
高二英語:過去分詞作定語和狀語 知識講解+鞏固練習+答案

高二英語:過去分詞作定語和狀語 知識講解+鞏固練習+答案(培訓機構, 英語老師用)



及過去分詞作賓語補足語, 在本單元中我們先複習一下過去分詞作定語, 然後學習過去分詞作狀語。


1. Worried about the journey, I was unsettled for the first few days.

2. Well-known for their expertise, his parents’ company, called “Future Tours”, transported me safely into the future in a time capsule.

3. Hit by a lack of fresh air, my head ached.

4. Exhausted, I slid into bed and fell fast asleep.

5. Described as an enormous round plate, it spins slowly in space to imitate the pull of the earth’s gravity.

這些句子中斜體詞部分都是過去分詞, 在句中作狀語。 那麼過去分詞作狀語, 有什麼需要注意呢?



在第一單元, 我們已經學過了過去分詞作定語的用法, 這裡做一簡單複習。

1. 過去分詞作定語與定語從句:

過去分詞作定語, 具有形容詞或副詞的作用, 該分詞及其修飾成分相當於定語從句。 如果把分詞短語轉變成定語從句時, 這個定語從句應具備兩個特徵:

1)從句的主語和所修飾的先行詞一致;如2)的例句1中定語從句的主語就是所修飾詞a teacher。


She is a teacher respected by all her students. 她是位受所有學生尊敬的老師。

= She is a teacher who is respected by all her students.

This is the best novel of its kind ever written. 這是這類小說中寫得最好的。

= This is the best novel of its kind that has ever been written.

2. 作定語的分詞的邏輯主語

分詞作定語, 其邏輯主語是所修飾詞, 現在分詞動作與所修飾詞常是主動關係, 而過去分詞動作與所修飾詞常是被動關係。

The broken clock should be repaired as soon as possible. 這個壞了的鐘錶該儘快修好。

(定語broken與所修飾的詞clock是被動的, 即被弄壞的表)

The crying baby has been ill for two days. 正在大哭的那個嬰兒病了兩天了。

(定語crying是所修飾詞baby做的, 是主動關係)

注意:不定式和-ing形式的被動式與所修飾詞也是被動關係, 但在時間上與過去分詞不同。

3. 作定語的非謂語動詞的時間

過去分詞作定語, 多表示動作已經完成;to be done表示動作將要發生;being done表示動作正在進行。

built last year 去年建的橋

the bridge being built 正在建的橋

to be built next year 明年要建的橋

4. 表示情感的動詞的分詞作定語

現在分詞表示事物的性質, 而過去分詞表示內心的感受, 尤其注意分詞修飾expression, look等詞時, 一般用過去分詞表示內心感受所表現的表情。

The frightened look on her face when seeing the dog surprised her parents.

她看到小狗時臉上害怕的表情讓她父母很吃驚。 (感到害怕的表情)


The tall man gave me a frightening look. 高個子男人向我做了一個嚇人的表情。

 (讓別人害怕的表情, 是性質)


1. 什麼是狀語:

狀語是修飾動詞、形容詞、副詞、其他狀語或主句的, 可以表示時間、地點、方式、比較、程度、原因、目的、結果、條件和讓步等。 可以充當狀語的有副詞、介詞短語、動詞不定式、分詞短語、形容詞、名詞片語和從句等。 如:

Helpless, we watched our home destroyed before our eyes.


(形容詞作伴隨狀語, 說明“看著”時的狀態是“無助的”)

He wrote with a red pencil.他用紅鉛筆寫的。 (介詞短語作方式狀語)

The students went away laughing.學生們笑著走開了。 (現在分詞作伴隨狀語)

Tom tried hard to improve his English. 湯姆努力嘗試來提高英語水準。

(hard是副詞作狀語表示程度, to improve his English是不定式短語作狀語表示目的)

I’ll write to you as soon as I get there.(從句作時間狀語)


【高清課堂:Unit 3 Life in the future語法精講 作狀語】

2. 過去分詞作狀語

非謂語動詞作狀語時, 做題的竅門是:要看作狀語的非謂語動詞與主句的主語構成的主被動關係。

1)Born into a peasant family, he only had two years’ schooling.

他出生于農民家庭, 只受過兩年的教育。

(某人出生於......要用sb. was born..., 因此用born)

2)Compared to many women, she was very fortunate. 與許多女子相比, 她很幸運。

(人compare A to/with B, 此句中是When we compare her to many women, 即she is compared ..., 因此用compared)

3)Exhausted by the journey, he soon fell asleep. 由於旅程而精疲力竭, 他不久就睡著了。

(我們說“I am exhausted (= am tired), 被使筋疲力盡”, 有些學生會誤寫為being exhausted, 一定注意這種由過去分詞變來的形容詞作狀語時表示狀態,

不需加being, 即表示感情的過去分詞作狀語, 不需要加being。 這是考試時要特別注意的。 )

4)Although built before the war, the engine is still in perfect order.

這個引擎雖然是戰前造的, 仍然狀態良好。

(引擎是被製造的, 所以用built。 分詞作狀語時, 可以加某些連詞, 如while doing/ done)

5)Unless changed, the law will make the life difficult for farmers.

如果不做變革, 這項法律會使農民的生活困難。

(法律是被變革的, 因此用changed, 加了連詞unless, 即unless changed)■



Written in a hurry, this article was not so good! 因為寫得匆忙, 這篇文章不是很好。

(過去分詞Written作原因狀語, 邏輯主語是句子的主語this article, 是動作的承受者。 )


Using the book, I find it useful. 在使用的過程中, 我發現這本書很有用。

(現在分詞Using作時間狀語, 其邏輯主語也是句子的主語I, 動作是主語發出的。 )


如果過去分詞作狀語時, 主句的主語不是分詞的邏輯主語, 而是在前面另加了邏輯主語,這種結構叫獨立主格結構。

The signal given, the bus started. 信號一發出,汽車就開動了。

(given 的邏輯主語是the signal,不是主句主語 the bus。)

Her head held high, she went by. 她把頭昂得高高地走了過去。

(held high 的邏輯主語是her head,而不是主句主語 she。)


Used for a long time, the book looks old. 由於用了很長時間,這本書看上去很舊。





Worried about the journey, I was unsettled for the first few days. =

As I was worried about the journey, I was unsettled for the first few days.


Though warned of the storm, the farmers were still working in the fields. =

Though they had been warned of the storm, the farmers were still working in the fields.


4)分詞作狀語時,有時為使分詞短語與主句關係更清楚,可在分詞前加連詞,如when, while, unless, once, though, even if, than等,這時分詞的主語和主句的主語必須為同一個。也可以理解為:當這些連詞引導的狀語從句的主語和主句的主語一致時,從句中的主語和be動詞部分可以省略。

When (you are) given a medical examination, you should keep calm.


Don’t speak until (you are) spoken to. 別人對你說話時你再說話。


Even if (I’m) invited, I won’t take part in the party.


While (he was) waiting there, he saw two pretty girls come out of the building.



① 表示時間

When asked why he was late, he went red. 當問他為什麼遲到時,他臉紅了。

He didn’t say anything until invited. 直到被邀請,他才說話。

② 表示條件

United, we stand; divided, we fall. 聯合,我們就能站立;分裂,我們必然倒下。

Given more money, we could do it better. 如果多給點錢,我們會做得更好。

③ 表示原因

Seriously injured, he had to be taken to hospital.


Surprised at what happened,Tom didn’t know what to do.


④ 表示讓步

Though warned many times, the boy still reads in bed.


Even if given more money, I can’t finish the work only by myself.


⑤ 表示伴隨、方式

The teacher entered the classroom, followed by a group of students.


He turned away disappointed. 他失望地走開了。



Seeing the new bike, he jumped with joy. 看見了新自行車,他高興地跳了起來。


Seen from here, the picture appears beautiful indeed. 在這裡看,這張畫確實很美麗。



Arriving there, they found the boy ill. 他們到那時發現男孩病了。


Hearing the noise outside, he rushed out. 聽到外面的吵鬧聲,他沖了出去。


Having finished his homework, he went out. 做完了作業,他出去了。


Seen from the top of the mountain, the city looks small. 從山頂上看,城市看上去很小。


Explained many times(= Having been explained many times), he understood what to do in the end. 給他解釋了好多次了,他終於知道該做什麼了。

(Explain與句子的主語是被動的,而且在謂語動作understood之前完成,可以用過去分詞表示,相當於現在分詞的完成式的被動形式,但是後者Having been explained更強調已經完成。)


作方式或伴隨狀語時常用過去分詞,習慣上不用being followed。

The hunter, followed by his wolf dog, walked slowly in the forest.


(followed是伴隨狀語,表示獵人走著時的伴隨狀況,不表示已經完成;因為作伴隨狀語,不用being followed)



None of us would choose to stop to have a rest. 沒有人願意停下來休息。(目的)

I’m sorry to have troubled you so much. 麻煩你這麼多,真對不起。(原因)


I opened the box only to find it empty. 我打開盒子,卻發現裡面什麼也沒有。(結果)

(多是出乎意料的結果,或too...to, enough to結構等)



generally speaking 一般說來 strictly speaking 嚴格的說

roughly speaking 大致來說 judging from 從……判斷

considering 考慮到 taking all things into consideration 全面看來


Judging from his face, he must be ill. 從他的臉色看,他一定是病了。

Generally speaking, dogs can run faster than pigs. 總的來說,狗比豬跑得快。

(speaking 不是dogs 的動作)


Ⅰ. 用分詞的正確形式填空:

1. He saw his friend ______ (go) out with Sue.

2. The bus crashed into the blue car ______ (drive) down the hill.

3. Peter hurt his leg ______ (do) karate.

4. The umbrella ______ (find) at the bus stop belongs to John Smith.

5. The people ______ (dance) in the street are all very friendly.

6. I heard my mother _____ (talk) on the phone.

7. My uncle always has his car ____ (wash).

8. We stood _____ (wait) for the taxi.

9. _____ (look) down from the tower, we saw many people walking in the streets.

10. The people drove off in a _____ (steal) car.

Ⅱ. 用非謂語動詞把下面複合句改成簡單句。

1. I was glad when I heard the news.


2. My idea is that we should go there on our bikes.


3. I saw a child who was wearing very thick glasses.


4. As I hadn't received an answer from him, I wrote again.


5. Since this book is written in easy English, it will be useful to beginners.


6. If weather permits, we are going to work outside.


7. He rushed into the room and his face was covered with sweat.


8. Because he was caught in a heavy rain,he was all wet.


9. If these seeds are grown in rich soil,these seeds can grow fast.

________________________________ ____________________

10. The concert which was given by their friends was a success.


Ⅲ. 單項選擇。

1. ____ an important role in a new movie, Andy has a chance to become famous.

A. Offer B. Offering C. Offered D. To offer

2. Tsinghua University, _______ in 1911, is home to a great number of outstanding


A. found B. founding C. founded D. to be founded

3. Ideally _____ for Broadway theatres and Fifth Avenue, the New York Park hotel is a

favorite with many guests.

A. locating B. being located C. having been located D. located

4. Michael’s new house is like a huge palace,________ with his old one.

A.comparing B.compares C.to compare D.compared

5. ________ and short of breath,Andy and Ruby were the first to reach the top of Mount


A.To be tired B.Tired C.Tiring D.Being tired

6. _________such heavy loss,the businessman didn’t have the courage to go on.

A. Having suffered B. Suffering C. To suffer D. Suffered

7. The children went home from the grammar schoo1,their lessons ________ for the day.

A.finishing B.finished C.had finished D.went finished

8. ________ in thought,he almost ran into the car in front of him.

A.Losing B.Having lost C.Lost D.To lose

9. The ______ look on her face suggested that she ________ her manager’s idea.

A.confusing,wouldn’t quite understand

B.confused,hadn’t quite understood

C.confusing,hadn’t quite understood

D.confused,shouldn’t quite understand

10. _______from a high mountain,a horse is as small as an ant.

A. Having viewed B. Viewed C. Viewing D. View

11. Don’t worry. There’s still time _______ a newspaper before the bus leaves.

A. left to buy B. leaving to buy

C. left buying D. leaving buy

12. When ________ the museum will be open to the public next year.

A.completed B.completing C.being completed D.to be completed

13. The _______ morning, the father came into the lonely house, _______ by his naughty boy.

A. following, following B. followed, followed

C. following, followed D. followed, following

14. ________, but he still could not understand it.

A. Told many times B. Having been told many times

C. He has been told many times D. Though he had been told many times

15. _______and _______,they ran out of the classroom.

A. Being excited;happily B. Exciting;happy

C. Exciting;happily D. Excited;happy

16. _______from this point of the view,the question will be of great importance.

A. Considering B. ConsideredC. Being considered D. Consider

17. Though _______of the danger,he still went skating on the thin ice.

A. warning B. to warn C. warn D. warned

18. While building a tunnel through the mountain,________.

A.an underground lake was discovered

B.there was an underground lake discovered

C.a lake was discovered underground

D.the workers discovered an underground lake

19.________ the general state of his health,it may take him a while to recover from the


A.Given B.To give C.Giving D.Being given

20. Of the 2000 stock investors __________ last month, 90% were found __________ in financial knowledge.

A.surveyed;lacking B.having been surveyed;to lack

C.surveyed;lacked D.to have been surveyed;lack


Ⅰ. 用分詞的正確形式填空:

1.going。go是賓語his friend做的,是主動關係,因此用going作賓語補足語。此題要求用分詞填空,否則也可以用省略to的不定式go作賓語補足語,表示看見的全過程。






7.washed。讓車被洗,用washed,即have sth. done.




Ⅱ. 用非謂語動詞把下面複合句改成簡單句。

1. Hearing the news, I was glad.

2. My idea is to go there on our bikes.

3. I saw a child wearing very thick glasses.

4. Not having received an answer from him, I wrote again.

5. Written in easy English, it will be useful to beginners.

6. Weather permitting, we are going to work outside.

7. He rushed into the room, his face covered with sweat.

8. Caught in a heavy rain, he was all wet.

9. Grown in rich soil, these seeds can grow fast.

10. The concert given by their friends was a success.


2:主語是idea, dream, plan等詞時,表語都用不定式表示“要做的具體的事”。

4:首先“我”與“接信”是主動的,用現在分詞;從句謂語“hadn’t received”先於主句謂語“wrote”發生,用現在分詞的完成式,注意not在分詞最前面。

6:天氣允許的話,weather permits,permit這一動作有自己的主語weather,而且是主動形式,用weather permitting構成了獨立主格結構作狀語。

Ⅲ. 單項選擇。

1. C。offer(提供)與句子主語Andy是被動關係,所以用過去分詞作原因狀語。

2. C。found(建立)與所修飾詞“Tsinghua University”是被動關係,所以用過去分詞


3. D。locate是一個及物動詞,意思是“把......設置在”,sth.和locate之間為被動關係,所以用過去分詞在句中作狀語。現在分詞的完成式having been located,強調動作已經完成,不合題意。locate sth + for,即“為......而設置”。句意:紐約公園酒店簡直是為了百老匯劇院和第五大道所設立的,是很多賓客的最愛。

4. D。compare與句子主語Michael’s new house 之間構成被動關係,所以用過去分詞

作條件狀語。句意:和舊房子相比,Michael 的新房子就像一座巨大的宮殿。

5. B。tire sb.意思是“使某人累”,某人是tire的賓語,所以表示“某人感到累”應用過



6. A。suffer與其邏輯主語the businessman是主動關係,要用動詞-ing形式,而且-ing


7. B。獨立主格結構作狀語,在此結構中邏輯主語lessons與邏輯謂語finish之間為被


8. C。本題考查過去分詞作狀語。he與lose構成被動關係,主動關係是he lost himself in...。

9. B。confuse sb. 意為“使某人困惑”,因此表示“感到困惑”,要用過去分詞作定語。suggest意為“暗示,表明”,後面從句不用虛擬語氣。根據句意和suggested的時態可知從句中應用過去完成時表示到過去某時已經產生的結果。句意:她臉上困惑的表情說明她還沒有明白經理的主意。

10. B。過去分詞短語viewed(看)from a high mountain作狀語,與句子主語a horse 有被動關係。

11. A。left是過去分詞作time的定語,表示“被剩下”;to buy...表示目的“要買”。

12. A。句意:這座博物館建成後,將在明年向公眾開放。complete與the museum具有被動關係,用過去分詞加上when作時間狀語,故選A。不定式一般不作時間狀語。

13. C。follow意為“跟隨”,在第一空中,follow是定語,與所修飾詞morning是主動關係的,即“第二天的早晨”是跟著今天的,所以用現在分詞;第二空follow與句子的主語the father是被動關係,注意空後的by,用過去分詞作伴隨狀語。

14. C。注意此題的關鍵字but,but是連詞,連接兩個表示轉折的分句,即空白處也應是個完整的句子,因此選C。英語中though與but不能同時使用,排除D;如果去掉but,那麼B、D都可以,B是現在分詞的完成式被動語態作讓步狀語,而D是讓步狀語從句;沒有but時選項A語法上也可以,但是因為不強調動作已經完成,沒有選項B表達更生動。

15.D。exciting意為“令人高興的”;excited指“感到高興的”,表示內心感覺,應用excited,與happy一起作狀語,表示他們跑出教室時的狀態,可以理解為 They were excited and happy,因為與主句的主語一致,謂語動詞是be,因此省略了they were。



18.D。現在分詞和過去分詞作狀語時,其邏輯主語一般是句子的主語,只有選項D中the workers才能做building這個動作,故選D。



20.A。句意:在上個月調查的2000名股市投資者中,發現有90%的人缺乏金融知識。investors 和survey 構成被動關係,故用過去分詞surveyed作定語;主句的主語90%的人和lack 為主動關係,故用lacking 作為其主語補足語,故選A項。

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The signal given, the bus started. 信號一發出,汽車就開動了。

(given 的邏輯主語是the signal,不是主句主語 the bus。)

Her head held high, she went by. 她把頭昂得高高地走了過去。

(held high 的邏輯主語是her head,而不是主句主語 she。)


Used for a long time, the book looks old. 由於用了很長時間,這本書看上去很舊。





Worried about the journey, I was unsettled for the first few days. =

As I was worried about the journey, I was unsettled for the first few days.


Though warned of the storm, the farmers were still working in the fields. =

Though they had been warned of the storm, the farmers were still working in the fields.


4)分詞作狀語時,有時為使分詞短語與主句關係更清楚,可在分詞前加連詞,如when, while, unless, once, though, even if, than等,這時分詞的主語和主句的主語必須為同一個。也可以理解為:當這些連詞引導的狀語從句的主語和主句的主語一致時,從句中的主語和be動詞部分可以省略。

When (you are) given a medical examination, you should keep calm.


Don’t speak until (you are) spoken to. 別人對你說話時你再說話。


Even if (I’m) invited, I won’t take part in the party.


While (he was) waiting there, he saw two pretty girls come out of the building.



① 表示時間

When asked why he was late, he went red. 當問他為什麼遲到時,他臉紅了。

He didn’t say anything until invited. 直到被邀請,他才說話。

② 表示條件

United, we stand; divided, we fall. 聯合,我們就能站立;分裂,我們必然倒下。

Given more money, we could do it better. 如果多給點錢,我們會做得更好。

③ 表示原因

Seriously injured, he had to be taken to hospital.


Surprised at what happened,Tom didn’t know what to do.


④ 表示讓步

Though warned many times, the boy still reads in bed.


Even if given more money, I can’t finish the work only by myself.


⑤ 表示伴隨、方式

The teacher entered the classroom, followed by a group of students.


He turned away disappointed. 他失望地走開了。



Seeing the new bike, he jumped with joy. 看見了新自行車,他高興地跳了起來。


Seen from here, the picture appears beautiful indeed. 在這裡看,這張畫確實很美麗。



Arriving there, they found the boy ill. 他們到那時發現男孩病了。


Hearing the noise outside, he rushed out. 聽到外面的吵鬧聲,他沖了出去。


Having finished his homework, he went out. 做完了作業,他出去了。


Seen from the top of the mountain, the city looks small. 從山頂上看,城市看上去很小。


Explained many times(= Having been explained many times), he understood what to do in the end. 給他解釋了好多次了,他終於知道該做什麼了。

(Explain與句子的主語是被動的,而且在謂語動作understood之前完成,可以用過去分詞表示,相當於現在分詞的完成式的被動形式,但是後者Having been explained更強調已經完成。)


作方式或伴隨狀語時常用過去分詞,習慣上不用being followed。

The hunter, followed by his wolf dog, walked slowly in the forest.


(followed是伴隨狀語,表示獵人走著時的伴隨狀況,不表示已經完成;因為作伴隨狀語,不用being followed)



None of us would choose to stop to have a rest. 沒有人願意停下來休息。(目的)

I’m sorry to have troubled you so much. 麻煩你這麼多,真對不起。(原因)


I opened the box only to find it empty. 我打開盒子,卻發現裡面什麼也沒有。(結果)

(多是出乎意料的結果,或too...to, enough to結構等)



generally speaking 一般說來 strictly speaking 嚴格的說

roughly speaking 大致來說 judging from 從……判斷

considering 考慮到 taking all things into consideration 全面看來


Judging from his face, he must be ill. 從他的臉色看,他一定是病了。

Generally speaking, dogs can run faster than pigs. 總的來說,狗比豬跑得快。

(speaking 不是dogs 的動作)


Ⅰ. 用分詞的正確形式填空:

1. He saw his friend ______ (go) out with Sue.

2. The bus crashed into the blue car ______ (drive) down the hill.

3. Peter hurt his leg ______ (do) karate.

4. The umbrella ______ (find) at the bus stop belongs to John Smith.

5. The people ______ (dance) in the street are all very friendly.

6. I heard my mother _____ (talk) on the phone.

7. My uncle always has his car ____ (wash).

8. We stood _____ (wait) for the taxi.

9. _____ (look) down from the tower, we saw many people walking in the streets.

10. The people drove off in a _____ (steal) car.

Ⅱ. 用非謂語動詞把下面複合句改成簡單句。

1. I was glad when I heard the news.


2. My idea is that we should go there on our bikes.


3. I saw a child who was wearing very thick glasses.


4. As I hadn't received an answer from him, I wrote again.


5. Since this book is written in easy English, it will be useful to beginners.


6. If weather permits, we are going to work outside.


7. He rushed into the room and his face was covered with sweat.


8. Because he was caught in a heavy rain,he was all wet.


9. If these seeds are grown in rich soil,these seeds can grow fast.

________________________________ ____________________

10. The concert which was given by their friends was a success.


Ⅲ. 單項選擇。

1. ____ an important role in a new movie, Andy has a chance to become famous.

A. Offer B. Offering C. Offered D. To offer

2. Tsinghua University, _______ in 1911, is home to a great number of outstanding


A. found B. founding C. founded D. to be founded

3. Ideally _____ for Broadway theatres and Fifth Avenue, the New York Park hotel is a

favorite with many guests.

A. locating B. being located C. having been located D. located

4. Michael’s new house is like a huge palace,________ with his old one.

A.comparing B.compares C.to compare D.compared

5. ________ and short of breath,Andy and Ruby were the first to reach the top of Mount


A.To be tired B.Tired C.Tiring D.Being tired

6. _________such heavy loss,the businessman didn’t have the courage to go on.

A. Having suffered B. Suffering C. To suffer D. Suffered

7. The children went home from the grammar schoo1,their lessons ________ for the day.

A.finishing B.finished C.had finished D.went finished

8. ________ in thought,he almost ran into the car in front of him.

A.Losing B.Having lost C.Lost D.To lose

9. The ______ look on her face suggested that she ________ her manager’s idea.

A.confusing,wouldn’t quite understand

B.confused,hadn’t quite understood

C.confusing,hadn’t quite understood

D.confused,shouldn’t quite understand

10. _______from a high mountain,a horse is as small as an ant.

A. Having viewed B. Viewed C. Viewing D. View

11. Don’t worry. There’s still time _______ a newspaper before the bus leaves.

A. left to buy B. leaving to buy

C. left buying D. leaving buy

12. When ________ the museum will be open to the public next year.

A.completed B.completing C.being completed D.to be completed

13. The _______ morning, the father came into the lonely house, _______ by his naughty boy.

A. following, following B. followed, followed

C. following, followed D. followed, following

14. ________, but he still could not understand it.

A. Told many times B. Having been told many times

C. He has been told many times D. Though he had been told many times

15. _______and _______,they ran out of the classroom.

A. Being excited;happily B. Exciting;happy

C. Exciting;happily D. Excited;happy

16. _______from this point of the view,the question will be of great importance.

A. Considering B. ConsideredC. Being considered D. Consider

17. Though _______of the danger,he still went skating on the thin ice.

A. warning B. to warn C. warn D. warned

18. While building a tunnel through the mountain,________.

A.an underground lake was discovered

B.there was an underground lake discovered

C.a lake was discovered underground

D.the workers discovered an underground lake

19.________ the general state of his health,it may take him a while to recover from the


A.Given B.To give C.Giving D.Being given

20. Of the 2000 stock investors __________ last month, 90% were found __________ in financial knowledge.

A.surveyed;lacking B.having been surveyed;to lack

C.surveyed;lacked D.to have been surveyed;lack


Ⅰ. 用分詞的正確形式填空:

1.going。go是賓語his friend做的,是主動關係,因此用going作賓語補足語。此題要求用分詞填空,否則也可以用省略to的不定式go作賓語補足語,表示看見的全過程。






7.washed。讓車被洗,用washed,即have sth. done.




Ⅱ. 用非謂語動詞把下面複合句改成簡單句。

1. Hearing the news, I was glad.

2. My idea is to go there on our bikes.

3. I saw a child wearing very thick glasses.

4. Not having received an answer from him, I wrote again.

5. Written in easy English, it will be useful to beginners.

6. Weather permitting, we are going to work outside.

7. He rushed into the room, his face covered with sweat.

8. Caught in a heavy rain, he was all wet.

9. Grown in rich soil, these seeds can grow fast.

10. The concert given by their friends was a success.


2:主語是idea, dream, plan等詞時,表語都用不定式表示“要做的具體的事”。

4:首先“我”與“接信”是主動的,用現在分詞;從句謂語“hadn’t received”先於主句謂語“wrote”發生,用現在分詞的完成式,注意not在分詞最前面。

6:天氣允許的話,weather permits,permit這一動作有自己的主語weather,而且是主動形式,用weather permitting構成了獨立主格結構作狀語。

Ⅲ. 單項選擇。

1. C。offer(提供)與句子主語Andy是被動關係,所以用過去分詞作原因狀語。

2. C。found(建立)與所修飾詞“Tsinghua University”是被動關係,所以用過去分詞


3. D。locate是一個及物動詞,意思是“把......設置在”,sth.和locate之間為被動關係,所以用過去分詞在句中作狀語。現在分詞的完成式having been located,強調動作已經完成,不合題意。locate sth + for,即“為......而設置”。句意:紐約公園酒店簡直是為了百老匯劇院和第五大道所設立的,是很多賓客的最愛。

4. D。compare與句子主語Michael’s new house 之間構成被動關係,所以用過去分詞

作條件狀語。句意:和舊房子相比,Michael 的新房子就像一座巨大的宮殿。

5. B。tire sb.意思是“使某人累”,某人是tire的賓語,所以表示“某人感到累”應用過



6. A。suffer與其邏輯主語the businessman是主動關係,要用動詞-ing形式,而且-ing


7. B。獨立主格結構作狀語,在此結構中邏輯主語lessons與邏輯謂語finish之間為被


8. C。本題考查過去分詞作狀語。he與lose構成被動關係,主動關係是he lost himself in...。

9. B。confuse sb. 意為“使某人困惑”,因此表示“感到困惑”,要用過去分詞作定語。suggest意為“暗示,表明”,後面從句不用虛擬語氣。根據句意和suggested的時態可知從句中應用過去完成時表示到過去某時已經產生的結果。句意:她臉上困惑的表情說明她還沒有明白經理的主意。

10. B。過去分詞短語viewed(看)from a high mountain作狀語,與句子主語a horse 有被動關係。

11. A。left是過去分詞作time的定語,表示“被剩下”;to buy...表示目的“要買”。

12. A。句意:這座博物館建成後,將在明年向公眾開放。complete與the museum具有被動關係,用過去分詞加上when作時間狀語,故選A。不定式一般不作時間狀語。

13. C。follow意為“跟隨”,在第一空中,follow是定語,與所修飾詞morning是主動關係的,即“第二天的早晨”是跟著今天的,所以用現在分詞;第二空follow與句子的主語the father是被動關係,注意空後的by,用過去分詞作伴隨狀語。

14. C。注意此題的關鍵字but,but是連詞,連接兩個表示轉折的分句,即空白處也應是個完整的句子,因此選C。英語中though與but不能同時使用,排除D;如果去掉but,那麼B、D都可以,B是現在分詞的完成式被動語態作讓步狀語,而D是讓步狀語從句;沒有but時選項A語法上也可以,但是因為不強調動作已經完成,沒有選項B表達更生動。

15.D。exciting意為“令人高興的”;excited指“感到高興的”,表示內心感覺,應用excited,與happy一起作狀語,表示他們跑出教室時的狀態,可以理解為 They were excited and happy,因為與主句的主語一致,謂語動詞是be,因此省略了they were。



18.D。現在分詞和過去分詞作狀語時,其邏輯主語一般是句子的主語,只有選項D中the workers才能做building這個動作,故選D。



20.A。句意:在上個月調查的2000名股市投資者中,發現有90%的人缺乏金融知識。investors 和survey 構成被動關係,故用過去分詞surveyed作定語;主句的主語90%的人和lack 為主動關係,故用lacking 作為其主語補足語,故選A項。

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