

video games, because your social networks are about to get flooded with countless tweets, posts, pics, hot takes, snarky asides and full-on rants about interactive entertainment. The reason? E3, otherwise known as theElectronic Entertainment Expo.



You’ve likely heard of E3 — it’s in its 24th consecutive year — but you might not know why the annual video game industry convention/circus is such a big deal. Focused primarily on upcoming games and hardware, E3 offers a glimpse into the strategic motivation of some of the world’s biggest entertainment companies. Microsoft(MSFT), Sony(SNE),Nintendo(NTDOY)and others parade their latest and greatest wares, hoping to drum up pre-orders, dominate headline, and ride a wave of gamer goodwill into the lucrative holiday season.



Here’s what you need to know about the most important video game show of the year.


When does it start, exactly?


E3 2017 descends upon the Los Angeles Convention Center from June 13 through June 15, though it unofficially begins a few days earlier with a smattering of gaudy press conferences from major players. This year Electronic Arts kicks things off with an event on Saturday, June 10, followed by Microsoft, Bethesda, Ubisoft and Sony on Sunday and Monday.Here’s the official press conference schedule.

E3 2017年從6月13號到15號繼續在洛杉磯會議中心舉辦,儘管它在舉辦前幾天就非正式的開始了,一些淺薄的資訊就由這些大玩家開始舉辦花哨的新聞發佈會.。今年EA將把其牛氣的特別活動在六月十號星期六舉辦,緊隨的的就是微軟,Bethesda,育碧和索尼在周日和週一舉行。


How big is it


The size and scope of E3 has fluctuated over the years. After flirting with fire code violations in 2005 by letting over 70,000 attendees roam its halls, the ESA (Entertainment Software Association) yanked on the reins, moving the shebang to a series of hotels in Santa Monica and trimming the guest list to a tidy 5,000. Eventually they moved back downtown and the show enjoyed a sort of rebirth. Last year’s E3 had more than 50,000 showgoers, and 2017 will likely exceed that.


Some 200 game makers will tout games big and small in booths at the cavernous convention center, but the show is much bigger than that. Twitch and T-Mobile will host an esports arena next door at L.A. Live. Game Awards producer Geoff Keighley will host developer chats, panels and demos at the fan-friendlyE3 Coliseum, including appearances by the likes of Jack Black, Ivan Reitman and Neil deGrasse Tyson. Add in dozens of mixers, a handful of huge parties and an untold number of hotel suite showings and it basically takes over L.A.’s thriving downtown district for three full days.

大概一些200個遊戲製造商將會在他們巨大的會議中心裡大大小小的攤位上兜售他們的遊戲,但是這個展覽並不局限如此。Twich和T-mobile將會在洛杉磯舉辦電競嘉年華並直播。遊戲將製作人 Geoff Keighley將會主持開發者對話,小組和演示在粉絲友好型的E3 Coliseum,包括Jack Black, Ivan Reitman and Neil deGrasse Tyson都有可能出現。


Can I go?


Not if you didn’t buy a ticket. E3 2017 model is the first show to be open to the public. The ESA sold 15,000 and, as you can imagine, they’re all sold out.

當然你得買張票。E3 2017 展是第一次向公眾開放的展覽。ESA賣了15000張票,正如你所想的那樣,他們早就賣光了。

But E3 has increasingly become less dependant on conventional on-the-ground reporting to get the word out. The major pre-show press conferences will all be streamed live at various sites (IGN, for instance) and Sonysold movie theater ticketsfor those interested in watching their gala on a big screen.


Sites like Youtube, Twitch and even Twitter will be streaming all sorts of coverage live from the show floor, including interviews with developers and live gameplay demonstrations. You might not be there in person, but it’s easy to stay informed.

像outube, Twitch 甚至是推特一樣的網站將會從展臺直播各種各樣的報導,包括對開發者的採訪和直播試玩演示。你可能並不會感覺身臨其境,但是你會被告知各種資訊。

So what big news should we expect?


That’s a super hard question, voice in my head, but here’s a handful of relatively safe predictions:


Microsoft’s Project Scorpio


E3 is often a launchpad for big new hardware announcements, and this year the stage belongs to Microsoft. Expect to get a pretty thorough demo ofProject Scorpio, an upgraded version of the company’s one console and counter toSony’s beefy PS4 Pro.

E3 一直是大型硬體的發佈平臺,並且在今年這個舞臺將會屬於微軟。期待能看到天蠍座專案一些非常精彩的演示,一些如同升級版本 one console而與PS4 Pro相反。

期待能看到天蠍座專案一些非常精彩的演示,一些如同升級版本 one console而與PS4 Pro相反。