

11月14日下午, 長河小學英語組在白馬湖校區開展了一次由外教執教的“同課異構”教研活動, 此次教研活動由本學期新來的兩位外教Maryam和Haldane為大家獻上兩堂精彩的展示課, 全體英語老師觀摩了這兩節公開課。

別樣的“邂逅”, 別樣的“風采”

首先出場的是白馬湖校區的Haldane, 這是一位來自英國的帥氣小夥。 課堂上的他認真細緻, 課後的他陽光活潑。

再來認識一下長河校區的Maryam吧, 同樣來自英國,

但卻是一位嬌小的美女。 可別小看人家哦!上起課來很有大家風範, 孩子們都非常喜歡。

面對著一群活潑好動的一年級小朋友, 兩位外教老師各顯神通, 牢牢抓住在座每位學生的眼球。 Maryam利用動聽的音樂和視頻, 以及栩栩如生的簡筆劃為大家展示了國外英語課堂的特色, 讓孩子們既感受到了英語與音樂相融合的魅力, 又在輕鬆、愉快的氛圍中學習了英語知識。 而另一位外教Haldane則以他流利純正的口語, 誇張豐富的面部表情和肢體語言, 充滿激情的課堂表現, 為師生們呈現了一堂富有感染力的英語課。





聽課結束後,我們聚在一起,談感受、說教學、議效果。我們第一次組織了“外籍教師”的同課異構,我們第一次全過程英文交流,我們第一次分享別樣的“校本教研,更和“歪果仁”來了一次別樣的“思想碰撞”.Come on! 一起來看看我們今天的“不一樣”的評論吧!


I’m glad that they liked it. I think for the future I will try to find some different games to give my classes variation. Those games are good and work well with grade 1 and 2, but it would be good to have more


I think today’s session was a good learning experience. It was nice that we got the chance to learn from each other, in the future it would be nice to do this again. Only through feedback we can improve our teaching.

Chu Yanping:

Today 's teaching,I gained a lot. I saw the characteristics of two foreign teachers. They are so excellent,they have great passion and good ideas. Maryam is good at drawing and Fraser is good at choosing the music. All of the steps were carried out successfully during their classes,it seemed that the students had grasped all the knowledge effectively .We all enjoyed it and we learned a lot from each other* & the foreign teachers had achieved their teaching aims. I believe that we'll be better next time.

Wang Jinlan:

Firstly,for grade 1 and 2 students, they are too young to understend the teachers' order when they start the activities. So the foreign teacher could add some body language to show the meanings or more examples. Secondly, the teachers could make sure that the students have enough practice.

Wen Jing:

The school provides two textbooks for the foreign teachers class. One is the teaching material,the other is exercise book. Teachers should focus more on these two textbooks. Aftering learning the new words and sentences,the students can open the books for revision or summary. The exercise book can also be used,whether in class or after class as homework. And the parents will know what the teacher teaches and their children learn at school.

Lai Binbin:

The students of grade1 cannot understand the tasks and they cannot write the letters correctly. They are too difficult to them. Maybe you could let them do less and say more. Teach some simple words but not some difficult sentences.

Li Xiangying:

It's important to consolidate the old knowdge. For example, last week the students leart the colours, this week we should review the words and sentences.

Fu Lixia:

As the little kids in grade 1 or 2, we will give them more time to speak English. For example, the teachers will let the children play much more games and interesting works,without writing.

Cao Liting:

The foreign teachers have exaggerated jesture and facial expressions while speaking. It could catch the kids ' eyes. And the videos that they choose are excellent. Children are interested in it. We can share the teaching resources.


長河小學 供稿







聽課結束後,我們聚在一起,談感受、說教學、議效果。我們第一次組織了“外籍教師”的同課異構,我們第一次全過程英文交流,我們第一次分享別樣的“校本教研,更和“歪果仁”來了一次別樣的“思想碰撞”.Come on! 一起來看看我們今天的“不一樣”的評論吧!


I’m glad that they liked it. I think for the future I will try to find some different games to give my classes variation. Those games are good and work well with grade 1 and 2, but it would be good to have more


I think today’s session was a good learning experience. It was nice that we got the chance to learn from each other, in the future it would be nice to do this again. Only through feedback we can improve our teaching.

Chu Yanping:

Today 's teaching,I gained a lot. I saw the characteristics of two foreign teachers. They are so excellent,they have great passion and good ideas. Maryam is good at drawing and Fraser is good at choosing the music. All of the steps were carried out successfully during their classes,it seemed that the students had grasped all the knowledge effectively .We all enjoyed it and we learned a lot from each other* & the foreign teachers had achieved their teaching aims. I believe that we'll be better next time.

Wang Jinlan:

Firstly,for grade 1 and 2 students, they are too young to understend the teachers' order when they start the activities. So the foreign teacher could add some body language to show the meanings or more examples. Secondly, the teachers could make sure that the students have enough practice.

Wen Jing:

The school provides two textbooks for the foreign teachers class. One is the teaching material,the other is exercise book. Teachers should focus more on these two textbooks. Aftering learning the new words and sentences,the students can open the books for revision or summary. The exercise book can also be used,whether in class or after class as homework. And the parents will know what the teacher teaches and their children learn at school.

Lai Binbin:

The students of grade1 cannot understand the tasks and they cannot write the letters correctly. They are too difficult to them. Maybe you could let them do less and say more. Teach some simple words but not some difficult sentences.

Li Xiangying:

It's important to consolidate the old knowdge. For example, last week the students leart the colours, this week we should review the words and sentences.

Fu Lixia:

As the little kids in grade 1 or 2, we will give them more time to speak English. For example, the teachers will let the children play much more games and interesting works,without writing.

Cao Liting:

The foreign teachers have exaggerated jesture and facial expressions while speaking. It could catch the kids ' eyes. And the videos that they choose are excellent. Children are interested in it. We can share the teaching resources.


長河小學 供稿





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