

提起法國, 我們立刻會想起香榭麗舍大道上的衣香鬢影, 新橋上的浪漫愛情, 藝術品般精緻的法國美食, 當然少不了風度翩翩的法國帥哥。

在肇慶, 就有這樣一位法國帥哥, 開啟了他在中國的浪漫人生。

十年前, 在肇慶的一個短短的週末, 改變了法國青年Jurgen (友根)的人生軌跡。 在肇慶, 他遇到了美麗優雅的中國姑娘, 開始了跨國之戀, 並定居在美麗的星湖之畔。 他還在肇慶收穫了屬於他的事業,


十年來, 他成為了地地道道的肇慶人, 他喜歡肇慶的美食, 喜歡肇慶的山水, 喜歡這裡快樂的人們, 也能說流利的漢語。 他說:“這裡的湖光山色令人心曠神怡, 我決心離開歐洲, 在肇慶終老此生。 ”

南方航空公司《空中之家》雜誌用16個頁面介紹了肇慶的山水人文, 其中一篇就是友根親筆寫下的文章《如果歐洲, 也有肇慶》。 下面, 我們專門刊發這篇文章給大家分享。

Zhaoqing: What Europe Cannot Offer


Lead: I first visited Zhaoqing for a weekend ten years ago, but I liked it so much that I left my hometown in Europe and settled here.

十年前, 在肇慶的一個短短週末, 改變了我的人生計畫……這裡的湖光山色令人心曠神怡, 我決心離開歐洲, 在肇慶終老此生。

一直以來, 珠三角因製造業聞名, 產品遠銷世界各地。 多數到訪中國的外國商人, 都免不了到此地尋找適合的供應商。 與周邊其他城市不同, 肇慶不僅擁有現代化的工業園區, 還有醉人的景色和誘人的美食。

肇慶位於廣州西側100公里, 是附近頗受歡迎的旅遊勝地。 廣州、深圳、香港等城市的居民常到這裡消磨週末或者短假, 是躲避大城市喧囂的好去處。

七星岩是肇慶最出名的景點, 而令人驚歎的是, 這一幅天然的美麗畫卷就在城市中心展開。 泛舟湖上, 欣賞兩側迥然不同的風景,一邊是山水,一邊是城市,妙不可言。幾年前,肇慶圍繞星湖修建了一條綠道,跨上單車,沿著平整安全的綠道繞湖一周,大概需要一個半小時。若有興致,也可到附近的鳥類保護區觀鳥。








The Pearl River Delta region is renowned for its manufacturing. All kinds of products are shipped from here to all around the world. Most foreigners travelling for business in China will spend some time in this industrial region, looking for the right supplier. Unlike other cities around this region, Zhaoqing is a peaceful city where you can enjoy beautiful landscapes, delicious local cuisine juxtaposed with modern industrial parks.

Located at about 100km west of Guangzhou, Zhaoqing is a famous southern Chinese tourist location. With good means of transportation, residents of Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Hong Kong and other nearby cities like to spend weekends or short holidays here. It is the right destination to relax and get away from stressful lives in big cities. Zhaoqing counts nearly 4 millions inhabitants. The City Centre is called Duanzhou, which populates about 400,000 people.

A City of Mountains and Water

The most famous tourist attraction of Zhaoqing is the Seven Star Crags Park, located downtown. The beautiful lake and natural preserved hills sit right next to the modern city. Take a trip by boat on the lake around the hills and you will see tremendous nature at one side, and Zhaoqing’s downtown and its new modern city on the other.

A few years ago, a beautiful green-way circling around the natural Xinghu Lake was built, which is the best way to discover the Seven Star Crags. Riding a bicycle around the lake will take you around 90 mins on a flat and secured road. If you have a little more time, you can take a look at the wild birds’ reserve. Unique species of birds live in a harmonious environment, only a few hundred meters away from the city centre.

Just outside the downtown area, going east, you will arrive at Dinghu district. The Dinghu mountains are a must-visit place if you are travelling in the region. Going into the thickly forested mountains, enjoying the numerous water falls, and spending some time at the temple will guarantee unique experience.

Although the Dinghu Mountains are a lovely place throughout the year, the experience to be there during quiet and rainy days is even more enjoyable. It’s a feeling you will remember all your life...

Unchanged Harmony

I arrived at Zhaoqing in 2004, but nowadays Zhaoqing is a completely different city. Back then, the city centre was quiet and small. The architecture of buildings was traditional, roads were not very wide but suitable for the amount of traffic at that time. Nowadays, things have changed. Rice paddies and aquaculture ponds have almost disappeared from the area, being replaced by large avenues, high-rise buildings, highways, bridges etc...

I estimate that the area of the city centre has more than doubled since I arrived. On the eastern part of the city, a completely new metropolis has risen. Whereas in the downtown area, old buildings have been renovated or reconstructed, large and modern shopping malls are now available, and accommodation for tourists has been improved so you can now find good international standard luxury hotels at Zhaoqing.

In terms of China’s development during the recent years, it may be a common fact that cities have rapidly changed and expanded over the last decade, but still, Zhaoqing has "something different". I have been travelling to different regions in China, where you see modern buildings, large highways etc... But Zhaoqing’s Government has succeeded in developing the city without loosing its 'original charm" where natural landscapes exist harmoniously with the modern cityscape.

Friendly People

What is even better than the comfortable environment is the wonderful people who populate it. Here at Zhaoqing, you tend to find everybody is happy! The living style is quite relaxed, although the economic activities are developing well. At anytime during a day, you can see kind and friendly people smiling around. In my early years at Zhaoqing, it was not so easy to communicate with people due to my lack of skill in Mandarin, but people always tried their best to help me.

No matter what time, day or night, you will always find a chance to enjoy friendship and good local cuisine from Zhaoqing. Breakfasts, noon tea, afternoon tea, dinner, night snacks.... so many opportunities to enjoy great local food. Amoung others, Guo Zheng Zong, QiXing Jian Hua, Zhao Shi, all these specialties offer a unique and special delicious taste... I cannot find equivalents in any other place.

For example, back in Europe, it is not easy to find similar places like Zhaoqing. Beautiful mid-sized cities from Switzerland may offer great landscapes, like Geneva or Zurich, but Zhaoqing has more. Take Xinghu Lake for example where every evening you may enjoy the waterfall fountain event like in Geneva, but the local industry at Zhaoqing offers good possibilities for working as well. Zhaoqing is the right place to enjoy a great quality of life combined with good business opportunities.

Developed Industry

At about 10 km from the city centre, going south to the other side of the Xi River, you will arrive at Gaoyao District. It is said that Zhaoqing city was founded as early as the Qin Dynasty (221 BC), being known as Gaoyao at this time. Nowadays, Gaoyao is famous for its industrial activities too. Large manufacturing plants, mainly developed around the metal processing activities are located all around the district.

Productions of hardware fittings and construction materials are widely developed in Zhaoqing. Also, on the way to Sihui, famous for the "Jade processing activities", you will find a very modern industrial park called "Da Wang". This park has been developed during the last decade, and now lots of International companies have created their research and development centres here.

Matteo Ricci came to Zhaoqing in 1582, looking to expand the missionary activity to Mainland China. It was here in Zhaoqing that Ricci drew up the first ever map of the world in Chinese in 1584. Unfortunately, a new viceroy decided to expel him from the city in 1589. Unlike Matteo Ricci, I wish I will have the chance to live my all life in Zhaoqing.









The Pearl River Delta region is renowned for its manufacturing. All kinds of products are shipped from here to all around the world. Most foreigners travelling for business in China will spend some time in this industrial region, looking for the right supplier. Unlike other cities around this region, Zhaoqing is a peaceful city where you can enjoy beautiful landscapes, delicious local cuisine juxtaposed with modern industrial parks.

Located at about 100km west of Guangzhou, Zhaoqing is a famous southern Chinese tourist location. With good means of transportation, residents of Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Hong Kong and other nearby cities like to spend weekends or short holidays here. It is the right destination to relax and get away from stressful lives in big cities. Zhaoqing counts nearly 4 millions inhabitants. The City Centre is called Duanzhou, which populates about 400,000 people.

A City of Mountains and Water

The most famous tourist attraction of Zhaoqing is the Seven Star Crags Park, located downtown. The beautiful lake and natural preserved hills sit right next to the modern city. Take a trip by boat on the lake around the hills and you will see tremendous nature at one side, and Zhaoqing’s downtown and its new modern city on the other.

A few years ago, a beautiful green-way circling around the natural Xinghu Lake was built, which is the best way to discover the Seven Star Crags. Riding a bicycle around the lake will take you around 90 mins on a flat and secured road. If you have a little more time, you can take a look at the wild birds’ reserve. Unique species of birds live in a harmonious environment, only a few hundred meters away from the city centre.

Just outside the downtown area, going east, you will arrive at Dinghu district. The Dinghu mountains are a must-visit place if you are travelling in the region. Going into the thickly forested mountains, enjoying the numerous water falls, and spending some time at the temple will guarantee unique experience.

Although the Dinghu Mountains are a lovely place throughout the year, the experience to be there during quiet and rainy days is even more enjoyable. It’s a feeling you will remember all your life...

Unchanged Harmony

I arrived at Zhaoqing in 2004, but nowadays Zhaoqing is a completely different city. Back then, the city centre was quiet and small. The architecture of buildings was traditional, roads were not very wide but suitable for the amount of traffic at that time. Nowadays, things have changed. Rice paddies and aquaculture ponds have almost disappeared from the area, being replaced by large avenues, high-rise buildings, highways, bridges etc...

I estimate that the area of the city centre has more than doubled since I arrived. On the eastern part of the city, a completely new metropolis has risen. Whereas in the downtown area, old buildings have been renovated or reconstructed, large and modern shopping malls are now available, and accommodation for tourists has been improved so you can now find good international standard luxury hotels at Zhaoqing.

In terms of China’s development during the recent years, it may be a common fact that cities have rapidly changed and expanded over the last decade, but still, Zhaoqing has "something different". I have been travelling to different regions in China, where you see modern buildings, large highways etc... But Zhaoqing’s Government has succeeded in developing the city without loosing its 'original charm" where natural landscapes exist harmoniously with the modern cityscape.

Friendly People

What is even better than the comfortable environment is the wonderful people who populate it. Here at Zhaoqing, you tend to find everybody is happy! The living style is quite relaxed, although the economic activities are developing well. At anytime during a day, you can see kind and friendly people smiling around. In my early years at Zhaoqing, it was not so easy to communicate with people due to my lack of skill in Mandarin, but people always tried their best to help me.

No matter what time, day or night, you will always find a chance to enjoy friendship and good local cuisine from Zhaoqing. Breakfasts, noon tea, afternoon tea, dinner, night snacks.... so many opportunities to enjoy great local food. Amoung others, Guo Zheng Zong, QiXing Jian Hua, Zhao Shi, all these specialties offer a unique and special delicious taste... I cannot find equivalents in any other place.

For example, back in Europe, it is not easy to find similar places like Zhaoqing. Beautiful mid-sized cities from Switzerland may offer great landscapes, like Geneva or Zurich, but Zhaoqing has more. Take Xinghu Lake for example where every evening you may enjoy the waterfall fountain event like in Geneva, but the local industry at Zhaoqing offers good possibilities for working as well. Zhaoqing is the right place to enjoy a great quality of life combined with good business opportunities.

Developed Industry

At about 10 km from the city centre, going south to the other side of the Xi River, you will arrive at Gaoyao District. It is said that Zhaoqing city was founded as early as the Qin Dynasty (221 BC), being known as Gaoyao at this time. Nowadays, Gaoyao is famous for its industrial activities too. Large manufacturing plants, mainly developed around the metal processing activities are located all around the district.

Productions of hardware fittings and construction materials are widely developed in Zhaoqing. Also, on the way to Sihui, famous for the "Jade processing activities", you will find a very modern industrial park called "Da Wang". This park has been developed during the last decade, and now lots of International companies have created their research and development centres here.

Matteo Ricci came to Zhaoqing in 1582, looking to expand the missionary activity to Mainland China. It was here in Zhaoqing that Ricci drew up the first ever map of the world in Chinese in 1584. Unfortunately, a new viceroy decided to expel him from the city in 1589. Unlike Matteo Ricci, I wish I will have the chance to live my all life in Zhaoqing.

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