



1 願你餘生不悔,舊路不歸。

May you not regret for the rest of your life and never return to the old road.

2 願你所到之處遍地陽光,


May the sun shine everywhere you go, the warmth of your dreams.


3 願你白天有說有笑,晚上睡個好覺。

May you have a good night's sleep and talk and laugh during the day.

4 願你往後路途,深情不再枉付。

May you go on your way no longer in vain.


5 願你執迷不悟時少受點傷,願你幡然醒悟時物是人是。

May you be less hurt when you are obsessive, and be human when you wake up.

6 願你所有快樂無需假裝,願你此生盡興赤誠善良。

May all your joys be unfeigned, and may your life be full of kindness and sincerity.


7 願你眼中總有光芒,活成你想要的模樣。

May your eyes always shine and live as you want.

8 願你成為自己的太陽,無須仰仗誰的光芒。

May you become your own sun, without relying on anyone's light.


9 願有人陪你顛沛流離,願你惦念的人能和你道晚安,願你獨闖的日子裡不覺得孤單。

May someone walk with you. May the person you miss say good night to you. May you not feel lonely when you are alone.

10 願你三冬暖,


May your winter be warm, your spring not cold, your dark with lights, rain and umbrella, and you with your loved ones all the way.
