

英語裡有很多習語, 和中文中的成語和俗語有對應的關係, 隨著挑了幾句, 供大家開開心。

A blessing in disguise塞翁失馬

例句:The failure to conclude the trade talks last December could prove a blessing in disguise.


A close call千均一發

例句: It is really a close call; the truck almost hit our car.

卡車差別撞上我們, 真是千均一發。

Around the clock 夜以繼日

例句] Mr. Wang prepared his report around the clock.


Be cool as a cucumber 處變不驚

例句: Last week Dad was in this auto accident and the other driver was so mad he was yelling and screaming. But Dad stayed cool as a cucumber and got the other guy cooled off too, once he saw there wasn't any real damage to either car.

上星期, 爸爸出了車禍。 對方那個開車的人大聲嚷嚷非常冒火。 但是, 爸爸卻處變不驚, 而且在看到雙方的汽車都沒有受到很嚴重損傷後還設法使對方冷靜了下來。

Black sheep 害群之馬 (英國人認為黑羊是魔鬼的化身)

例句:There are black sheep in every flock.


Give someone a taste of his own medicine 以其人之道還與其人之身

例句:Mr. Wang always interrupts people when they are talking; he should be given a taste of his own medicine!


Have a screw loose 腦子有坑

例句:Mr. Zhang must have a screw loose to quit such a good job.

老張這麼好的工作都辭了, 他腦子一定有坑。

Hot air 誇誇其談

例句:David is so full of hot air


Icing on the cake 錦上添花(在蛋糕上再澆糖漿)

例句:The third goal was the icing on the cake.


The pot calling the kettle black 烏鴉笑豬黑

例句: Ms. Li accused us of being selfish. Take about the pot calling the kettle black.

小李說我們自私, 真是烏鴉落在豬身上, 光看別人黑, 不說自己黑。

先到這裡吧, 如果喜歡請點贊。 小扁再努力編下去。

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