't made a purchase — a company policy.羅斯解釋道,員警被告知這兩名男子進入星巴克要求用一下洗手間但被拒絕了,因為他們沒有消費,這是星巴克的一項原則。

Ross said the men refused to leave, even when police asked them to depart the premises three times, and that the officers “did absolutely nothing wrong.”羅斯表示,這兩名男子甚至在員警三次要求他們離開的情況下依然拒絕離開,因此員警“絕對沒有做錯”。

“As an African American male, I am very aware of implicit bias; we are committed to fair and unbiased policing,” Ross said. “If a business calls and they say that ‘Someone is here that I no longer wish to be in my business,’ [officers] now have a legal obligation to carry out their duties and they did just that.”“作為一名非裔美國籍男性,我非常清楚這種隱含的偏見;我們致力於公平公正地維護治安,


“We apologize to the two individuals and our customers and are disappointed this led to an arrest,” Starbucks said in a statement shared on Twitter Saturday.“We take these matters seriously and clearly have more work to do when it comes to how we handle incidents in our stores. We are reviewing our policies and will continue to engage with the community and the police department to try to ensure these types of situations never happen in any of our stores.”星期六星巴克在推特上發表了一篇聲明稱,“該事件導致兩人被拘押,還另我們的顧客感到失望,對此我們向這兩名男子及我們的顧客致歉。我們非常重視這一事件,顯然對於我們如何處理門店裡的這類事件,我們要做的還有很多。

