

多閱讀一些英語童話小故事, 會提高孩子的英語閱讀能力而且對口語和詞彙量的增加也有所幫助。 下面一起來看看這篇童話故事:埃傑克斯。

​Ajax was a man of giant stature,daring but slow.When the Trojan War was about to break out he led his forces from Salamis to join the Greek army at Aulis.

As one of the trustiest champions of the Greek cause,he was given thejob of guarding one end of the Greek camp near Troy.He was noted in the battlefield for his bravery and courage.After Achilles' death he became one of the two hot contestants for the dead hero's shield and armour,the other being Odysseus.When the weapons were finally judged to his rival,Ajax went mad for grief.Unable to get over the hardships,he took his own life.

When,in order to seek the advice of,Odysseus came to visit the lower world,the shade of Ajax frowned uponhim.In the lower world Ajax chose to be a lion,guided clearly by the bitter recollection of his former life.

埃傑克斯是位身材魁梧、驍勇善戰、但頭腦遲鈍的人。 當特洛伊戰爭即將爆發時,他率領軍隊從薩拉米斯到達奧爾墨斯加入了希臘軍隊。

作為一名為希臘事業奮鬥的最可信賴的鬥士,他被派去保衛靠近特洛伊的希臘軍營邊界。 戰場上,他因作戰勇猛而出名。 阿基裡斯死後,他成為兩個最有可能獲得阿基裡斯的盾甲的有力競爭對手之一。 另一名對手是奧德修斯。

最後, 他的對手勝利了, 並得到了盾甲。 埃傑克斯悲傷至極,無法自拔,最終結束了自己的生命。

奧德修斯為了得到盲人底比斯的忠告而來到陰間;埃傑克斯的幽靈沖著他直皺眉頭。 在陰間,由於受到前世痛苦記憶的折磨,埃傑克斯選擇了做一頭獅子。


in order to為了…


Trojan War 特洛伊戰爭

好了, 以上就是關於“英語童話故事:埃傑克斯”的介紹。 大家還知道哪些英語童話故事呢?在日常枯燥的英語學習過程中大家可以多讀讀英語童話故事, 來培養自己的英語興趣, 增加對單詞, 句子的記憶與理解, 當然, 大家要是喜歡這則故事, 可分享給更多的人哦。 最後, 希望以上的內容能給大家的英語學習有所幫助。

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