

正式名稱:“two-dimensional barcode”(二維條碼)

往往以其中一種“quick response code”(快速相應碼)來代稱“二維碼”, 縮寫為“QR Code”

“掃二維碼”可翻譯為“scan the QR code ”

“掃碼關注”可翻譯為“scan the QR code to follow ...”


1. 作文寫成“齊頭式”還是“縮進式”?

答:齊頭式通過行間距體現段落差異, 適合印刷;縮進式通過段首縮進體現段落差異, 適合手寫。 因此我們寫作文采用縮進式。 (道理我已經講清楚了, 請不要再說“XX老師說過……”了)

2. 落款“左對齊”還是“右對齊”

答:1. 傳統書信往往落款右對齊;2. 電子郵件限於排版不便, 可以左對齊, 但條件允許的情況下, 右對齊為佳。 因此, 我們右對齊!(道理我已經講清楚了, 請不要再說“XX老師說過……”了)

3. 書信到底寫不寫日期?

答:1. 寫了不加分, 不寫不扣分, 寫錯會扣分, 你說寫不寫?2. 如果你有強迫傾向, 非寫不可, 就在右上角寫:23rd, December, 2017;(反正大綱樣題裡沒寫, 道理我已經講清楚了, 請不要再說“XX老師說過……”了)

今天談談建議信, 就算建議信不直接考, 但裡面建議性的句子還是會用到的。 十年小作文, 七年考建議。 這裡說的建議不僅僅指的是建議信, 而是話題裡經常到了後面的段落讓你就這個問題提出見解和建議。 好了, 建議性的句子我付博老師已經給大家羅列出來了, 後面給了大家一個老範文。



I am writing with my proposals about…

此次來信, 建議如下:……

I am writing to suggest that ……

此次來信, 提議如下:……

I am writing, after 7 days of pondering, to express my views on the matter you mentioned last week.

經過七日的思索, 我執筆來信, 就上周所議論之事提出如下建議。

I would appreciate it so much if you can accept my suggestions on……

就……事宜, 若能採納我的建議, 我將不盡感激。

I would like to give you some suggestions about …

就……, 我想提出如下建議


If I were you, I would ….

如果我是你的話, 我會……

I hope you can follow these suggestions and ….

我希望你能聽從我的建議, 並……

If you need more detailed interpretation of my proposals, I would be available any time for you.

如果希望我對上述建議做出詳盡解釋, 請隨時與我聯繫。

I feel what I suggested would be beneficial for you.


What mentioned above is the suggestions with regard to ….

以上內容, 是我就……問題提出的建議。


Your friend, Xiao Wang, is to give up the National Entrance Tests for MA/MS. Write an e-mail to to encourage him and give him suggestions on the Tests. In this letter you should

1. encourage him to persist and

2. offer him necessary help

Dear Xiao Wang,

Words fail me to express my astonishment on hearing that you plan to give up the tests. Thus, I write to suggest that you hold up your spirit and follow my advice.

In my perspective, there are oceans of approaches to get decent scores in the tests, of which the most effective one, and feasible one, is to try this reference book enclosed with this parcel. It is composed by several esteemed professors. Scan the QR code beside the headline of each chapter, you can watch corresponding video courses. This book , I am confident, is bound to help.

I have confidence that you can achieve your goal and live up to the public expectation. If you need any other suggestions, please contact me at your earlier convenience.

Your Sincerely,

Li Ming


得知你要放棄考試, 我的驚訝難以名狀。 因此, 我寫信給你, 希望你振作起來, 聽從我的建議。

在我看來, 要考取理想的成績, 方法頗多。 其中最有效、最可行的方法, 式去嘗試一下隨信寄來的這本書。 這本書由知名教授撰寫。 掃描各個章節標題旁邊的二維碼, 即可觀看相應的視頻課程。 我堅信這本書會起到作用的。


如果還需要其他的建議, 請及早、就便與我聯繫。



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