

下面是語言學習者最常犯的五個錯誤, 以及改正錯誤的方法。

1. Not listening enough


There’s a school of linguistics that believes language learning begins with a “silent period”. Just as babies learn to produce language by hearing and parroting sounds, language learners need to practise listening in order to learn. This can reinforce learned vocabulary and structures, and help learners see patterns in language.

很多語言學觀點認為, 語言學習應該從“無聲階段”起步。

但是, 就好比嬰兒通過收聽與模仿牙牙學語一樣, 語言學習者也需要通過聽力練習加以提高。 這不僅能強化學過的詞彙與結構, 還有助於學習者領悟語言模式。

Listening is the communicative skill we use most in daily life, yet it can be difficult to practise unless you live in a foreign country or attend immersive language classes. The solution? Find music, podcasts, TV shows and movies in the target language, and listen, listen, listen, as often as possible.

聽力是我們日常生活中最常用的交流技巧, 可練習起來就未必容易——除非你在國外生活或學習大量的語言課程。 那到底該怎麼辦呢?找些外語歌曲、視頻、電視劇和電影, 然後盡可能地多聽、多聽、多聽!

2. Lack of curiosity


In language learning, attitude can be a key factor in how a student progresses.

學習語言, 態度是決定學習者進步程度的關鍵因素。

Linguists studied attitude in language learning in the 1970s in Quebec, Canada, when tension was high between Anglo- and Francophones. The study found that Anglophones holding prejudices against French Canadians often did poorly in French language learning, even after studying French for years as a mandatory school subject.

20世紀70年代, 在加拿大的魁北克省, 講英語和講法語兩派之間關係緊張, 語言學家為此研究了語言學習中的態度因素。 研究發現, 對加拿大法語派持有偏見的英語派, 即便多年接受法語義務教育, 法語水準還是普遍較差。

On the other hand, a learner who is keen about the target culture will be more successful in their language studies. The culturally curious students will be more receptive to the language and more open to forming relationships with native speakers.

相反, 對外語文化感興趣的人更容易學好外語。 對外語文化感興趣的學習者更易於接受外語, 也更願意同當地人交往。

3. Rigid thinking


Linguists have found that students with a low tolerance of ambiguity tend to struggle with language learning.

語言學家發現, 不太能容忍模糊性的學習者學起語言來會比較困難。

Language learning involves a lot of uncertainty – students will encounter new vocabulary daily, and for each grammar rule there will be a dialectic exception or irregular verb. Until native-like fluency is achieved, there will always be some level of ambiguity.

語言學習涉及很多不確定性——學習者每天都遇到新的詞彙, 每條語法規則也都可能包含截然相反的闡釋或不規則的動詞。 除非外語的流利程度已接近母語, 否則學習者總會遇到這種模棱兩可的情況。

The type of learner who sees a new word and reaches for the dictionary instead of guessing the meaning from the context may feel stressed and disoriented in an immersion class. Ultimately, they might quit their language studies out of sheer frustration. It’s a difficult mindset to break, but small exercises can help. Find a song or text in the target language and practice figuring out the gist, even if a few words are unknown.

學習者如果遇到生詞就立即查字典, 而不試著聯繫上下文猜測詞義, 可能會變得毫無頭緒、倍感吃力, 最後甚至會因為受挫而放棄語言學習。 這種思維定勢很難突破, 但稍加訓練也可以有所改觀。

找一首外語歌曲或一篇外語文章, 不去管那些生詞, 試著弄懂大意。

4. A single method


Some learners are most comfortable with the listen-and-repeat drills of a language lab or podcast. Some need a grammar textbook to make sense of a foreign tongue. Each of these approaches is fine, but it’s a mistake to rely on only one.

有些學習者比較擅長在語音室或跟著視頻練習“聽力-跟讀”, 有些則寧願參照語法書摸索外語發音。 這些方法都不錯, 但如果只單純依賴一種方法就不見得明智了。

Language learners who use multiple methods get to practise different skills and see concepts explained in different ways. What’s more, the variety can keep them from getting stuck in a learning rut.

方法多樣化的語言學習者可以鍛煉各種技能, 並能從不同的角度理解概念。 而且, 多樣化還能使他們避免學習時墨守成規。

When choosing a class, learners should seek a course that practises the four language skills (reading, writing, listening and speaking). For self-study, try a combination of textbooks, audio lessons, and language learning apps.

在挑選課程的時候, 學習者應選擇能綜合訓練聽、說、讀、寫四種技能的課程。 若要自學, 則應結合教材、音訊及語言學習工具等。

5. Fear


It doesn’t matter how well a person can write in foreign script, conjugate a verb, or finish a vocabulary test. To learn, improve, and truly use your target language, we need to speak.

外文寫得漂不漂亮、知不知道動詞變位或能不能通過詞彙測試其實真的不是很重要, 重要的是你學有進步、真正學以致用。


This is the stage when language students can clam up, and feelings of shyness or insecurity hinder all their hard work. In Eastern cultures where saving face is a strong social value, EFL teachers often complain that students, despite years of studying English, simply will not speak it. They’re too afraid of bungling the grammar or mispronouncing words in a way that would embarrass them.

這個階段, 學習者會因為害羞或不安而難以開口, 導致所有辛苦付出難以收穫回報。 東方文化中, 要面子是很重要的社會價值觀。 經常有英語老師抱怨說, 許多學生儘管已經學習很多年英語, 但就是開不了口。 他們太害怕因為發錯音或犯語法錯誤而遭遇尷尬了。

The key is that those mistakes help language learners by showing them the limits of language, and correcting errors before they become ingrained. The more learners speak, the quicker they improve.

其實, 這些錯誤可以説明學習者發現自己語言學習的不足, 並在錯誤根深蒂固之前予以糾正。 學習者越是敢於開口, 就越容易取得進步。

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