
DNF美服玩家 一封對Neople的關於裝扮的公開信

2月26日DFO Nexus論壇玩家帖子。美服部分玩家抱怨時裝太少,希望出更多的時裝。這位玩家也對時裝太少的原因幫NP進行了一些分析,並在此貼出了一封對Neople的公開信。目前這封公開信已經登上了今天(3月17日)的美服官方直播,



第9條:Gerri acknowleged that the team is aware that the open letter to Neople regarding avatars (Along with Knight and Lancer skin avatars specifically). Gerri表示他們已知曉對於那個在DFO Nexus論壇上的對neople的公開信(關於守護者和魔槍士皮膚裝扮)。

以下內容摘自DFO Nexus論壇 作者:@nihil679 翻譯:@wujiuqier 渣翻譯,有何疏漏謬誤之處,不吝指正,鄙人不勝感激(圖片中的中文為鄙人翻譯的結果)。原地址:https://dfonexus.com/threads/open-letter-to-neople-on-avatars.14384/

Open Letter to Neople On Avatars


People want more avatars. This is the short of it.


In a game that has been affectionately dubbed "Dress-up Fighter Online," many will notice the actually limited amount of avatars that are available for DFOG, especially compared to other versions. For the 10 years of avatars available in DNF, many classes do not even have half or even a third of the available avatars in CERA shop. Many packages we may never even hope to see arrive. Even far less likely are older generation rare avatars.



Demand for more avatars, be it cash shop or packages or older generation rares, is clearly very high. Every news from DNF or CDNF or Arad Senki about avatars comes with more and more players stating "I want this!"


The question is, why do we even have this problem?


A lot of it is being pinned on newer classes such as Knight and Lancer holding back avatar packages because of their exclusion, yet there has been an incomplete re-release for an avatar package in DNF before. Particular to DFOG, the Black Friday sale was technically a "re-release" of many of these package avatars, and many were very happy about it.


Even so, releasing older exclusive packages does not seem to be much of a problem when there has been cases of simply releasing the avatars solo. Or even a proper re-release of the package, updated with the new class.



But the problem isn't simply packages. Neople has demonstrated a willingness to release older CERA shop avatars that exclude new classes (in this case, Lancer), as well as many other waves of class-specific avatars a month. Neople has even had a poll so the community can decide which new avatar(s) to release first. The problem here is the infrequency of these. The Commando release was well over 2 months ago, and the month before that was only a partial release for Thieves, MFighters, and MMages. The slow drips of avatar releases that are permanent to CERA shop is simply way too slow and way too inconsistent.



While I would like to touch on the subject of older generation rare avatars, there are simply too many factors related to the issue which can complicate it, ranging from lack of tradeable avatars to fuel (Ancient) Bind Cubes, as well as the lack of Daphne system which is well-related.


We can fix this problem, but only with Neople willing to help us and communicate with us. With the community advisors, we can.


We, the DFOG community, desire more avatars, more consistently, more quickly.



原文作者nihil679 DNF美服吧


We, the DFOG community, desire more avatars, more consistently, more quickly.



原文作者nihil679 DNF美服吧