

What is your favourite item from Chinese culture?中國文化裡你最喜歡的東西是什麼?

獲得221好評的答案@Garrick Saito

While I enjoy virtually all Chinese foods, I'm particular fond of Dim Sum. I enjoy the wide variety of these delicious bite-sized treats. Because the quantities in each dish are so limited, I think that's one of the reasons you tend to savor and appreciate every bite. 雖然我喜歡幾乎所有的中國美食,但是我尤其喜歡中式點心。我吃了很多種一口就能吃掉美味食品。每一盤裡的量太少了,不過我想這也是讓人盡情享用、細細品嘗每一口的原因之一吧。

獲得66好評的答案@Amanda Tendler

My majiang set.我的麻將桌。

We used to play it every night or every other night at my house in China. Now that I'm back home there's no one to play with, but I still love it.在中國的時候,我們常常每天晚上或每隔一個晚上在我家裡打麻將。即使我現在回國了,沒人陪我打麻將,我也還是愛死它了。

獲得70好評的答案@Guo Wei

Yangyang Nao, also called Laotou Le.癢癢撓,


If you'd like to scratch your own back but got nobody to help, this is the thing you'd like to have.如果你想給自己抓背卻沒人幫你的話,你會想要這玩意的。

獲得127好評的答案@Evelyn Hussain

Definitely receiving Hong Baos.當然是收紅包啦。

獲得90好評的答案@Leung Kwan Pang

Traditional Chinese architectures中國傳統建築

獲得31好評的答案@Ali Khan Yousafzai

The most unique thing I love which belong from Chinese culture is Chopsticks, amazing thing and different as well.我喜愛最為獨一無二屬於中國文化傳統的東西就是筷子了,非常神奇,當然也很難用。


Panda, of course!當然是熊貓啦!


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