

都說父愛情重如泰山, 他沒有母親的溫馨, 慈祥, 但他默默無聞, 是家的守候者, 是兒女的避風港。

初中時一篇朱自清的《背影》, 至今仍記得裡面的場景:買橘子, 爬月臺…

如今, 告別父母, 獨自生活, 重讀此文, 深有感觸。
​老父親對兒子沒有過多言語, 但關切的心情溢於言表。

可是有一位父親, 卻殘忍地要置兒子于死地。 A Corolado man is behind bars and accused of the attempted murder of his 2-year-old son, who cops say hwe tried to kill by intentionally crashing his car.

一名科羅拉多男子入獄, 被指控意圖在車禍事故中謀害兩歲的親生兒子。

Police said 29-year-old Nathan Weitzel placed his toddler son, Isaiah, into his car on August 21 after bucking his own seatbelt, but not the boy’s.

警方說8月21號, 29歲的Nathan Weitzel把剛學走路的兒子Isaiah放在車上, 只綁了自己的安全帶, 沒有綁小男孩的安全帶。

Weitzel then allegedly crashed the car into several other vehicles, WUSA reports.

據報導, Weitzel隨後撞上了幾輛汽車。

When questioned, police said Weitzel told investigators, "I was trying to kill my son."

警方說, Weitzel在盤問時告訴調查人員, “我想殺了我兒子。 ”

Isaiah suffered life-threatening injuries, loved ones say, including a ripped a muscle in his neck that’s left him in a neck brace and a head injury that required 20 to 30 stitches.

Isaiah受的傷有生命危險, 有一處脖子的肌肉撕裂, 導致頸托和頭部的傷需要縫20-30針。

Police say Weitzel admitted to using cocaine that day and that he told them "the reason he wanted to kill Isaiah was because being a father was a big responsibility and he did not think he was man enough to raise a child."

警方說Weitzel承認事發當天服用了可卡因, 並稱“之所以想殺了兒子是因為做父親需要很大的責任。 他覺得自己不夠男人, 不能養小孩”

Isaiah is also in a plaster cast from the waist down.


He’s doing better every day thank god. He’s my little soldier, Isaiah’s mom, Nancy Lopez, told InsideEdition.com.

Isaiah的媽媽Nancy Lopez告訴記者:“上帝保佑!他的情況一天天好轉, 他是我的小士兵。 ”

Lopez called Weitzel’s actions "horrifying" and struggled to understand what could motivate such an act.

Lopez說丈夫的行為很恐怖, 很難理解是什麼讓她做出這樣的事情來。

I’m extremely broken by all of this, she said. "I still don’t understand how someone could be so cruel to a beautiful little human they created by choice. Isaiah was planned and he wanted to be a father at the time. [I don’t know] why he would try to take him away. I will never understand... But I hope he stays in jail for the rest of his life."

“我已經被她的所作所為傷透了”她說, “我不能理解一個人怎麼會殘忍到去傷害它們可愛的親生兒子, 在備孕Isaiah的時候, 丈夫也曾想做一名好父親。 我不知道他為什麼想殺了兒子, 我永遠都理解不了。

但是我希望他一生都在監獄裡度過。 ”

At the end of this dark tunnel, however, Lopez said there’s one all-important light.

在這黑暗的隧道裡, Lopez說她找到了最重要的希望之光。

I’m just glad that my little boy is alive and is going to recover from this tragic incident. It never needed to happen.

“我很開心我的兒子還活著, 正從車禍中慢慢恢復。 這種事情不會再發生了。 ”

In addition to attempted first-degree murder, Weitzel is charged with child abuse, assault, criminal mischief, possession of a controlled substance and vehicular assault.

除了涉嫌一級謀殺, Weitzel被指控虐待兒童破壞財物, 私存受控藥品, 汽車傷人等罪名。



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