

From Applications to Visas to Arrival: How to Prepare for Your Study Abroad

The United States has the world’s largest international student population, with well over one million students choosing to achieve academic success abroad. Approximately 5% of all students enrolled in higher education are international students.

The path ahead is a bumpy one. For those considering studying abroad, there are many obstacles that need to be considered. Preparation is extensive, but well worth the time. Below are the steps you need to take starting now until your departure.

Before you even begin, it is encouraged that students have some sort of idea of what they would like to major in for their academic studies. This, along with choosing which schools you wish to apply for, is the first step. With hundreds of options in both categories, it may seem initially overwhelming. This reason is why this is such an important step.

When you are researching which university you’d like to attend, it is important to factor in every issue, including non-academic reasons. Where is this school? How is the climate? Is it close to a major city? How is the public transportation? Is the community diverse and international? These are just a few of the questions you need to ask yourself before choosing the university that is right for you. Be sure to take your time to research and find the perfect fit. With 50 states, all with a unique culture and diverse population, there is a lot of information to sift through. I recommend reaching out to international students you know who are already abroad to ask for advice, or to find blog posts by international students that detail both their successes and struggles.

The next step is to prepare your application. As an international student, most universities require some sort of standardized tests and other paperwork. These schools establish their own admission requirements and therefore will differ by school. The schools website will state any diploma, credit recognition, standardized tests, and English scores needed. Prepare these well before you begin to apply. While overwhelming, education groups like us at Ambright specialize in the application process and can help you organize and apply to your dream schools in a timely manner.

Congratulations! The steps after this are after your acceptance into university! Once accepted in, unfortunately you are not done. There is still a bit of paperwork and bureaucracy you need to complete swiftly before your departure.

The next step is to obtain your student visa for extended study in the US. To acquire this, you must prepare the proper documents, pay a small fee, and both schedule and pass the visa interview appointment. The nessicary documents will be posted on the consulate or embassy webpage. Please be sure to prepare these documents before attending your visa appointment. Please note: There is no guarantee that you will be issued a visa. We highly recommend that you do NOT buy air transportation tickets or finalize your travel plans until you have officially been offered a visa. As stated before, if you would like help with your visa application and paperwork, as well as professional visa interview training, follow the link on this page for more information!

The final step is to prepare for departure! This is another thing our international consultants can help you prepare for. Do you have enough travel necessities, essentials, and cash to get set up and started? Have you started an international student insurance plan? Do you have a SIM card or working phone in the US prepared? Do you have a way to get from the airport to your intended destination? These are all questions that you must prepare for before you land.

Once again, if you are reading this far, congratulations on your acceptance and new and exciting journey! International education not only is esteemed and valued worldwide; it is also the best way to grow as an individual. For more information and guidance on your new journey, please contact us with any questions or inquiries. We are here to help.

美國擁有世界上最大的國際學生人數, 在美國, 接受高等教育的學生中約有5%都是國際學生。


需要準備的東西非常多。 以下, 是奧斯丁為大家準備的乾貨, 專為那些有需要留學的同學提供些建議哦~

首先, 在開始之前, 學生得要有自己的想法, 從眾多院校和專業中, 選擇自己喜歡的專業和想要申請的學校。 這是最初, 也是最重要的一步。


除了學術方面, 你還需要考慮一些其他問題。 比如:這所學校在哪裡?氣候如何?靠近哪個主要城市?公共交通如何?社區多元化和國際化嗎?這些都是你在選擇適合的大學之前需要瞭解的。 美國有50個州, 許多地方都擁有自己獨特的文化和人群, 有很多資訊可以供你篩選。 我建議你聯繫一些當地的國際學生, 多在網上流覽相關的資訊, 看看別人的經歷。

下一步, 就是準備申請。 作為國際學生, 最重要的就是標準化考試和其他文書工作。 各個學校的錄取要求不同, 學校的官方網站會將所需的材料, 檔, 信用認證, 標準化考試和英語要求列舉出來。 在開始申請之前準備好這些。 如果你自己還理不清頭緒,


恭喜你, 之後就是錄取和選擇大學的過程。 在你被錄取以後, 仍然有一些文書方面的工作, 例如申請住宿, 提交健康表格, 申請簽證等等。

接下來, 你需要一個有效的美國學生簽證。 你需要準備一些檔, 支付一小筆費用, 網上遞交簽證申請、面試預約, 並通過簽證面試。 在出席簽證面試以前, 請務必準備好所需要的檔。 在獲得簽證以前先不要買機票, 以免產生不必要的損失。 如前所述, 如果你希望獲得簽證申請和文書工作以及專業的簽證面試培訓等, 請點擊此頁面上的連結瞭解更多資訊!


有關留學方面的更多資訊和指導, 如果你還有任何問題或疑問, 請與我們聯繫。

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