


在路上看到有眼緣的老外, 你會上前求合照嗎?

似乎, 有不少人有“和老外合影”的愛好。 仿佛這是件很時髦的事兒。

那麼……時常被中國人合影的老外們, 心裡是怎麼想的呢?

是覺得被當成名人了, 感覺這個feel倍兒爽;還是覺得中國人很煩, 被侵犯了隱私?

最近, 一枚南非妹子給我們投稿, 分享了她對於“被中國人合影”的看法。


Selycia Curwen, South Africa

I have been to China twice now, two years apart. Both times I felt like a bit of a celebrity. There seems to be a fascination with foreigners here. One would think that the Chinese are used to seeing so many foreigners, especially since around 200,000 of them live and work in Shanghai along with all the millions of overseas tourists passing through.

The first time I arrived in China, I spent a few days in Beijing for some sightseeing. At that time, I was with a large group of foreign students of many ethnic backgrounds. So, the Chinese did what the Chinese do best: they asked to take selfies with each of us, and we did.

第一次來中國時, 我在北京觀光了幾天。 當時是和一大堆來自不同國家民族的老外學生一塊兒玩耍來著。 結果, 中國人做得簡直了:他們和我們每一個人都自拍了一下!好吧,


However, now that I'm studying in Shanghai, I'm struggling to understand the continued amazement. When my roommate and I went to Lu Xun Park in Hongkou district, we noticed that Chinese locals had their phones secretly directed at us numerous times, paparazzi-like. We didn't really mind, but it would have been nice to at least ask our permission first, so we could pose with them and use their signature "peace" sign.

然而, 現在到上海來讀書, 這種拍拍拍的情況依然在繼續, 卻讓我更加費解了。 有次我和室友在虹口區的魯迅公園, 我們發現一些中國人在拿手機偷偷拍我們, 而且拍了好多次, 就跟狗仔隊似的。 我們倒不是很介意這種偷拍啦, 但如果他們能事先征得我們同意, 這不是更好嗎?我們還會超級配合地跟他們一起對著鏡頭比V字啥的。

At the Bund, we were strolling along when a group of Chinese friends ran ahead and stood several meters in front of us so that we would be in the same shot as them. This happened a few times; one mother even instructed her young child to stand near us for a photo.

During a class trip to Nanxun ancient town in Huzhou, East China's Zhejiang Province, my classmate and I had been walking around for a while and decided to have a rest on a nearby bench. One local gentleman dressed in somewhat formal clothing sat right next to us and, without asking, just smiled silently while his friend snapped a photo.

They then switched places so that it was the other man's turn to take a "candid" picture with us. They eventually worked up the courage to ask us for a group photo; we reluctantly agreed.

Later, I heard a little boy in the arms of his mother asking her about "those foreigners." I decided to use the opportunity to have a chat with him in Chinese. I asked his name and his age and after a short while the mother decided to take this opportunity to grab a photo.

She handed me her son, who surprisingly didn't kick up a fuss, and we posed for a pic. The mother complimented me on my Chinese and thanked us for the photo. That was the first time a Chinese had thanked us.

There is one rather nice perk to all of this: professional photographs. There was a man sneaking photos of us using an expensive-looking camera, so we approached him and asked to show us the image.

It was a beautiful photograph! So we figured we would take advantage of this and ask him to take another, this time we would be smiling directly at the camera. Thanks to WeChat, he was able to send us the photo later that afternoon.

The photo now serves two memories. One, we can look back and laugh about the time we tried to communicate with that man. And two, that my roommate and I have become very good friends which we now have a professional picture to show for.

So, for all you foreigners in China who might dislike the unwanted attention and secret photos, I suggest you feel free to ask the Chinese person taking your photo to later send it to you via WeChat, which serves as a nice memory and may also make you a new friend.

對於在中國的老外們, 如果你們不喜歡別人盯著你或者偷拍, 我倒覺得, 你不妨就大大方方讓對方拍, 拍完之後要人家留個微信號, 把照片發你, 也算是一段不錯的回憶。 說不定, 你們還能誤打誤撞成為朋友不是嘛~

As for any Chinese people reading this, please don't be afraid to ask foreigners to take a photo with you, rather than sneaking it, which makes us feel awkward. Most of us really don't mind and we would love to make your day better by smiling together with you for your WeChat memories.


如果想和老外合影, 不要害怕, 直接上前去問吧!偷拍反而會讓我們覺得怪怪的。 其實, 大多數歪果仁真不介意和中國人合影, 如果能和你一起對著鏡頭微笑、在你的微信裡留下一點不錯的回憶、給你的生活帶來一些快樂, 我們也會很開心噠!

原文:Selycia Curwen


圖:Lu Ting、網路




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