
「賽事預測」皇家貝蒂斯 VS 赫塔菲

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皇家貝蒂斯 VS 赫塔菲

03/11/2017 西甲聯賽

皇家貝蒂斯 勝 [信心度 9/10]


10場比賽已經取得3勝3平的成績, 目前拿到12分位居積分榜中游, 高出降級區6分。 這支球隊防守強硬, 至今只丟掉11粒進球, 失球數與巴倫西亞(積分榜第二位)持平, 僅比皇家馬德里多2個, 但他們即將遭遇的是擁有聯賽最鋒利攻擊線的皇家貝蒂斯。

由於糟糕的防守帶來一系列的失利之後, 皇家貝蒂斯目前依然以16分排在積分榜第八位, 落後皇家馬德里和馬德里競技4分(第三和第四), 但是球隊的鋒線實力毋庸置疑, 此前的6場比賽他們豪取15粒進球。 本週一他們客場被西班牙人1比0擊敗, 但是在主場球迷面前, 本賽季5場比賽只輸掉1場, 贏下其餘4場。 他們已經在主場打進13球, 其中2場沒有失球, 華金-薩納布裡亞-萊昂組成的進攻三叉戟包攬了球隊13球,


儘管客隊赫塔菲不好對付, 相信皇家貝蒂斯還是有能力重新找回勝利的感覺, 全隊上下和球迷都期盼球隊能夠在本賽季打進前六, 重獲歐戰資格。

Real Betis - Getafe

La Liga 3rd of November 2017 2000 BST

Real Betis to win [Confidence 信心度 9/10]

Getafe has proven to be one of the positive surprises of this year’s La Liga, winning three and drawing three of the 10 played so far, and are in the middle of the table with 12 points, six ahead of the relegation spots. They are a very solid team with a good defence, and they have conceded 11 goals, the same as Valencia (second in the table) and only two more than Real Madrid, but will struggle against Beits, the most offensive team of the league.

After a bad series of results and a very poor defence, they sit eight with 16 points, four behind Real Madrid and Atletico (third and fourth) but there can’t be doubts about their offensive firepower, as they have scored 15 goals in the last six games. Espanyol defeated them 1-0 last monday, but in front of their supporters they have only lost one of the five played this year, winning the other four. They have scored at home 13 goals and kept two clean sheets in five, with the attacking trio Joaquin-Sanabria-Leon scoring between them 13 goals, the same as the whole Getafe squad.

Even if the visitors are a decent team, Betis should be able to get back to winning ways here impressing their fans and chasing the top-6 to bring European football back to Sevilla next season.

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