

2018中國郵政儲蓄銀行四川分行校園招聘報名時間為2017年9月17日-10月20日。 2017年11月4日在全國部分城市組織統一筆試。

(sczgjrr)提醒:2018中國郵儲銀行四川分行校園招聘筆試通知已於2017年10月27日發佈出來, 通知詳情:筆試時間為2017年11月4日14:00-16:30, 具體考試地點將於11月初開放預約並列印准考證。 請保持手機暢通!


1. The management of personal banking department trains all its staff members to dealwith guest inquiries ______.

A. courtesy B. courteous C. courteously D. more courteous

2. Ms. Sykes is an ______ manager who is always able to make the best of her employees.

A. imaginary B. exclusive C. inactive D. effective

3. Several prominent business people in the Dunbar region ______ together to form the Dunbar Chamber of Commerce.

A. has joined B. have joined C. joining D. be joined

4. Because of the economic recession, many small businesses are having difficulty ______ their budget.

A. manage B. managing C. to manage D. management

5. Ms. Rudders will be ______looking through all the job applications to make sure we select the best person.

A. care B. caring C. careful D. carefully

6. A year-long ____ of Gardeners’ Monthly magazine costs just $ 85.50, and it comes with a free pair of gardening gloves.

A. subscription B. entry C. warranty D. membership

7. Spitting on the ground is not only ______ but also harmful to others’ health.

A. disgusting B. banging C. grabbing D. blasting

8. The policeman stopped him when he was driving home and ______ him of speeding.

A. charged B. accused C. blamed D. deprived

9. My camera can be ______ to take pictures in cloudy or sunny conditions.

A. treated B. adopted C. adjusted D. reminded

10. The experiment has ______ the possibility of the existence of any life on that planet, but it does not mean there is no life on other planets.

A. found out B. pointed out C. ruled out D. carried out

11. It seems that living green is ______ easy and affordable. A small step makes a big difference.

A. exactly B. fortunately C. surprisingly D. hardly

12. Frank put the mediocre in the top drawer to make sure it would not be _______ to the kids.

A. accessible B. relative C. acceptable D. sensitive

13. We volunteered to collect money to help the ______ of the tsunami.

A. victims B. folks C. fellows D. villagers

14. Thanks to the modern electrical ______, housework nowadays has been made easier and easier.

A. facilities B. instruments C. appliances D. tools

15. After that, he knew he could ______ any emergency by doing what he could to the best of his ability.

A. get away with B. get on with C.get through D. get across


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