

2017年6月22日,國際著名學術雜誌《Cell》子刊《Neuron》雜誌線上發表了浙江大學藥學院陳忠教授課題組題為《Depolarized GABAergic Signaling in Subicular Microcircuits Mediates Generalized Seizure in Temporal Lobe Epilepsy》的文章。研究發現顳葉癲癇繼發性全身性大發作與下托腦區特異性地存在異常去極化信號通路相關,








Secondary generalized seizure (sGS) is a major source of disability in temporal lobe epilepsy (TLE) with unclear cellular/circuit mechanisms. Here we found that clinical TLE patients with sGS showed reduced volume specifically in the subiculum compared with those without sGS. Further, using optogenetics and extracellular electrophysiological recording in mouse models, we found that photoactivation of subicular GABAergic neurons retarded sGS acquisition by inhibiting the firing of pyramidal neurons. once sGS had been stably acquired, photoactivation of GABAergic neurons aggravated sGS expression via depolarized GABAergic signaling. Subicular parvalbumin, but not somatostatin subtype GABAergic, neurons were easily depolarized in sGS expression. Finally, photostimulation of subicular pyramidal neurons genetically targeted with proton pump Arch, rather than chloride pump NpHR3.0, alleviated sGS expression. These results demonstrated that depolarized GABAergic signaling in subicular microcircuit mediates sGS in TLE. This may be of therapeutic interest in understanding the pathological neuronal circuitry underlying sGS.



Secondary generalized seizure (sGS) is a major source of disability in temporal lobe epilepsy (TLE) with unclear cellular/circuit mechanisms. Here we found that clinical TLE patients with sGS showed reduced volume specifically in the subiculum compared with those without sGS. Further, using optogenetics and extracellular electrophysiological recording in mouse models, we found that photoactivation of subicular GABAergic neurons retarded sGS acquisition by inhibiting the firing of pyramidal neurons. once sGS had been stably acquired, photoactivation of GABAergic neurons aggravated sGS expression via depolarized GABAergic signaling. Subicular parvalbumin, but not somatostatin subtype GABAergic, neurons were easily depolarized in sGS expression. Finally, photostimulation of subicular pyramidal neurons genetically targeted with proton pump Arch, rather than chloride pump NpHR3.0, alleviated sGS expression. These results demonstrated that depolarized GABAergic signaling in subicular microcircuit mediates sGS in TLE. This may be of therapeutic interest in understanding the pathological neuronal circuitry underlying sGS.