

近日, 男神胡歌現身在上海東方藝術中心舉行的無界夢想家教育論壇, 壓軸登場發表英文演講, 分享他關於“教育”和“成長”的追夢之旅。

即將赴美遊學的胡歌站在舞臺上全程用英文侃侃而談, 無疑成為此次論壇分享的最大亮點之一。 用英語演講的胡歌, 表情也十分豐富, 頓時化身表情包。

Good afternoon, everybody!

I am so happy to attend this EF Education Exchange event and to hear such amazing personal stories.

今天, 我非常高興能夠參加“無界夢想家”教育論壇, 並且聽到這麼多“夢想家”分享他們精彩的人生故事。

It makes me realize I am not alone on my journey to build a better life as there are so many others who strive to study continuously in order to achieve their dreams.

這讓我意識到, 在使生活變得更美好的路上, 我並不孤單。 正如, 有這麼多的人都一直為實現他們的夢想而努力。

Whenever I travel abroad, I often meet people from different countries and cultures.

當我出國旅行的時候, 我經常會碰到很多來自不同國家和文化背景的人。

As I communicate with them, I realize how much bigger my world becomes.

當我真正跟他們交流的時候, 我才意識到我的世界變得多麼的寬闊。

So in my future travels and studies abroad,I will personally challenge to explore different cultures and learn new things in order to expand my world.

所以在未來的旅行和出國學習中, 我會不斷努力去探索不同的文化, 學習新的事物, 開闊我的視野。

I hope everyone here can also remove all obstacles and open your world through education.

我也希望, 在座的每一位都能克服一切困難, 通過教育去打開通往世界的大門。 教育, 讓世界無界。


Q:現場有很多小朋友, 作為一個80後, 你有什麼想對00後說的?

Hu: From what I've seen around me, the kids of the 2000s generation are a group of dreamers. They are living in an era of information and they have goals to fight for.

在我看來, 很多00後都是夢想家, 他們在資訊時代中成長, 都有著非常明確的目標和理想。

So, to the kids of the 2000s generation, I have nothing but to say "The world is yours and just go to explore it!"

對於00後, 我有一句話想對你們說:“這個世界是你們的, 大膽往前走吧!”

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