

學習英語, 只是閱讀和背單詞怎麼行?口語也要即時跟上, 才能學以致用哦!

小卡整理了38條常用的地道英語口語, 收藏起來, 利用碎片時間記下來, 用到的時候就可以隨口而出了:

What’s eating you?你有什麼煩惱?

He double-crossed me.他出賣了我。

It’s my cup of tea.這很合我胃口。

Oh,my aching back! 啊呀, 天啊, 真糟!

I’m beat.我累死了。

I’ll back you up all the way.我完全支持你。

It’s a lot of chicken feed.這是小意思, 不算什麼。

That will be the day.要有這麼一天就好了。

Don‘t push me.別逼我。

Don‘t give me your attitude. 別跟我擺架子。

Don‘t dream away your time.不要虛度光陰。

Don‘t you dare come back again?你敢再回來!

In doing we learn.經一事, 長一智。

Get off my back.少跟我囉嗦。

Keep your temper under control.不要發脾氣。

That‘s enough of your back talk.不許你回嘴。

He is trying to cash in on me.他想占我便宜。

Don‘t chicken out.Be a man.不要退縮了。

I‘m hard up.我經濟很困難。

It‘s full of hot air.這是雷聲大雨點小。

He told me to get lost.他叫我走開。

What‘s in it for me? 我有什麼好處?

I got a big kick out of it.這件事真令我開心。

There is no one but hopes to be rich.沒有人不想發財。

He really has no guts.他真的太沒骨氣了。

He has a lot on the ball.他很能幹。

Wow,the car is awesome.Can I get a load of it? 哇, 這車真是帥呆了。 我可以騎騎看嗎?

I‘m totally maxed out.我真是完全累壞了。

Give me a hand.我一下忙。

Foot the bill.付帳

You‘re still wet behind the ears.你還嫩點兒。

He had racked his brain.他已經絞盡腦汁了。

I told him to beat it.我叫他走開。

I beat my brains (out) to get a job.為了找尋工作, 我傷透了腦筋。

When it comes to fishing,I beat him by miles.講到釣魚, 我比他棒的多。

Tell me what‘s your beef?你抱怨什麼?

I‘ll come back before you know it.我很快就回來。

Please behave yourself before the guests.在賓客面前你檢點一點。

為了讓大家更好地學習, 小卡將微頭條中每天推送一些簡單的短語和口語學習, 關注我的頭條號就可以看到了哦。

每天一分鐘, 進步一點點, 相信積累的力量!

Constant dripping wears away a stone.

滴水可以穿石。 只要工夫深, 鐵杵磨成針。

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