

【笑一笑, 十年少】

大家最近有沒有開心的事呢?沒有的話大家也要樂觀一點, 笑一笑哦。 笑一笑, 十年少嘛。 咱們就來看看英語有哪些習語吧。

■ crack a smile 微笑;莞爾一笑

I was telling my jokes to her, but Susan never cracked a smile.

我當時在和她說笑話, 但她怎麼都不笑。

■ smile from ear to ear 高興大笑得合不攏嘴

She was smiling from ear to ear as she accepted the prize.


■ be all smiles 笑容滿面

She spent the whole of yesterday shouting at people and yet this morning she’s all smiles.

她昨天一天都在和別人大吵大叫的, 今早卻笑容滿面。

■ force a smile 強顏歡笑

He forced a smile in the face of such embarrassing situation.

面對如此尷尬的局面, 他只好厚著臉皮強顏歡笑。

■ smile away 一笑置之

She just smiled away whenever she heard of rumors about her and another actor.

她每次聽到自己和另外一位男演員的謠言之時, 只是一笑置之。

■ beam with smile 笑容滿面

The old man beamed with smile just like a little kid in front of a candy store.

這位老人喜笑顏開, 就像個站在糖果店前的小孩似的。

■ a hearty smile 會心一笑;開懷大笑

A hearty smile always attracts people.


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