


從小到大, 每個人都有過被責備的經歷。

有些是事出有因的批評, 有些則是莫名其妙的辱駡。

尤其是, 當某些辱駡建立在“你是一個女孩”的基礎上時……

相信很多女孩, 尤其是比較活潑一些的女孩, 小時候都有被家長訓斥過:“哪像個女孩樣子!”

這是一句最常見、最普通不過的批評, 尋常到我們根本沒把它往性別歧視的方面去想。

只是, 無論男孩還是女孩, 其實都聽過許許多多基於性別刻板印象的指責:“娘娘腔”“娘pao”“沒人要”“嫁不出去”……

相比之下, 女性在性別上所承受的壓力, 似乎尤其之多。



藝術家名叫蘇西(Suzie Blake), 今年37歲。

Suzie Blake

蘇西在墨爾本展出了一面“牆”, 牆上有著許多手寫的字跡……

仔細一看, 發現這些手寫的字句裡, 藏著許多令人沉默的故事……

‘My mother told me at the age of 12 that I should not wear my bikini around the house because it would distract my father! We had a swimming pool in our backyard.’

“我家院子裡有個游泳池。 在我12歲那年, 媽媽和我說, 我不能再穿著比基尼在房子周圍晃了:因為那樣會使我爸分心!!”

‘The man who raped me when I was fourteen told me I had “charging rhinoceros thighs”.’

“在我14歲那年強姦了我的男人說, 我有著‘犀牛一樣粗的腿’。 ”

‘How it didn’t count as rape because I didn’t use our safe word. Never mind that I was half-asleep at the time.’

“沒定性為強姦案, 就因為我沒有呼救。 可是……那時候我根本是不清醒的, 一直昏昏沉沉啊。 ”

‘Your boobs are too small.’

“你的胸好小啊。 ”

‘I was 12 and I wouldn’t let a boy finger me, and the boys teased me that I was frigid – I didn’t even know what that meant.’

“12歲時, 我不讓男生隨便碰我, 於是他們取笑我說我‘性冷淡’——我當時甚至不知道這詞是什麼意思。 ”

‘End of primary school celebrations involved signing each other’s school uniforms. A fellow grade 6 boy wrote across my shirt over my lower back, in capitals “WIDE LOAD” with an arrow pointing down towards my bottom. I had to wear that shirt all day.’

“在小學慶典快結束時, 大家互相在對方的校服上簽名留念。 有個6年級的男生在我後背寫了‘超大容量’幾個字,

還畫了個箭頭, 箭尖直指向我屁股。 而我一整天都穿著這件衣服。 ”

‘When I was born my father wouldn’t let my mother feed me formula because he thought I would become too fat. Then as I grew up he would shame me every day about my size and general appearance, that if I wasn’t smaller then nobody would love me or find me attractive. Then at age 15 I developed an eating disorder and still trying to shake it at 27.’

“剛出生時, 我爸不讓我媽給我喂嬰兒食品, 他覺得我會變胖。 後來我長大了, 他天天羞辱我的長相和體形, 說如果我再不瘦一點就不會有人喜歡我的。 15歲那年, 我患上了飲食失調症, 直到現在27歲了還在設法擺脫它。 ”

‘Being asked to breastfeed in another room, so as not to offend my grandma.’

“要我去別的房間給孩子餵奶, 別(袒胸露乳的)對奶奶不禮貌。 ”

‘I was 18 years old. The first comment from the gym instructor was if you lost some weight you would look good. I am now well into my 60s but have never forgotten how ordinary I felt.’

“在我18歲時, 我的健身教練對我的第一個評價就是, ‘如果你再瘦一點就會好看了’。 現在我已經60多歲了, 但我依然忘不了當時聽到這句話時的感受。 ”

‘Can I borrow her for the weekend?’


‘Boys in my class say that I can’t play soccer or footy but I can.’

“班裡的男生說, 我踢不了足球。 但我其實可以。 ”

‘After breaking up with him once and for all, I was ignoring him and started receiving a string of abusive messages, being called a slut over and over. He said I was a stupid girl (I was 25 years old) and the only thing I had going for me was a skinny waist.’

“和他分手之後, 我選擇對他視而不見,

結果收到了一連串辱駡我的短信, 一遍遍叫我‘蕩婦’。 他說我很蠢(我25歲了), 除了腰還挺細之外一無是處。 ”

‘We were discussing recent rapes in our city and a friend who is a law enforcement officer said to me, “you don’t need to worry. You’re too ugly to be raped.”

“我們在討論最近發生的一些強姦案件。 這時我的一個朋友(還是某執法機關的工作人員)對我說:‘你就不用擔心了啊。 你長這麼難看, 誰會來強姦你啊!’”

‘I was feeling pretty because I’d lost some weight. My husband said to me I’d “never have great legs”.’

“瘦了幾斤, 覺得自己挺好看的。 結果我先生說, 我‘從來沒有大長腿’。 ”

‘The first time I worked on a construction site as a graduate engineer, I sat down in the lunch room during our lunch break and one of my male colleagues sat next to me, opened up a porn magazine and loudly described each page to me whilst everyone else in the lunchroom laughed. I was too young and inexperienced to speak up.’

“畢業後成為了工程師, 第一次去建築工地工作。 中午我在餐廳裡坐下, 一個男同事坐在了我的旁邊, 打開了一本色情雜誌, 大聲向我描述每一頁。 餐廳裡的所有人都在笑。 而我當時太年輕, 又沒有經驗, 連出聲反駁都不敢。 ”

‘After the birth of my first child, as I was getting into the hot tub with my husband and his two friends. His one friend jumped out of the hot tub. Said “Gross, I can’t share a hot tub with a girl who’s all used up. You used to be hot, but now gross.” My husband laughed.’

“生了第一個孩子後, 有次我去泡澡, 我先生和他的兩個朋友也在。 其中一個朋友馬上跳出了浴缸:‘太粗俗了!我才不和一個已經被人用過了的女人呆在同一個浴缸裡!你以前挺女神的,

但現在(婚後)已經俗了。 ’我先生聽了哈哈大笑。 ”

‘I got introduced to a prominent figure in the music industry and instead of saying “nice to meet you” he said “wow! You got big tits” – this was during an industry conference.’

“別人介紹一位元音樂行業的大人物給我認識。 初次見面, 對方說的不是‘見到你很高興’, 而是‘哇!你胸好大!’——而且這是在一次行業會議上。 ”


Art installation gives women a space to share their experiences of being shamed (via metro.co.uk)

上面這些寫在牆上的“秘密”, 只是這堵牆的一小部分。


在接受採訪時, 蘇西袒露了自己製作這堵牆的初心。

她看到了那些懷孕的未成年少女, 遭受了怎樣異樣的眼光與侮辱。


‘I started thinking about the shame that is piled onto teenage girls who get pregnant, and how it’s impossible for guys to experience this same kind of shame,’ Suzie tells Metro.o.uk. ‘The irony is that everyone’s doing it, but it’s the girls who cop all the flak for getting pregnant.

‘I also started thinking about my own experiences of being shamed and how traumatizing certain comments people made to me were.

‘I suffered with eating disorders throughout my teenage years and twenties and I’m sure it had a lot to do with the shame I felt about my body.’

Art installation gives women a space to share their experiences of being shamed (via metro.co.uk)

這堵“秘密牆”的照片被發到了網上, 也引起了網友們的熱議。 有些人發表了自己的感想, 也有人吐露了曾經遭受侮辱的經歷。



These are heartbreaking. I have 4 daughters and I am terrified of what they will have to go through in this society. If everyone could start raising their young boys with respect towards all women, that would be great.

看著這些字句真讓人心碎。 我有4個女兒, 真不知道今後她們會在社會上經歷什麼, 想想都覺得害怕。 如果每個有兒子的家長, 都能從小教育兒子要尊重女性, 那就再好不過了。


First of all, why would breastfeeding offend the grandmother? She should be at least empathetic, she obviously was a mother.

等等……那個關於“餵奶”的, 我想知道餵奶怎麼就是對奶奶不禮貌了?奶奶自己也是一位母親, 她為什麼會看不慣餵奶這樣的舉動??

@Agnieszka Hejnowicz:

Once I've got valentine card on which my classmate wrote: 'I like you but, you must lose weight'.

有次收到張情人節卡片, 同學送的, 他在卡片裡寫著:“我喜歡你, 但是……你必須要減減肥了。 ”

@Weeping Willowz:

I got cyber bullied by someone who I thought was my friend. I have a couple of mental disorders (not things like schizophrenia, little things) I have DPD (dependant personality disorder) depression and insomnia. The person I’m talking about started calling me a retard and a slut on skype. She told me that everyone hated me and that I have no friends. She bullied me to the point that I felt like committing suicide.

我在網路上被朋友欺淩過——好吧, 只是我認為的“朋友”而已。我有些精神疾病,抑鬱以及失眠。然後這個人在skype上叫我窩囊廢、蕩婦,說所有人都討厭我,我沒有朋友。這樣的話戳在心上,簡直像要自殺一樣難受。

@Eunice Probert:

When I was in high school in New Zealand, in the 1970's, I was constantly body-shamed by the other kids. I was told that I was so fat that I was not a human being and had no right to live. It went on every day, in class and out. They even shouted things at me across the road in the town.


I am now 56 and I have suffered with depression every day of my life since those teenage years. I have come close to suicide several times. Even though I am married and my husband loves me as I am, it is still there in the back of my mind. I wish I could let those people know the damage they did. But would they even remember? Would they care? Probably not.









If you’re a woman, it’s highly likely you’ve had shame thrown at you.


You’ve been told to feel ashamed of your body, your sexuality, your wants and needs.


We don’t talk about this a lot, because, well, we’re ashamed.


Silence is the currency of shamers. They win when we buy into the shame and hide ourselves away, don’t speak, and keep it zipped.


And so, sharing stories and speaking out is power. Refusing to be ashamed is power.




圖:Suzie Blake、網路


@Eunice Probert:

When I was in high school in New Zealand, in the 1970's, I was constantly body-shamed by the other kids. I was told that I was so fat that I was not a human being and had no right to live. It went on every day, in class and out. They even shouted things at me across the road in the town.


I am now 56 and I have suffered with depression every day of my life since those teenage years. I have come close to suicide several times. Even though I am married and my husband loves me as I am, it is still there in the back of my mind. I wish I could let those people know the damage they did. But would they even remember? Would they care? Probably not.









If you’re a woman, it’s highly likely you’ve had shame thrown at you.


You’ve been told to feel ashamed of your body, your sexuality, your wants and needs.


We don’t talk about this a lot, because, well, we’re ashamed.


Silence is the currency of shamers. They win when we buy into the shame and hide ourselves away, don’t speak, and keep it zipped.


And so, sharing stories and speaking out is power. Refusing to be ashamed is power.




圖:Suzie Blake、網路

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