


Sugar daddy, boy toy, kept man

Sugar daddy 乾爹

A wealthy, usually older man who gives money or gifts to a younger girl in return for sexual favors or companionship.

Boy toy 小白臉

A younger man who has sexual or romantic interactions with an (often) appreciably older woman, especially in a superficial or non-committal relationship.

Kept man 吃軟飯的。

A man who does not work and receives money and provisions from his romantic partner.

(李安成名前就是個kept man)

Has-been, never-was

Has-been 過氣的人

A person, especially one formerly popular or influential, who continues in their field after their popularity or effectiveness has peaked and is now in decline.

Never-was 從來沒紅過、成功過的人。

One who never achieved success or popularity.


have seen one's day

have seen better days


即以前很火很成功, 現在不行了。


I think the Nokia phone is a has-been. 我覺得諾基亞已風光不再。

A knight in shining armour

Someone who helps you when you are in a difficult situation; Often used by a women. 救美的英雄。

(穿著鋥亮的鎧甲的騎士, 意味著他沒上過戰場打仗, 又如何能指望他來英雄救美?)


She was looking for a knight in shining armor who might save her from her boring life. 她正在尋找那可以將她從無聊生活中拯救出來的英雄。

A white knight

One who saves another person from harm or a difficult situation. 救星(不分男女)。

A person or company that purchases, or gives money to, another company that is in financial distress or about to be acquired by a third party.為某公司提供資金使其免受另一公司控制的救急的人或公司。


When Sally came to help with the kids when I was in the hospital, she really was our white knight. 當我住院了而Sally來幫助孩子們時, 她真是我們的救星。

We all thought we were going to lose our jobs, but then a white knight purchased the company and saved it from bankruptcy. 我們都認為我們飯碗要丟了, 但是接下來的救兵買下了我們公司, 從而公司沒有破產。


One who pretends to be someone who's not, mostly trying to blend into a group.

(如何裝逼成為一個black metal愛好者)


愛管閒事的人 | 馬屁精 | 低頭族 | 戲精 | 叨逼叨的副駕


Snatch someone from the jaws of death

To save someone from almost certain or imminent death.從鬼門關拉了回來。

其中“Jaws of death”就是“鬼門關”的意思。 Jaw既有“關口、關頭”, 同時又有“猛獸的嘴巴”的意思, 這個雙關隨著斯皮爾伯格指導的電影大白鯊(《jaws》)的爆紅而被廣泛用於猛獸災難片:

Snatch victory from the jaws of defeat

To win, succeed, or be victorious at the last moment, despite the apparent likelihood of failure or defeat. 絕地逆轉(取勝)。

Snatch defeat from the jaws of victory

To fail, lose, or be defeated despite the appearance that one would be victorious, especially due to a mistake, error, or poor judgment. 將勝利拱手讓人(詼諧), 注意和上一個俚語的區別

(川普推特:共和黨自由派敗了那麼多年了, 終於要贏一次了!)

Dutch courage

False courage acquired by drinking liquor. 酒壯慫人膽。




同義詞:Beer muscles


When he drinks, Jeff always gets beer muscles and wants to fight every guy in the bar. 每次喝酒,Jeff都像是被酒壯慫人膽一樣,想要和酒吧裡的每個人幹一架。

Receive one's just deserts

To receive that which one deserves, especially a punishment of unfavorable outcome. 惡有惡報。

Just,平時最高頻使用的是它作為副詞的用法,表達“僅僅、剛剛、只是”等,例如“I just had dinner.”“I am just a little boy”。而在今天的習語中,just作形容詞,意思為“公正的、正義的”。

Desert,最為大家熟知的意思為名詞“沙漠”,發音為“/'dezət/”。而在此習語中,deserts意思為“應得的賞罰”,且一般均用複數形式,發音為“/di'zə:ts/”,這個名詞用法已經過時,在現代英語中僅用於“just deserts”這個固定搭配中。也正因為這個發音,此習語常常被誤寫為“Get one's just desserts”,需要注意,得到的是應有的獎懲,而非“甜點”。

Like rats deserting a sinking ship

Of people who begin abandoning something or someone that is failing or about to fail. 樹倒猢猻散。


Taking, requiring, or using all of one's effort or resources toward something; 全力以赴。


They are going all out to make the fund-raiser a success.他們正在全力以赴地做這個募捐活動。

Last-ditch attempt

A final effort or attempt to solve a problem or avoid failure or defeat, especially after a series of failures or setbacks. 背水一戰;最後一搏。


The gesture has been seen by many as a last-ditch attempt to win voters. 這個姿態被解讀為拉選票的最後一搏。


"好運"的三種地道表達 | 臭味相投 | 知足 | 合不來 | 放你一馬 | 一見如故 | 一哭二鬧三上吊


Spur-of-the-moment vacation

A vacation which is planned very suddenly, impulsively, and/or without preparation beforehand. 說走就走的旅行

An instant getaway

A vacation decided within a very short time. 說走就走的旅行

Flood the screen

The act of sending a lot of text in a small time frame, whether accidentally or in the hope of annoying or lagging people. 霸屏、刷屏。


Kissing, hugging, and all that gushy stuff people who are in "love" do. 親親、抱抱等情侶間過於外露的行為。秀恩愛,撒狗糧。


Public display of affection.秀恩愛。


Me and my wife are not like those lovey-dovey couples, cuz we think the private stuff is better kept between just us. 我和老婆不像那些秀恩愛的情侶,因為我們覺得這些隱私的行為最好不讓別人看到。

Tom and his new girlfriend are acting all lovey-dovey. He is either horny or showing off. Either way, he is getting everyone upset. Tom和他的新女友各種秀恩愛。他要麼“欲求不滿”,要麼就是炫耀。不管怎麼著,他都招人煩。

Dutch courage

False courage acquired by drinking liquor. 酒壯慫人膽。




同義詞:Beer muscles


When he drinks, Jeff always gets beer muscles and wants to fight every guy in the bar. 每次喝酒,Jeff都像是被酒壯慫人膽一樣,想要和酒吧裡的每個人幹一架。

Receive one's just deserts

To receive that which one deserves, especially a punishment of unfavorable outcome. 惡有惡報。

Just,平時最高頻使用的是它作為副詞的用法,表達“僅僅、剛剛、只是”等,例如“I just had dinner.”“I am just a little boy”。而在今天的習語中,just作形容詞,意思為“公正的、正義的”。

Desert,最為大家熟知的意思為名詞“沙漠”,發音為“/'dezət/”。而在此習語中,deserts意思為“應得的賞罰”,且一般均用複數形式,發音為“/di'zə:ts/”,這個名詞用法已經過時,在現代英語中僅用於“just deserts”這個固定搭配中。也正因為這個發音,此習語常常被誤寫為“Get one's just desserts”,需要注意,得到的是應有的獎懲,而非“甜點”。

Like rats deserting a sinking ship

Of people who begin abandoning something or someone that is failing or about to fail. 樹倒猢猻散。


Taking, requiring, or using all of one's effort or resources toward something; 全力以赴。


They are going all out to make the fund-raiser a success.他們正在全力以赴地做這個募捐活動。

Last-ditch attempt

A final effort or attempt to solve a problem or avoid failure or defeat, especially after a series of failures or setbacks. 背水一戰;最後一搏。


The gesture has been seen by many as a last-ditch attempt to win voters. 這個姿態被解讀為拉選票的最後一搏。


"好運"的三種地道表達 | 臭味相投 | 知足 | 合不來 | 放你一馬 | 一見如故 | 一哭二鬧三上吊


Spur-of-the-moment vacation

A vacation which is planned very suddenly, impulsively, and/or without preparation beforehand. 說走就走的旅行

An instant getaway

A vacation decided within a very short time. 說走就走的旅行

Flood the screen

The act of sending a lot of text in a small time frame, whether accidentally or in the hope of annoying or lagging people. 霸屏、刷屏。


Kissing, hugging, and all that gushy stuff people who are in "love" do. 親親、抱抱等情侶間過於外露的行為。秀恩愛,撒狗糧。


Public display of affection.秀恩愛。


Me and my wife are not like those lovey-dovey couples, cuz we think the private stuff is better kept between just us. 我和老婆不像那些秀恩愛的情侶,因為我們覺得這些隱私的行為最好不讓別人看到。

Tom and his new girlfriend are acting all lovey-dovey. He is either horny or showing off. Either way, he is getting everyone upset. Tom和他的新女友各種秀恩愛。他要麼“欲求不滿”,要麼就是炫耀。不管怎麼著,他都招人煩。

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