






Kevin Simplecom

Shenzhen is also the future of other Chinese cities,

many shenzhen high tech companies now largest in the world

HUAWEI: world largest telecommunications equipment manufacturer

DJI: world largest civilian-drone company

TENCENT: world largest Video Game Company (folllowed by Sony and Microsoft)

BYD: World largest electric vehicle maker?









Chinese are way behind in terms in IT services and cloud. I see lot of people commenting on Indian being jealous of what? India has become the world’s third-largest startup ecosystem only behind US and Israel.

Why should Indians be jealous of China? They are nowhere near to Indians in IT.

There is so much liquidity in Indian startup ecosystem that Govt has banned certain countries.

Alibaba and all major chinese firms are investing heavily in India despite their government saying not too. Why arent they investing in this high tech silicon valley in shenzhen?

Hardware is all good but its the software where the big bucks are! Wait and watch next 10 years the rise of India to the top of startup indexes and including my company.?







Ron Burgandy

I was in Shenzhen a few months ago, and I was really impressed by how clean and modern it was. It's a little pricey, though. Definitely more expensive than most Chinese cities. There are plenty of Ofo and Mobikes everywhere, so I didn't have to walk. And their food is good, too.?



Mayuresh Indapurkar

Indian here. Hats off to the Chinese!! I am sad that such kind of infrastructure can never happen in India. I think a large credit goes to China's Single party system. India's democracy is a mess and infected with nightmarish bureaucracy.?



Harambe ,the horny gorilla

In a way, Shenzhen can become a better city than Hong Kong and Singapore in the future. It has many advantages: main hub for start ups, supercities nearby like Hong Kong, Shanghai and Beijing, a massive consumer market that's expected to overtake the US, headquarters for major technology firms, massive investment in technology, and a centralized government. Sounds like a combination of Silicon Valley and Tokyo.?



Matt Cano

USA is still most technically advanced in every direction.... And this has all been done before, the chinese just copy American products, and even steal them sometimes. They lack innovation, something that Americans do best. Still, the Chinese are improving at a rapid speed toward a better direction.?



Harambe ,the horny gorilla

Silicon Valley is located in the San Francisco bay area, but with all its technological prowess and resources San Francisco is unable to figure in the top 10 cities in the world due to not being in the economic and political center of America. Shenzhen is located in the political and economic center of China.?




wraffuz punz

As a British person it's quite a shock how far the Chinese have come since the 90's. Even through the early 2000's I wasn't expecting such amazing progress in everything from infrastructure and economy to the quality of life and the new architecture sprouting up in megacities like Shenzhen and Guangzhou. Very impressive, the Chinese should be quite proud of what they've achieved, at this point Shenzhen is looking to be another Silicon valley or Tel Aviv.

Keep up the good work.?





Interesting. The saying as I've always heard it was "To see China's past go to Xi'an, to see China's present go to Beijing, and to see China's future go to Shanghai"?






Interesting. The saying as I've always heard it was "To see China's past go to Xi'an, to see China's present go to Beijing, and to see China's future go to Shanghai"?

