

作為中國最為國際化的城市之一, 上海有近20萬外國人居住於此。 這些老外在這工作生活, 成為魔都一道靚麗的風景線。

只是, 有些老外在這裡幹的事, 實在是為人所不齒……

最近, 一枚印度妹紙給我們投稿, 吐槽了最近發生在上海的一件事。

這件事也和老外有關。 而且它過分到, 已經屬於違法犯罪的範疇, 並且情節相當嚴重。

這件事, 連許多歪果仁自己都看不下去了:你們既然來到中國, 來到了上海, 就好好呆著行嗎!別給自己的國家抹黑!也別給我們“老外”群體抹黑!


Khyati Shah, India

Foreigners are an exotic lot in Shanghai. Spotting a foreigner in the masses of local faces is bound to raise an eyebrow despite Shanghai being China's most international city, with an estimated 200,000 expats lending an indelible pigment to the city's piquant mosaic.

在魔都, 歪果仁自然是外來的一撥兒。

上海已是中國最為國際化的城市, 有約20萬的老外在此生活, 給這座這光怪陸離、形色萬千的都市增添了一份鮮明的色彩。 只是, 儘管已足夠國際化, 你要是敢在一大堆中國人裡, 把老外拎出來數落他/她的是是非非, 估計也夠讓人驚掉下巴的了。

The expat population does more than its fair bit to make Shanghai a global international city by bestowing it with an exotic flair that only they can bring. However, there are a few black sheep, who bring a bad reputation to the whole lot. Recent incidents give rise to this opinion.

歪果仁身上所具備的“異國情調”, 的確是土生土長的當地人所創造不來的。 只有老外才能將這種異國風采注入上海, 使之在成為國際化都市的道路上更進一步。 只是, 老外群體同樣魚龍混雜, 總有一些害群之馬會給整個群體抹黑。 最近啊, 就發生了一些拉低老外印象分的事。

Last week, there was a high profile robbery in Shanghai involving 1 million yuan ($151,204), which led to the detainment of two foreigners. The event that transpired seems straight from a Hollywood thriller.

上周, 一起涉案金額高達100萬的搶劫案震驚了上海, 最終兩名老外被拘留。 這一起案件,


An illegal currency exchange dealer surnamed Zhang arrived at a serviced apartment in Jing'an district to meet a new client. While Zhang was waiting for him outside the apartment, someone suddenly grabbed Zhang's briefcase and sprayed his face with something spicy. After realizing he'd been robbed, Zhang called the police despite the fact that he himself was involved in an unlawful trade.

一天, 一個姓張的外匯黃牛去靜安區的某酒店式公寓見個新客戶。 當張某在門外等客戶時, 有人突然一把搶走了他的公事包, 還往他臉上灑辛辣的東西。 發現自己被搶劫了, 張某趕緊報了警(雖然他自己也在幹違法的勾當來著)。

Shanghai police acted with the required immediacy, arriving in under three minutes. Using surveillance cameras, they followed the suspects to their two-storey apartment at Lingshan Road in Pudong New Area.

上海警方行動很快, 3分鐘內就抵達了現場。 根據監控錄影, 他們追隨嫌疑人進了到了浦東靈山路的一幢兩層公寓裡。

The foreigners, expecting food delivery to celebrate their heist, instead found a bunch of cops at their doorstep.

而這倆老外搶劫犯呢, 本以為是自己慶祝“撈一票”而點的外賣到了, 結果一開門, 發現外面站著的是員警。

It was due to the ingenuity of an experienced investigator that the loot was uncovered, in under 20 minutes, hidden in an empty step under the floor panel of the apartment staircase.

多虧了經驗豐富的辦案人員, 贓款很快在20分鐘內就找到了:藏在了公寓樓梯下的一塊空地板裡頭。

I find the entire treatment of this incident by the Shanghai Police to be creditworthy. It is certainly no trivial matter that they managed to reach the crime scene, track down the suspects, identify and detain them and also recover the cash, all in a matter of five hours.


上海警方還真是相當可靠了。 抵達犯罪現場、鎖定嫌疑人、識別確認與逮捕、追回贓款……這麼多事就這樣被輕而易舉地解決了, 一共才過了不到5個小時。

The local police deserve an enthusiastic applause, and these two foreigners also should be receiving more public spotlight for their crime, including exposing their names, countries of origin and why they set up the heist in the first place.

上海警方的高效率值得點贊, 而這倆老外呢, 他們的罪行也該有更多的曝光才是:姓名、國家、犯案動機……這些都該公諸於眾。

I understand that, as expats, we all have different personal reasons for moving to China. But we as a community also have a responsibility to weed out bad elements.

我自己也是“老外”, 每個老外來中國都有各種各樣的原因, 這我能理解。 但既然來了, 我們就成了這裡一個特殊的團體, 有責任維護好這個團體, 把害群之馬清除出去。

Every foreign national carries the image of his home country wherever he goes; expatriates in particular are the unwitting brand ambassadors of their respective countries. We enhance (or sully) the image of our home country by the way we act and behave in foreign lands, especially China, which has a relatively small population of Western residents with limitations to foreign exposure.

一旦出了國, 無論去向何方, 你都代表著自己的國家, 你的一舉一動都有可能成為國家形象的代言人。 在國外, 我們的所作所為, 都有可能給我們的國家添彩(亦或抹黑)。 尤其是在中國,

西方居民相對較少, 大家對於老外的瞭解也不算太多, 你的言行, 就是國家形象最鮮活的體現。

Bad behavior or involvement in crimes are not sought-after attributes in any country. But the scales are tipped even higher when it comes to living abroad. Nefarious activities such as the Shanghai foreign currency robbery only bring further disrepute to one's homeland and may even influence the long-term visa policy decisions of their fellow compatriots.

無論在哪個國家, 不端的言行, 甚至捲入犯罪, 都是為人所不齒的。 尤其當你身處國外, 這樣的污點更是會被放大。 像上海這次窮凶極惡的外幣搶劫案, 不僅給罪犯的母國抹了黑, 或許還會給他們的同胞帶來影響——他們國家的人, 可能就會因為這次的案件被牽連, 在中國的長期簽證政策上受到影響。

Foreign nationals and the expat community in China must do their very best to uphold the brand image of their respective countries. Shanghai has for centuries been extremely welcoming to all foreigners, and as such we play a vital role in the city's ongoing development and progress.

所以, 在中國的老外們, 一定要盡全力維繫好自己國家的形象。 幾個世紀以來, 上海對外國人的熱情好客舉世聞名, 而我們, 也在這座城市的不斷發展進步中, 貢獻著自己不可小覷的力量。

If Shanghai can be a welcoming host, we can certainly play our role of gracious guests. And it is an unwritten rule that, in any party whether a guest is honorific or not, guests still must remain well-behaved enough to not steal from the host. Only then can the party go on for all!

既然上海是一枚熱情好客的主人, 那我們當然也要做親切有禮的客人。

有個約定俗成的禮數:無論派對上的客人是否值得敬重, 大家都要舉止得體, 不能在主人這裡偷偷摸摸為所欲為。 只有這樣, 派對才能順利進行下去, 賓主盡歡。

原文:Khyati Shah


圖:Lu Ting、網路

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