


日前為時尚雜誌《Vanity Fair》拍攝了一組寫真,其中就有她僅穿針織披肩的性☆禁☆感照。不想該照片竟引來了網友對她的炮轟,稱她自視女權主義者,卻還拍“討好男性”的照片。 艾瑪也毫不示弱,在路透社採訪中怒懟,女性主義是給予女性選擇權的,關胸部何事?

Emma Watson caught some flak this week when Vanity Fair published a photo of the Beauty and the Beast star wearing a cape that exposed her breasts — a reaction she told Reuters she was “quietly stunned” by.

After the magazine debuted the photo, shot by Tim Walker, publications and social media users criticized and questioned Watson’s decision — for example, Pret-a-Reporter published a story with the headline, “Is actress and feminist Emma Watson a hypocrite for going topless in Vanity Fair?”

In the Reuters interview, Watson tells costar Dan Stevens that critics “were saying that I couldn’t be a feminist and have boobs.” “Feminism is about giving women choice,” she says. “Feminism is not a stick with which to beat other women with. It’s about freedom. It’s about liberation. It’s about equality. I really don’t know what my tits have to do with it.”

馬上學:flak指“高射炮火”,也表示“抨擊性的批評”。表示“抨擊”英文還可說take a swipe at或lash out。



Scarlett Johansson filed for divorce from French husband Romain Dauriac after two years of marriage, leaving the movie star and the journalist to face the task of divvying up their assets and come to an agreement over custody of their 2-year-old daughter, Rose Dorothy Dauriac.

In a statement, Johansson said: “As a devoted mother and private person and with complete awareness that my daughter will one day be old enough to read the news about herself, I would only like to say that I will never, ever be commenting on the dissolution of my marriage. Out of respect for my desires as a parent and out of respect for all working moms, it is with kindness that I ask other parties involved and the media to do the same.”

馬上學:dissolution意指 “(婚姻關係或契約的) 解除”,

如:the dissolution of the marriage/business/contract。

