
「賽事預測」托特納姆熱刺 VS 希臘人競技

托特納姆熱刺 VS 希臘人競技

06/12/2017 歐冠聯賽

希臘人競技 +2 [信心度 8/10]

熱刺在H組領跑出人意料卻又眾望所歸, 而在進入16強淘汰賽之前, 這支球隊還將遭遇小組賽最後一個對手,


來自賽普勒斯的希臘人競技依舊有機會晉級下一輪歐戰, 這讓人大跌眼鏡, 只要另一邊皇家馬德里成功擊敗多特蒙德, 只需一場平局, 球隊就將以小組第三名的身份參加歐聯杯的比賽。 當然, 所有的一切並不取決於他們自己, 卻也並不是不可實現, 希臘人競技已經在小組中拿到2場平局, 而托特納姆早已鎖定小組第一的位置。

熱刺目前在英超聯賽中遭遇困境, 球隊近4場比賽2平2負, 希臘人競技很樂意看到自己將面對一支狀態平平的球隊。

Tottenham - APOEL

6th/Dec 20:45 BST UEFA Champions League

APOEL +2 [Confidence 信心度 8/10]

Unexpected but the deserved leader of the Group H, the Spurs, need to confront the last fixture before to come through to the last 16 knockout, and the leadership will provide to them a privileged place to be in the draw that supposes to give a lower opponent to face in the next round.

APOEL, the Cypriot side, it is shocking but they are still alive in the European competitions, a simple draw in here and a Dortmund's defeat by Real Madrid's hands will let them go thirds and compete in the Europa League. Certainly, they are not just depending on themselves but it could happen to take into account that APOEL has managed to obtain two draws already and also Tottenham, in this case, will finish as a leader of the group.

The Spurs are struggling in their previous Premier League's games after two draws and two defeats in their last four fixtures, a remarkable proof that they have fragilities and imbalances to be used in APOEL's favour.

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