

幾十年來, 自行車運動更快、更強的目標成為許多人賴以謀生、牟利的產業。 一襲黃衫帶來的榮耀和利益成為許多團隊孜孜以求的目標。

而禁藥, 則成為了幫助車手們突破極限的潘朵拉魔盒, 一旦打開, 就一發不可收拾。 這兩年TUE醜聞的暴露, 再加上最近弗魯姆的沙丁胺醇事件, 使得自行車手使用運動增強表現藥物的話題, 再次觸碰了人們敏感的神經。

回顧數十年的禁藥發展史, 從最早明目張膽地嗑藥, 到近幾年越來越乾淨的主車群(獲得TUE的車手也在逐年減少, 意味更嚴格的審核), 看看PRO們都是怎麼看待使用禁藥這件事情的吧。

僅靠礦泉水, 你是無法挑戰環法的。 ——雅克·恩奎蒂爾(首位環法五冠王, 獲勝年份為1957年以及1961年至1964年, 從不避諱談論禁藥。 )

You can't ride the Tour de France on mineral water. ——Jacques Anquetil

我相信我是地球上被藥檢最多的運動員, 我從未在藥檢中有過陽性反應, 我從不使用禁藥。 ——阿姆斯壯(2004年被媒體質疑的時候, 阿壯如此回應)

I believe that I am the most tested athlete on this planet, I have never had a single positive doping test, and I do not take performance-enhancing drugs. ——Lance Armstrong

藥檢:永遠都不夠多。 ——葛列格·萊蒙德(環法三冠王, 美國人, 旗幟鮮明反對禁藥)

Testing: we will never do enough of it. ——Greg LeMond

禁藥的使用有悖於自行車健康的圖景。 推行禁藥的人必須比罪犯受到更嚴苛的起訴。 ——伯納德·伊諾

Illegal drug use runs contrary to the image of health depicted by cycling. Distributors of these drugs must be prosecuted more harshly as they are criminals. ——Bernard Hinault

我想為乾淨的主車群代言。 ——弗魯姆

I do want to be a spokesman for clean cycling. -----Chris Froome

我曾是一個很不錯的人, 不過我也做過很多傻事。 ——大衛·米勒

I was a nice guy, but I was a dick a lot of the time as well. ——David Millar

即使是好人也被迫欺騙。 ——葛列格·萊蒙德

Even good people are obliged to deceive. ——Greg LeMond

如果阿壯沒嗑藥, 那他就是自行車運動最偉大的複出。 如果他嗑藥了, 這將成為有史以來最嚴重的舞弊事件。 ——葛列格·萊蒙德

If Lance is clean, it is the greatest comeback in the history of sports. If he isn't, it would be the greatest fraud. ——Greg LeMond

有嚴重哮喘的車手應該去比殘奧會。 ——基特爾

Cyclists with severe asthma should compete in Paralympics. ——Marcel Kittel

一個小時的騎車比嗑藥要有用得多。 ——葛列格·萊蒙德

There is no pill, no drug, that can do for you what one hour of exercise can. ——Greg LeMond

職業競技體育並非總是美好的, 也並不總是幸福的, 潘塔尼之死是最直觀的例子,告訴我們閃耀的外表之下潛藏了什麼。因此,潘塔尼的成就應該被記住。——William Fotheringham(自行車傳奇系列傳記作家)

Professional sport is not always pretty, not always happy, and Pantani's death was an object lesson in what can lie under the glistening exterior. For that reason as much as what he achieved, he should be remembered. ——William Fotheringham


Everybody wants to know what I'm on. What am I on? I'm on my bike busting my ass six hours a day. What are you on?——Lance


Leave me in peace, everybody takes dope. ——Jacques Anquetil


“Almost everybody back then took performance-enhancing substances”——Jan Ullrich


I have never cheated anybody out of a victory. ——Lizzie Deignan, née Armitstead


The riskiest thing you can do is get greedy. ——Lance Armstrong


Unfortunately this is the legacy that has been handed to us by the people before us, people who have won the Tour only to disappoint fans a few years later.——Chris Froome

潘塔尼之死是最直觀的例子,告訴我們閃耀的外表之下潛藏了什麼。因此,潘塔尼的成就應該被記住。——William Fotheringham(自行車傳奇系列傳記作家)

Professional sport is not always pretty, not always happy, and Pantani's death was an object lesson in what can lie under the glistening exterior. For that reason as much as what he achieved, he should be remembered. ——William Fotheringham


Everybody wants to know what I'm on. What am I on? I'm on my bike busting my ass six hours a day. What are you on?——Lance


Leave me in peace, everybody takes dope. ——Jacques Anquetil


“Almost everybody back then took performance-enhancing substances”——Jan Ullrich


I have never cheated anybody out of a victory. ——Lizzie Deignan, née Armitstead


The riskiest thing you can do is get greedy. ——Lance Armstrong


Unfortunately this is the legacy that has been handed to us by the people before us, people who have won the Tour only to disappoint fans a few years later.——Chris Froome

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