

馬上就要迎來今年12月份的英語六級考試了, 參加考試的同學們準備好了嗎?下面文都教育的老師將針對作文部分的內容給大家提供英語六級作文預測:低碳生活,


“低碳生活”(low-carbon life), 就是指生活作息時所耗用的能量要盡力減少, 從而減低碳、特別是二氧化碳的排放量, 從而減少對大氣的污染、減緩生態惡化, 主要是從節電、節氣和回收三個環節來改變生活細節。

As is shown above, in the middle of the drawing exists a boy, being pulled forward by his pet dog while standing on a skateboard. Reportedly, the great concern among the public has been aroused by this picture, which is thought-provoking.

The absence of environmental protection has triggered significant hidden issues that are usually ignored in our daily lives. First of all, the ways people think about environmental protection are largely determined by their degrees of education. Those with low levels of education may be easily satisfied by their instant interests, which fosters the lack of environmental protection awareness as a lifestyle. Furthermore, with the accelerating progress of economic development, increasing amounts of time and energy are spent on work, leaving insufficient time for people to reflect upon the environment protection. Therefore, the environmental protection deficiency may be easily overlooked, even when it occurs around people. To sum up, people have neglected their shortcomings for a long time, which is the major reason behind the emergence of the phenomenon of the insufficiency of environmental protection.

With the huge success of the 19th CPC National Congress, our nation has not only enhanced the enforcement of the relevant laws with regard to environmental protection but also improved the consciousness of environmental protection on a national scale. And young people are encouraged to cultivate the good habit of protecting the environment and make endeavors to change their lives to spare any future regret.

最後, 如果四六級寫作想要拿高分的話, 那麼其必須符合以下小編為你羅列的幾大特徵:緊緊圍繞題目要求來組織文章內容, 包含提綱、圖示、圖畫和題目要求的基本資訊;文章要有清晰的層次和充分有力的論據, 儘量用大家耳熟能詳的實例來說明問題或論證觀點;表達要流暢, 用詞要恰當, 語句要連貫, 邏輯性要強, 其中銜接詞的使用必不可少;運用多樣化的句型句式,

如強調句、倒裝句、獨立結構等;簡單句、複合句與並列句要合理搭配、錯落有致, 陳述事實可以用簡單句而表達觀點時建議用長難句, 當然使用長難句的前提是保證其的準確性, 意思就是說先確保不出錯然後再爭取文章出彩、有亮點表達;用詞地道, 語言要符合英語表達習慣, 並適當地展現你詞彙量的豐富性。

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