
智商堪比愛因斯坦 盤點好萊塢隱藏的學霸明星





The star, 53, is best known for her role as kooky Phoebe Buffay in Friends.53歲的莉莎•庫卓最出名的角色是《老友記》中的怪咖菲比•布菲。

But in real life her head is anywhere but in the clouds - in fact she has a reported IQ of 154. An IQ over 120 is considered superior.但是,現實生活中她的腦子非常好用,事實上她的智商據稱有154。


After leaving High School she obtained a degree in science from the exclusive Vassar College in New York and joined her physician father Dr. Lee N. Kudrow's research team.高中畢業後,庫卓獲得了紐約頂尖學府瓦薩學院的理學學位,加入父親李•N•庫卓博士的研究團隊,她的父親是一位醫生。

She worked alongside him for eight years while forging her acting career, and was credited as a researcher on his study on cluster headaches.庫卓在開闢自己的演藝事業的同時,在父親身邊工作了8年,曾經以研究員身份參與叢集性頭痛研究。


His action star career might suggest that Stallone is more brawn than brains, but the very opposite is true.史泰龍的動作明星生涯也許暗示著他是一個頭腦簡單四肢發達的人,但是事實恰恰相反。

The star has a reported IQ of 160 - the same as Albert Einstein - and in 1977 he was nominated for an Oscar for both Best Actor and Best Original Screenplay as he not only starred in, but also wrote the hit film Rocky.據稱這位巨星的智商有160,和愛因斯坦一樣高。在1977年,他獲得奧斯卡最佳男演員和最佳原創劇本的提名,因為他不僅是賣座電影《洛奇》的主演,也是該片編劇。

At the time he was relatively unknown in Hollywood, but such was the strength of the script that executives conceded to his demand that he play the title role to see it made.當時史泰龍在好萊塢相對默默無聞,而正是這個劇本讓好萊塢的高管們答應了他的要求,由他出演主角洛奇。

He's also a talented painter and his pieces sell for in excess of $90,000.史泰龍還是一個天才畫家,他的作品售價超過9萬美元。


As a youngster Mayim played the younger version of Bette Midler's character in Beaches and starred in Blossom, and became a fashion icon thanks to her floppy hats.孩童時,馬伊姆在《莫負當年情》中扮演小時候的貝蒂•米勒。


Despite going on to win a major role in Woody Allen's Don't Drink The Water, she decided to take a break from acting to study neuroscience at the University of California.雖然後來在伍迪•艾倫的電影《別喝生水》中獲得一個重要角色,但她還是決定中斷演藝事業,到加州大學研究神經科學。

She went on to obtain her PhD and has since written a parenting book about the hormones involved in bonding with your child, as well as starring in The Big Bang Theory.她繼續深造獲得博士學位,隨後撰寫了一本育兒書,該書講述了在親近孩子時荷爾蒙的變化。與此同時,還在《生活大爆炸》中擔當主演(扮演謝耳朵的女友Amy)。


She possesses a Best Supporting actress Oscar for her role in Mighty Aphrodite, but Mira has many other achievements to boast of.米拉憑藉《非強力春藥》中的角色獲得了奧斯卡最佳女配角獎,但是她還有很多成就值得誇耀。

She won a place at Harvard in the late 1980s, and completed an exchange programme in Beijing, where she became fluent in Mandarin.上世紀80年代末,她進入哈佛大學學習,並在北京參加了一個交換專案,在那裡她學到了一口流利的普通話。

During her time at the prestigious university, she co-founded an acapella group, the Harvard-Radcliffe Veritones.米拉在哈佛學習期間與人合夥創辦了Harvard-Radcliffe Veritones無伴奏合唱團。

She graduated magna cum laude, with a degree in East Asian Studies.米拉以優異成績畢業,獲得東亞研究學士學位。


The Underworld star was always passionate about acting, but when she won a place at Oxford university, to read French and Russian literature at New College, she decided to pass up drama school.《黑夜傳說》中的主演凱特•貝金賽爾一直對表演充滿熱情,但是當她有機會進入牛津大學新學院學習法國和俄羅斯文學時,她決定放棄戲劇學院。

'I had grown up around actors, and I thought it would be good to be around people who were passionate about things that weren’t acting,' she said.她說:“我是在演員身邊長大的,我認為和愛好不同的人呆在一起會很好。”

She spent her third year studying in Paris, but decided to quit university to focus on acting.貝金賽爾大學時光的第三年在巴黎度過,而後決定輟學專注於表演。


The child star was not only gifted at acting, but learned to read at the age of three.童星裘蒂•福斯特不僅頗有表演天賦,而且三歲時就會讀書。

Thanks to her time at a French-language pre-school where she was valedictorian, she's a fluent speaker and dubs her parts herself in the French versions of her films.福斯特在讀法語學前班時是致告別詞的優秀畢業生,多虧在那裡學習的時光,福斯特因此講得一口流利的法語,她為自己參演的電影的法國版本親自配音。

As her acting career slowed down, she took up a place at Yale university to study literature in 1980 and graduated in the top of her class in 1985.隨著演藝事業的放緩,她於1980年進入耶魯大學學習文學,並以全班最好成績於1985年畢業。


He's best known for his role as the gangster Leslie Chow in the Hangover trilogy, but Ken has a very successful career to fall back on if he wants to turn his back on acting.肯•鄭最出名的是《宿醉》三部曲中的黑幫角色萊斯利•周,但是如果他不想演戲的話還可以靠另一項事業成功立足。

He's currently starring in the ABC series Dr Ken, which he created, wrote and produced, based on his own experiences of working as a doctor.他現在主演的ABC系列劇《肯醫生》就是他基於自己做醫生的經歷創作、編寫並製作的。

A gifted student, he was on the High IQ team at his school, where he also played violin in the orchestra and graduated at 16 with a Youth Of The Year Award.肯•鄭是一個天賦異稟的學生,他是學校裡高智商人群的一員,還在管弦樂隊演奏小提琴,16歲畢業時還拿到了年度青年獎。

The medic combined his career with being a stand up comic until his wife persuaded him to quit medicine and pursue his dream of being an actor.醫學生肯•鄭一邊做醫生一邊做相聲演員,直到他的妻子說服他放棄醫學,專心追求自己的演員夢。


She's starred in iconic films such as Beetlejuice and Thelma & Louise, but Geena Davis is just as well known for her activism.吉娜•大衛斯主演的代表作包括《陰間大法師》、《末路狂花》等,但她也同樣因為積極參與社會活動而負有盛名。

The star founded the Geena Davis Institute on Gender in Media in 2007, to campaign for a better balance of female to male characters in children's programmes, and to combat stereotyping of women.2007年,她創立了吉娜•大衛斯傳媒業性別研究院,爭取讓兒童節目中的男女比例更加平衡,並與對女性的偏見作鬥爭。

Thanks to an IQ of 140, she's a member of Mensa and is a talented musician who has mastered the piano, flute, and pipe organ.大衛斯憑藉著140的智商成為門薩俱樂部的會員。她還精通鋼琴、長笛和管風琴,是一位天才音樂家。

She started practicing archery in the late '90s and was a prospect for the 2000 Olympic Games in Sydney, just two years after taking up the sport.上世紀90年代末,她開始練習射箭,並成為參加2000年悉尼奧運會的候選選手,而那時她接觸射箭才剛兩年。


She possesses a Best Supporting actress Oscar for her role in Mighty Aphrodite, but Mira has many other achievements to boast of.米拉憑藉《非強力春藥》中的角色獲得了奧斯卡最佳女配角獎,但是她還有很多成就值得誇耀。

She won a place at Harvard in the late 1980s, and completed an exchange programme in Beijing, where she became fluent in Mandarin.上世紀80年代末,她進入哈佛大學學習,並在北京參加了一個交換專案,在那裡她學到了一口流利的普通話。

During her time at the prestigious university, she co-founded an acapella group, the Harvard-Radcliffe Veritones.米拉在哈佛學習期間與人合夥創辦了Harvard-Radcliffe Veritones無伴奏合唱團。

She graduated magna cum laude, with a degree in East Asian Studies.米拉以優異成績畢業,獲得東亞研究學士學位。


The Underworld star was always passionate about acting, but when she won a place at Oxford university, to read French and Russian literature at New College, she decided to pass up drama school.《黑夜傳說》中的主演凱特•貝金賽爾一直對表演充滿熱情,但是當她有機會進入牛津大學新學院學習法國和俄羅斯文學時,她決定放棄戲劇學院。

'I had grown up around actors, and I thought it would be good to be around people who were passionate about things that weren’t acting,' she said.她說:“我是在演員身邊長大的,我認為和愛好不同的人呆在一起會很好。”

She spent her third year studying in Paris, but decided to quit university to focus on acting.貝金賽爾大學時光的第三年在巴黎度過,而後決定輟學專注於表演。


The child star was not only gifted at acting, but learned to read at the age of three.童星裘蒂•福斯特不僅頗有表演天賦,而且三歲時就會讀書。

Thanks to her time at a French-language pre-school where she was valedictorian, she's a fluent speaker and dubs her parts herself in the French versions of her films.福斯特在讀法語學前班時是致告別詞的優秀畢業生,多虧在那裡學習的時光,福斯特因此講得一口流利的法語,她為自己參演的電影的法國版本親自配音。

As her acting career slowed down, she took up a place at Yale university to study literature in 1980 and graduated in the top of her class in 1985.隨著演藝事業的放緩,她於1980年進入耶魯大學學習文學,並以全班最好成績於1985年畢業。


He's best known for his role as the gangster Leslie Chow in the Hangover trilogy, but Ken has a very successful career to fall back on if he wants to turn his back on acting.肯•鄭最出名的是《宿醉》三部曲中的黑幫角色萊斯利•周,但是如果他不想演戲的話還可以靠另一項事業成功立足。

He's currently starring in the ABC series Dr Ken, which he created, wrote and produced, based on his own experiences of working as a doctor.他現在主演的ABC系列劇《肯醫生》就是他基於自己做醫生的經歷創作、編寫並製作的。

A gifted student, he was on the High IQ team at his school, where he also played violin in the orchestra and graduated at 16 with a Youth Of The Year Award.肯•鄭是一個天賦異稟的學生,他是學校裡高智商人群的一員,還在管弦樂隊演奏小提琴,16歲畢業時還拿到了年度青年獎。

The medic combined his career with being a stand up comic until his wife persuaded him to quit medicine and pursue his dream of being an actor.醫學生肯•鄭一邊做醫生一邊做相聲演員,直到他的妻子說服他放棄醫學,專心追求自己的演員夢。


She's starred in iconic films such as Beetlejuice and Thelma & Louise, but Geena Davis is just as well known for her activism.吉娜•大衛斯主演的代表作包括《陰間大法師》、《末路狂花》等,但她也同樣因為積極參與社會活動而負有盛名。

The star founded the Geena Davis Institute on Gender in Media in 2007, to campaign for a better balance of female to male characters in children's programmes, and to combat stereotyping of women.2007年,她創立了吉娜•大衛斯傳媒業性別研究院,爭取讓兒童節目中的男女比例更加平衡,並與對女性的偏見作鬥爭。

Thanks to an IQ of 140, she's a member of Mensa and is a talented musician who has mastered the piano, flute, and pipe organ.大衛斯憑藉著140的智商成為門薩俱樂部的會員。她還精通鋼琴、長笛和管風琴,是一位天才音樂家。

She started practicing archery in the late '90s and was a prospect for the 2000 Olympic Games in Sydney, just two years after taking up the sport.上世紀90年代末,她開始練習射箭,並成為參加2000年悉尼奧運會的候選選手,而那時她接觸射箭才剛兩年。