

Vivi Wang, Head of Sales for South East Asia


為什麼這麼說?中國互聯網是個閉環,因為很多原因,穀歌、Facebook這樣的歐美公司沒法在中國經營,本地公司抓住機會,除了騰訊、百度這樣的企業(阿裡除外 ,當年幹掉了ebay的易趣)。但是東南亞不一樣,東南亞和全球互聯網是互聯互通的”,來自知乎的作者周振浩如此描述東南亞互聯網市場。





本文,Morketing聯合Mobvista推出《移動行銷全球觀》系列訪談第三篇,通過直接對話Mobvista東南亞負責人Vivi Wang,帶大家瞭解東南亞移動行銷市場的概況。



Vivi Wang:東南亞有很多國家,其中大多數是發展中國家,在各個方面都蓬勃發展。手機在人們生活中發揮重要作用,








Vivi Wang:截至2016年底,移動行銷收入已經比年初增長了三倍,這是基於我們可以訪問的數字。現有玩家正在全速擴張,同時我們作為服務提供者,以每月10到15次的頻次,不斷收到新的要求。



Vivi Wang:目前,我們的目標客戶大多是APP,包括但不限於電子商務,工具程式,生活方式,遊戲,娛樂等。實際上,手機上所有APP都可能是我們的客戶。我們幫助他們獲取用戶,監控和優化以獲得更好的投資回報率,並提供變現計畫和執行。




Vivi Wang:市場趨勢是,2015年的CPM / CPC,在2016年發展為CPI,2017年則是CPA,例如“首次購買成本”,“每次註冊成本”,“首次搭乘成本”。廣告主會為吸引用戶參與而付款,並且預算只放在有價值的流量上。


目前,CPI是主要模式。CPM、CPC和CPA也是可行的。廣告主更喜歡用CPI,因為這是UA(user acquisition用戶獲取)活動中以結果導向的模型。


Vivi Wang:現在市場上有很多平臺,廣告網路、視頻流量網路、會員,當然,還有Facebook和Google。基於我們觀察到的,Facebook是最受歡迎的。同時,客戶也傾向于與廣告網路一起工作。從2016年開始,視頻流量成為該領域最新的趨勢。


Vivi Wang:移動行銷的同比增長率將達到2位數甚至3位數,有很大的潛力。我們可以期待更加廣泛、更精確的定位,對虛假流量的深入瞭解,傳統的廣告主如銀行、快速消費品、汽車在東南亞市場做移動行銷。



Vivi Wang:該地區的客戶聚焦在使用者數量和優質用戶數量。流量的性質尚未得到充分討論。 有一個明顯趨勢,是流量來源和歸因演算法,瞭解安裝如何完成的,以及如何歸因於某些管道。


Vivi Wang:多年來,互聯網或移動業務一直在中國很流行,這對於中國人來說已經不是新聞了。互聯網或者移動互聯網,對傳統品牌和優秀的產品都會有影響,在一定程度上提升了兩者的市場規模。例如,許多傳統品牌將行銷預算從傳統行銷管道分配到數位行銷。


1、What do you think about the particularity of this regional market?

South-east Asia is a region combined with countries, most of them are developing countries, thriving in every aspect. It becomes a huge opportunity for mobile to step into people's life and make a difference. Users in SEA are new to all kinds of mobile service, such as transportation booking, hotel booking, online shopping, E-wallet, etc. In every area, players are investing and educating market. It's at this particular stage to claim game rules and raise a profile to the users.

E-commerce and Gaming are the biggest spenders of digital marketing in SEA. Utility is actually active across every region, so also one of the active advertiser in SEA. In last year, 2016, there’re more advertisers started to put their budget on digital marketing, such as live streaming and transportation.

The penetration between iOS and Android is 2:8, even 1:9 in some market. But the ROI on iOS could be 2-3 times better than Adroid. The scale of OS seems to remain the same in recent future (Vivo, Oppo, Samsung are doing strong in SEA continually). It’s a challenge to balance spending, scale, and return.

As mentioned, many developing countries in SEA, there’re plenty of users are using mid-entry level of smart phone, which has small storage. This makes the competition here different. User won’t use two similar APPs at the same time. They have to uninstall one in order to install a new one. So as advertiser, you want to keep your product hot and wanted always.

2、Talk about the market scales of Internet mobile marketing in this region and the development potential of future?

The mobile marketing revenue has already triple itself in end of 2016 comparing to the beginning of the year, only base on the number we can access to. Existing players are scaling up at full speed and at the same time we as service provider, kept receiving new requests, 10-15 every month.

The number of mobile phone user has already reached 160 million by 2016. Mobile marketing/advertisement has become the most influential way and window to reach customers. Mobvista has been working with clients to acquire users for their products and also help them to monetize on mobile. The market has proven itself and it's interesting to see if the Brand awareness marketing is going to invest mobile marketing just as big as offline marketing.

3、What Mobvista’s targeting clients in this market? Who are your main advertisers and Why? Does Mobvista cooperate with them directly or via agencies?

Currently, our targeting clients are mostly APPs, include but not limit to e-commerce, utility, life style, games, entertainment, etc. Actually, all APPs available on our mobile could be our client. We help them to acquire users, monitor and optimize to better ROI, and provide monetization plan and execution. The biggest group of clients in 2016, is e-commerce. To name a few, Lazada, Shopee, and Tokopedia.Many factors contributed to this, firstly, the successful e-commerce ecosystem in China; secondly, capital investment in e-commerce; third, users acceptance for on-line shopping. Most of the clients are working with Mobvista directly in SEA at the moment.

One interesting fact is that, competition between advertisers are getting fierce. There’re cases of bankruptcy only in 2016. And some is able to scale double or triple against it’s competitor on mobile marketing after one year.

4、What Mobvista’s business model (paid by CPM/CPC/CPA etc) in this local market?

The market trend is CPM/CPC in 2015, moving to CPI in 2016, CPA in 2017, for example “cost per first purchse”, “cost per registraton”, “cost per first ride” . The advertiser are moving the payout closer and closer to user engagement, and they’re placing budget only on valued traffic.

It requires service providers like Mobvista to be able to move forward in the value chain and be able to apply audience profiling and targeting.

CPI is still the main model at the moment. CPM/CPC/CPA are also available. Advertisers are more keen to user CPI which is a balance of scale and quality.

5、How about the media resources in the local market? Which kind is the most popular?

There're plenty of platforms in the market now, ad-network, video traffic network, affiliate, and of course Facebook and Google. Base on what we've observed, Facebook is the most popular one. And at the same time, clients tend to work with ad-networks as well. Starting from 2016, video traffic became the newest trend in the field.

6、How will you estimate the development degree of the mobile marketing in this local market? What are the differences compared to other regions? Where’s the potential and how will you expect from this market?

The year-on-year growth rate of mobile marketing will be at 2 digits or even 3 digits. There's a lot of potential. We can expect precise targeting more wildly available, in-depth understanding of fraudulent traffic, traditional advertiser such as Banks, FMCG, Automobile stepping into mobile marketing in SEA. Though comparing to markets like US and China, the scale of revenue in SEA still has a long way to go. There're many companies/business can benefit by the high growth rate of mobile marketing. The business here hasn’t been specialized as it could be, which means in some areas, there’re professional and specialized service can be developed.

7、From your perspective, could you please tell one of the most obvious trends?

Clients in the region was focusing on getting number of users and quality users. The nature of traffic hasn't been discussed enough. There's an obvious trend of diving into traffic sources and attribution algorithm. Understand how an install being generate and how it gets to be attributed to certain channel.

8、For Chinese going-out companies, how's the market capacity for different kinds of products from Internet companies and traditional brands?

Internet or Mobile business has been a fashion in China for years, which is not a news to everyone in China. There's impact on traditional brands but also excellent products to leverage on. To some extent, it widens the market capacity for both. For example, many traditional brands are allocating their marketing budget from traditional marketing channels to digital marketing.



Vivi Wang:目前,我們的目標客戶大多是APP,包括但不限於電子商務,工具程式,生活方式,遊戲,娛樂等。實際上,手機上所有APP都可能是我們的客戶。我們幫助他們獲取用戶,監控和優化以獲得更好的投資回報率,並提供變現計畫和執行。




Vivi Wang:市場趨勢是,2015年的CPM / CPC,在2016年發展為CPI,2017年則是CPA,例如“首次購買成本”,“每次註冊成本”,“首次搭乘成本”。廣告主會為吸引用戶參與而付款,並且預算只放在有價值的流量上。


目前,CPI是主要模式。CPM、CPC和CPA也是可行的。廣告主更喜歡用CPI,因為這是UA(user acquisition用戶獲取)活動中以結果導向的模型。


Vivi Wang:現在市場上有很多平臺,廣告網路、視頻流量網路、會員,當然,還有Facebook和Google。基於我們觀察到的,Facebook是最受歡迎的。同時,客戶也傾向于與廣告網路一起工作。從2016年開始,視頻流量成為該領域最新的趨勢。


Vivi Wang:移動行銷的同比增長率將達到2位數甚至3位數,有很大的潛力。我們可以期待更加廣泛、更精確的定位,對虛假流量的深入瞭解,傳統的廣告主如銀行、快速消費品、汽車在東南亞市場做移動行銷。



Vivi Wang:該地區的客戶聚焦在使用者數量和優質用戶數量。流量的性質尚未得到充分討論。 有一個明顯趨勢,是流量來源和歸因演算法,瞭解安裝如何完成的,以及如何歸因於某些管道。


Vivi Wang:多年來,互聯網或移動業務一直在中國很流行,這對於中國人來說已經不是新聞了。互聯網或者移動互聯網,對傳統品牌和優秀的產品都會有影響,在一定程度上提升了兩者的市場規模。例如,許多傳統品牌將行銷預算從傳統行銷管道分配到數位行銷。


1、What do you think about the particularity of this regional market?

South-east Asia is a region combined with countries, most of them are developing countries, thriving in every aspect. It becomes a huge opportunity for mobile to step into people's life and make a difference. Users in SEA are new to all kinds of mobile service, such as transportation booking, hotel booking, online shopping, E-wallet, etc. In every area, players are investing and educating market. It's at this particular stage to claim game rules and raise a profile to the users.

E-commerce and Gaming are the biggest spenders of digital marketing in SEA. Utility is actually active across every region, so also one of the active advertiser in SEA. In last year, 2016, there’re more advertisers started to put their budget on digital marketing, such as live streaming and transportation.

The penetration between iOS and Android is 2:8, even 1:9 in some market. But the ROI on iOS could be 2-3 times better than Adroid. The scale of OS seems to remain the same in recent future (Vivo, Oppo, Samsung are doing strong in SEA continually). It’s a challenge to balance spending, scale, and return.

As mentioned, many developing countries in SEA, there’re plenty of users are using mid-entry level of smart phone, which has small storage. This makes the competition here different. User won’t use two similar APPs at the same time. They have to uninstall one in order to install a new one. So as advertiser, you want to keep your product hot and wanted always.

2、Talk about the market scales of Internet mobile marketing in this region and the development potential of future?

The mobile marketing revenue has already triple itself in end of 2016 comparing to the beginning of the year, only base on the number we can access to. Existing players are scaling up at full speed and at the same time we as service provider, kept receiving new requests, 10-15 every month.

The number of mobile phone user has already reached 160 million by 2016. Mobile marketing/advertisement has become the most influential way and window to reach customers. Mobvista has been working with clients to acquire users for their products and also help them to monetize on mobile. The market has proven itself and it's interesting to see if the Brand awareness marketing is going to invest mobile marketing just as big as offline marketing.

3、What Mobvista’s targeting clients in this market? Who are your main advertisers and Why? Does Mobvista cooperate with them directly or via agencies?

Currently, our targeting clients are mostly APPs, include but not limit to e-commerce, utility, life style, games, entertainment, etc. Actually, all APPs available on our mobile could be our client. We help them to acquire users, monitor and optimize to better ROI, and provide monetization plan and execution. The biggest group of clients in 2016, is e-commerce. To name a few, Lazada, Shopee, and Tokopedia.Many factors contributed to this, firstly, the successful e-commerce ecosystem in China; secondly, capital investment in e-commerce; third, users acceptance for on-line shopping. Most of the clients are working with Mobvista directly in SEA at the moment.

One interesting fact is that, competition between advertisers are getting fierce. There’re cases of bankruptcy only in 2016. And some is able to scale double or triple against it’s competitor on mobile marketing after one year.

4、What Mobvista’s business model (paid by CPM/CPC/CPA etc) in this local market?

The market trend is CPM/CPC in 2015, moving to CPI in 2016, CPA in 2017, for example “cost per first purchse”, “cost per registraton”, “cost per first ride” . The advertiser are moving the payout closer and closer to user engagement, and they’re placing budget only on valued traffic.

It requires service providers like Mobvista to be able to move forward in the value chain and be able to apply audience profiling and targeting.

CPI is still the main model at the moment. CPM/CPC/CPA are also available. Advertisers are more keen to user CPI which is a balance of scale and quality.

5、How about the media resources in the local market? Which kind is the most popular?

There're plenty of platforms in the market now, ad-network, video traffic network, affiliate, and of course Facebook and Google. Base on what we've observed, Facebook is the most popular one. And at the same time, clients tend to work with ad-networks as well. Starting from 2016, video traffic became the newest trend in the field.

6、How will you estimate the development degree of the mobile marketing in this local market? What are the differences compared to other regions? Where’s the potential and how will you expect from this market?

The year-on-year growth rate of mobile marketing will be at 2 digits or even 3 digits. There's a lot of potential. We can expect precise targeting more wildly available, in-depth understanding of fraudulent traffic, traditional advertiser such as Banks, FMCG, Automobile stepping into mobile marketing in SEA. Though comparing to markets like US and China, the scale of revenue in SEA still has a long way to go. There're many companies/business can benefit by the high growth rate of mobile marketing. The business here hasn’t been specialized as it could be, which means in some areas, there’re professional and specialized service can be developed.

7、From your perspective, could you please tell one of the most obvious trends?

Clients in the region was focusing on getting number of users and quality users. The nature of traffic hasn't been discussed enough. There's an obvious trend of diving into traffic sources and attribution algorithm. Understand how an install being generate and how it gets to be attributed to certain channel.

8、For Chinese going-out companies, how's the market capacity for different kinds of products from Internet companies and traditional brands?

Internet or Mobile business has been a fashion in China for years, which is not a news to everyone in China. There's impact on traditional brands but also excellent products to leverage on. To some extent, it widens the market capacity for both. For example, many traditional brands are allocating their marketing budget from traditional marketing channels to digital marketing.