

關注博士的朋友都知道, 博士以前叨叨過咱中國最大的“毒梟”——譚昕。

他是咱中國最大的工業大麻公司漢麻集團的大BOSS, 該人物不僅在中國名頭大,


近日, 這位名頭響噹噹的中國工業大麻領軍人物接受了美國知名媒體《The Introducer》雜誌頭版專訪, 值得一提的是, 譚昕先生是該雜誌創辦以來第一個受邀被採訪的中國企業家, 這標誌著中國工業大麻企業在世界經濟發展中突飛猛進的增長態勢!!!

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《The Introducer》雜誌於2007年創辦, 創始人Mary Kurek長期致力於全球高精尖優質資源整合, 每期刊登來自全球各行業的十位高端商務人士, 影響力覆蓋美國、加拿大、澳大利亞、英國等諸多國家, 涉及行業包括投資、汽車、軟體、科技、影視、體育等。

譚昕先生在採訪中全面詳細地分享了事業的起源、國內漢麻產業發展現狀、漢麻集團產業佈局等, 充分展示了中國“漢麻製造”的不斷壯大與十足魄力。





Those who benefit first from hemp re-legalization must be the individuals utilizing the power of hemp to manage and treat their diseases. From the current data I have collected, millions of people in the United States use various forms of hemp to treat a variety of refractory diseases,including cancers, Parkinsons,epilepsy, depression and other diseases. In Israel, twenty-five thousand advanced cancer patients are allowed to use hemp to relieve pain, for the replacement of the traditional medicine such as morphine that is made of opium derivatives. While in China, every year there are 5 million advanced cancer patients, 3 million Parkinsons patients and 10 million epilepsy patients, which account for one-fifth of the global epilepsy patients. In addition, 90 million people in China suffer from depression. Hemp has been recognized by numerous scientific institutions in the world for it’s very promising effects to treat the aforementioned diseases, which in turn has prompted countless debates on this subject matter. By the way, I’d like to mention the research results of our internal HMI Group studies. In particular, pulmonary hypertension (PH), also known as blue lip disease, a rare disease for those afflicted experiencing shorter life expectancies than those of many cancers. Once the patients have been diagnosed, the average survival time is only 2.7 years. The only effective treat mentoptions offered are those of high-risk surgeries. However, an active ingredient we have extracted from hemp is found to be very effective to treat pulmonary hypertension (PH) and we have applied for an international patent, which would be a tremendous contribution for mankind. What’s more, we have discovered that anactive ingredient in hemp has protective benefits that would reduce the numberof deaths attributed to the avian influenza virus, for which we have also applied for an international patent. This year in Hong Kong, the Avian flu has caused in excess of 300 deaths, for which we grieve with those who have lost loved one sand have put forth our best efforts to expedite the formulation of this new product in an effort to minimize such tragedies.

漢麻能重新合法, 首先受益的一定是需要它來治療疾病的人。 目前, 我能掌握的資料可以看到, 美國已經有140萬人在使用大麻治療各種難治性疾病, 包括癌症晚期、帕金森、癲癇、抑鬱等疾病;以色列讓2萬5千名癌症晚期患者使用漢麻來鎮痛, 以替代傳統的嗎啡等藥物, 要知道嗎啡是鴉片的衍生品製作而成。 在中國, 每年癌症晚期患者有500萬人、帕金森患者300萬, 癲癇人口占世界的5分之一有近1000萬, 最可怕的是抑鬱症在中國有9000萬, 漢麻已經被全世界眾多科研機構認同對上述病症有非常好的治療效果, 這些是非常熱門的方向, 大家也許聽到的太多了, 我順便提一句中國漢麻集團的研究成果, 肺動脈高壓是比癌症存活期還短的一種罕見病,

確診後的平均存活2.7年, 世界上也稱為“藍唇病”, 除了高風險手術無藥可治, 而我們提取的漢麻有效成分對此疾病有特效, 已經申請了國際專利, 這是對人類最大的貢獻;還有, 我們發現了大麻提取成分對禽流感的死亡有保護作用, 也已經申報了國際發明專利, 今年中國香港爆發的禽流感就造成了300多人的死亡, 我們非常痛心, 希望早日成藥, 讓漢麻造福人類。

What efforts has he made to seek out thatlegalization?

What are the major blocks to achieve legalization?



While there exists a large underserved marketplace for hemp, there exists an even larger misunderstanding of the hemp industry. Many of my friends and colleagues opposed the decision for Mr. Zhang Ke and I to cooperate and invest in this field. I even lost some of my friends who did not understand me or this path that I was choosing. HMI Group is highly supervised by the public security and regulatory bodies of the government in order to ensure the utmost safety for the general public and conform to strict manufacturing practices. In order to spread awareness and recognize this amazing plant, we are utilizing many social media platforms, such as LinkedIn, Twitter, Wechat and Weibo in China to promote the safe uses and applications of hemp.

There is a traditional Chinese saying that “every medicine has some toxic effects”. For instance, in nature, morphine is the product of poppy and in the laboratory arsenic trioxide is created to treat leukemia, thus opening the door for hemp to enter into the pharmaceutical realm. As for us, HMI has become the first corporate academician, in cooperation with the president of China Harbin Medical University in Hei Longjiang province, declared the first hemp extracted medicine for treating epilepsy, garnered government support at all levels, including financial support and established the first hemp extraction facility in China. In my opinion, working towards collective solutions is far more rewarding than simply avoiding the obstacles. No government should stop the people’s pursuit for independence in their healthcare. Through the relentless efforts of HMI Group, two provinces (Hei Longjiang and Yunnan) in China have created new legislation to allow for the legalization of hemp and we are confident that more provinces and cities will follow suit.

中國有句古話:是藥三分毒。 嗎啡是罌粟的產物;三氧化二砷可以治療白血病, 還有很多, 漢麻在製藥領域一定有機會, 漢麻集團成立了第一家企業院士工作站, 與中國哈爾濱醫科大學校長合作,向政府審報了中國第一款治療癲癇的漢麻藥物,得到了政府的支持和資金支持,建立了第一家漢麻提取工廠……在我看來辦法總比困難多,人民對健康的追求是無法阻擋的,在漢麻集團的不懈努力下,目前中國已經有兩個省完成了漢麻合法化立法工作,未來還有會更多的省市會開放。

From an R&D or innovation standpoint, where do you see the best possibilities for hemp in the near future?


The majority of the early entrants in the hemp industry were small and medium sized companies, which is a natural phenomenon for a new emerging industry. In the future, we will see larger corporations developing through mergers and acquisitions and being born by capital markets that will fuel the “crazy hemp industry” as the hottest investment sector. As the famous entrepreneur and investor Peter Thiel said, hemp and artificial intelligence are the most valuable industries for investment.

目前,參與的企業中以中小企業為多,這是一個新產業發展的必然過程,未來大的企業一定會通過兼併重組來完成產業佈局的,未來資本市場對漢麻產業會掀起一股浪潮,“瘋狂的漢麻產業”是未來最大的投資熱門,正如知名的創業者和投資家彼得蒂爾(Peter Thiel)所說,漢麻產業和人工智慧是未來最具投資價值的產業。

An article in South China Morning Post Green gold:How China quietly grew into a cannabis superpower released on Aug 27 this year has reported the rapid development and market potential of China’s hemp industry and cited HMI Group as an example.

2017年8月27日,《南華早報》發佈了一篇關於中國工業大麻市場的報導《Green gold:How China quietly grew into a cannabis superpower》,報導提出中國已悄然成為工業大麻生產與科研大國,以中國漢麻集團為例,中國在漢麻領域的迅速發展和市場潛力。

While the growth of the European and United States markets continues forward, there has also been a boom in the Chinese and Asian markets for hemp related products. We will see a gradual shift to Asia becoming the largest consumer of hemp, in particular China, whose burgeoning middle class population will serve as the single largest market place in the world. As my American friend once remarked, China has over 200 million above average consumers, almost catching up with the US population! I believe no other country may compare with China’senormous market size and unique consumers, which will only continue to grow with time. In particular, as the country continues to expand the hemp industry it will become the largest producer and consumer of hemp related products and materials.









From an R&D or innovation standpoint, where do you see the best possibilities for hemp in the near future?


The majority of the early entrants in the hemp industry were small and medium sized companies, which is a natural phenomenon for a new emerging industry. In the future, we will see larger corporations developing through mergers and acquisitions and being born by capital markets that will fuel the “crazy hemp industry” as the hottest investment sector. As the famous entrepreneur and investor Peter Thiel said, hemp and artificial intelligence are the most valuable industries for investment.

目前,參與的企業中以中小企業為多,這是一個新產業發展的必然過程,未來大的企業一定會通過兼併重組來完成產業佈局的,未來資本市場對漢麻產業會掀起一股浪潮,“瘋狂的漢麻產業”是未來最大的投資熱門,正如知名的創業者和投資家彼得蒂爾(Peter Thiel)所說,漢麻產業和人工智慧是未來最具投資價值的產業。

An article in South China Morning Post Green gold:How China quietly grew into a cannabis superpower released on Aug 27 this year has reported the rapid development and market potential of China’s hemp industry and cited HMI Group as an example.

2017年8月27日,《南華早報》發佈了一篇關於中國工業大麻市場的報導《Green gold:How China quietly grew into a cannabis superpower》,報導提出中國已悄然成為工業大麻生產與科研大國,以中國漢麻集團為例,中國在漢麻領域的迅速發展和市場潛力。

While the growth of the European and United States markets continues forward, there has also been a boom in the Chinese and Asian markets for hemp related products. We will see a gradual shift to Asia becoming the largest consumer of hemp, in particular China, whose burgeoning middle class population will serve as the single largest market place in the world. As my American friend once remarked, China has over 200 million above average consumers, almost catching up with the US population! I believe no other country may compare with China’senormous market size and unique consumers, which will only continue to grow with time. In particular, as the country continues to expand the hemp industry it will become the largest producer and consumer of hemp related products and materials.








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