

(Share America)




田徑明星Gail Devers曾說:“讓夢想飛揚。 理解理想的實現需要靠信念,需要相信自己,懷抱遠見,努力不懈,也需要決心和專注。 記住,只要相信,天下凡事不無可能。”


#AmericanAthletes – Conclusion

For many athletes, winning is only part of the reason why they push themselves. It’s the passion for the game, the collegiality of being part of a team, and the inspiration of the fans and people cheering them on.

“Keep your dreams alive. Understand to achieve anything requires faith and belief in yourself, vision, hard work, determination and dedication. Remember all things are possible for those who believe,” said track and field star Gail Devers.”

What dream do you want to achieve?