


【考點考向】中國語言, 中國文化, 國際交流, 文化發展與繁榮


1. 中國文化 Chinese culture

2. 文化交流 culturalcommunication

3. 中國市場 China market

4. 普及中國傳統文化的美德 popularize the virtue of the traditional culture of China

5. 文化的本質the essence of culture

6. 價值value

7. 交流、交換exchange

8. 友好關係friendly relationship

9. 國家實力national strength

10. 國際地位international status

11. 經濟騰飛economic boom

12. 尊重respect

13. 建立友好關係 establish some friendly relationship

14. 中國話 Chinese language

15. 無價之寶priceless treasure

16. 欣賞中國的美enjoy the beauty of China

17. 政治politics

18. 中國綜合國力 Chinese comprehensive national strength

19. 傳統建築traditional construction

20. 傳統手工藝品traditional handicraft works

21. 中國美食Chinese food


1. 中國日益增長的國際地位開始吸引世界各個國家的注意力。

China’s rising international status is starting to draw the attention of governments around the world.

2. 漢語是未來最重要的語言。

Chinese is the most important language in the future.

3. 對於在中國工作的或和中國做生意的外國人,


Learning Chinese, for foreigners working in China and doing business with China, is essential in life.

4. 眾所周知, 英語被越來越多的人認可。 然而, 世界上說漢語的人也在逐漸增多。

We all know that English is accepted by an increasing number, but Chinese now is used by more and more people in the world.

5. 近年來, 中國的快速發展使中國的經濟、文化、政治等在國際世界佔有一定的地位。

China has been developing quickly in the recently years, and it follows that we have been accepted among the international world in the area of economic, culture, politics and so on.

6. 隨著中國綜合國力的提高, 國際間的交流讓更多的外國人想學習中文來與中國建立友好關係。

As Chinese comprehensive national strength has been improved, the communication between international countries makes more and more foreigners want to learn Chinese to establish some friendly relationship with Chinese.

7. 很多遊客和學者對中國悠長的歷史和燦爛的文化感興趣。

Many tourists and scholars are interested in our long history and profound culture.

8. 一些外國人學習漢語是為了欣賞中國的美, 一些人是為了中國的美食, 一些人是為了傳統工藝, 還有一些人是為了交流文化。

Some foreigners are learning Chinese to enjoy the beauty of China,some to taste Chinese food, some to admire traditional handicraft works and some others to exchange culture.

9. 我們可以預測未來中國話和文化將會持續流行。

We can predict that the Chinese language and culture will continue to be popular in the coming years.

10. 越來越多的遊客不僅僅著迷于體驗有趣的城市和地標, 還在於體驗在目的地真實的文化交流。

More and more tourists are fascinated by experiencing not only interesting cities and landmarks but also real cultural exchange at their destination.

11. 由於全球化的趨勢不可阻擋, 越來越多的文化交流將有效地促進共同的理解與友誼。

Since the trend of globalization seems irresistible, the increasing cultural exchanges will effectively improve mutual understanding and friendship.

12. 文化創造是人類文明進步的重要成果, 文化交流是推動人類文明進步的重要力量。

Cultural innovation is an important fruit of human civilization progress and cultural exchange is a vital force behind such progress.



Write an essay of 160-200 words based on the following drawing. In your essay, you should

1) describe the drawing briefly,

2) explain its intended meaning, and

3) give your comments.

You should write neatly on ANSWER SHEET. (20 points)

This picture is simple but significant. As is vividly shown in the picture, wearing traditional Chinese costume, a foreigner is saying “Happy New Year” in Chinese to a Chinese girl, even though his pronunciation is not accurate enough. There is no doubt that the picture implies that a growing number of foreigners are starting to be interested in Chinese culture in this age.

Why does this phenomenon take place? There are generally three factors accounting for it. First of all, due to the fast economic andtechnological development, the world is becoming smaller and smaller. Accordingly, international cultural exchange is becoming increasingly frequent. Besides, learning traditional Chinese culture, which is priceless spiritual treasure, can give those foreign friends a new perspective of the outside world. Last but not least, this kind of cultural exchange is beneficial for both our Chinese and foreign friends to broaden their horizon, widen their knowledge, and enrich their experience.

From what has been discussed above, we may come to the conclusion that our traditional culture is popular among the whole world and should be preserved and cherished. Therefore, the mass media, such as television, radio and Internet should try their best to expand propaganda. As for ourselves, we should cultivate the awareness of learning national culture. Only in this way can we have opportunities to expect a more vigorous and prosperous world to come.





1.環境惡化:environmental deterioration

2.生態環境退化:ecological degradation

3.脆弱的生態環境 fragile ecological environment

4.廢氣排放:exhaust emission

5.霧霾: smog and haze

6.垃圾: litter/garbage

7.大量的浪費: a great deal of /substantial waste

8.資源短缺: shortage of resource

9.對可持續發展構成威脅: pose a threat to the sustainable development

10.提高全民環保意識: raise environmental awareness amongst the general public

11.鼓勵市民綠色出行: urged citizens to walk, cycle or take public transit

12.降低汽車排放量: reduce emissions from automobiles

13.推行綠色和迴圈經濟: promote green and circular economy

14.實現綠色和低碳發展: pursue green and low-carbon development

15.環境立法: environmental legislation

16.節儉和簡樸生活的光榮觀念: the honor of frugality and simple life

17.普及節儉的美德: popularize the virtue of frugality

18. 扭轉嚴峻的浪費形勢: reverse the grim waste situation/trend

19. 厲行節約, 反對鋪張浪費: practice frugality and combat extravagance and waste


1. 儘管我們已經採取了一些有效措施來扭轉環境惡化的趨勢, 但是當今的環境問題依然不容樂觀。

Though some effective measures have been taken to reverse its deterioration, theenvironmental issues today show little optimism.

2. 我認為, 人類必須認識到自己是自然的一部分, 自然的毀滅也意味著人類自身的滅亡。

I harbor the idea that it is of vital importance for people to realize that they are an integral part of nature, the destruction of which means the perishing of their own lives.

3. 在促進綠色交通和帶來更多的乾淨空氣方面,


It’s a necessity for us to continue initiating some constructive initiatives, such as Car Free Day and so on, in promoting green transportation and bringing about cleaner air.

4. 有關部門需要制定更多的法規, 並將其貫徹實施, 以懲罰破壞環境的行為。 另外, 人們應該共同努力, 來創建一個可持續的環境。

More regulations should be established and carried out by authorities concerned to punish those who damage the environment. In addition, individuals must work in joint efforts to create sustainable surroundings.

5. 環保不應該是空談, 而是應該落實到生活的小事中去。

Environmental protection should not be an empty slogan, but should be practiced in the trifles of life.

6. 當今社會, 經濟和物質消費的觀念已經發生很大的變化, 但勤儉作為一種美德, 作為一種工作態度、生活作風或治國方針, 仍值得大力提倡。

In today's society, economy and material consumption concept have undergone great changes, but industry as a virtue—a kind of work attitude, life style or policy—is still worth advocating.

7. 奢侈浪費小到足以破壞一個和諧美滿的家庭, 大到足以滅亡一個無比強盛的國家。 由於我們國家仍然是一個發展中國家, 浪費對中國的可持續發展構成威脅。

Extravagance and waste are small enough to destroy a harmonious and happy family, big enough to die a very powerful country.And since our country is still a developing country, such wasting poses a threat to the sustainable development of China.




Write an essay of 160-200 words based on the following drawing. In your essay, you should

1) describe the drawing briefly,

2) explain its intended meaning, and

3) give your comments.

You should write neatly on ANSWER SHEET. (20 points)


The set of drawings above vividly depicts the conflict between the polluted environment and the artist’s painting. As is shown in the cartoon, the artist is painting a beautiful picture with clear sky and green water, while the reality is that problem on atmospheric pollution isgetting increasingly serious, even a bird prefers to live in the picture rather than live in the polluted environment. Obviously, by this metaphor, the cartoonist intends to draw our attention to environmental preservation.

Many factors account for the destruction of environment. On one hand, there is still a long way to go for environmental conservation, since the imbalance between economic development and environmental protection still exists due to the lack of awareness of environment. On the other hand, the environmental management system isn’t so perfect. For instance, in some places constraining regulations are in absence, if any, the implementation still lack enforcement. In a sense, some heavy industry enterprises may slip through the law’s fingers to pursue short-term economic profits and still emit waste gas. If the air pollution were not being controlled, the environment we human beings live in would get worse and worse.

It is imperative for us to take drastic measures. To begin with, some educational campaigns should be launched among the public to raise the awareness of environmental conservation in the society. In addition, more regulations should be made and carried out by authorities concerned to punish environment damage. And individuals should work together to create a sustainable surroundings.


【考點考向】關注健康, 增強體質, 避免職業病;自我心理調節;素質教育;體育精神


1. 保持健康 keep healthy

2. 定期地, 經常地 on a regular basis

3. 長期鍛煉 long-term exercise

4. 每天鍛煉身體 daily physical activity

5. 一天鍛煉兩小時 exercise two hours a day

6. 增強免疫功能 boost one’s immune system

7. 全面推進素質教育 promote the quality-oriented education in an all-round way

8. 重視素質教育的實施attach importance to the implementation of quality education

9.承受沉重家庭負擔 be loaded down with family responsibilities

10. 掙錢養家 earn money and support the family

11. 沒有時間和精力去關注 have no time and energy to concern about

12. 更好的職業發展 have a better career development

13. 由於生活和工作壓力忽略了他們的健康 neglect/ignore their health due to the stress in work and life

14. 處於亞健康狀態 in the state of sub-health

15. 奧運精神 the Olympic spirit

16. 增強體質 enhance physical fitness

17. 面對當今社會與日俱增的壓力 be faced with/be confronted with ever increasing pressure in the current society

18. 習慣運動 is accustomed to taking exercises

19. 形成個人習慣 become a personal habit

20. 發揚體育精神 follow the spirit of sportsmanship

21. 體育強國 powerful country of sport

22. 身體差 poor physical health


1. 經常鍛煉可以使你更健康,並降低你身患職業病的可能。

Working out regularly may make you healthier and lessen the possibility that you'll suffer from occupational disease.

2. 過度工作和身體抵抗力弱導致他猝死,這使得他的家人、朋友、同事十分震驚。

Overwork and poor body resistance resulted in his sudden death, which stunned his family, friends and colleagues.

3. 失去健康,錢再多也沒用。Wealth is nothing without health.

4. 我們應該堅持鍛煉以增強對疾病的抵抗力,這對人的一生都有益。

We should take exercises to build up resistance to disease, which is beneficial to one’s whole life.


Developing a healthy lifestyle has a positive effect on brain healthy, and that means doing physical exercises regularly and remaining socially active.


Write an essay based on the following table. In your writing, you should

1) interpret the table, and

2) give your comments.

You should write about 150 words on the ANSWER SHEET. (15 points)



The table shows comparisons among proportions of residents of different age groups who do exercising in a city. As can be concluded from the figures, those at the age between 15 and 25 and those over 46 exercise more per week than the other group, acounting for 45% and 55%. By contrast, citizens whose age are between 25 and 45 rarely engage in exercisig. Among them, those never working out and the ones occasionally exercising occupy 40% respectively.

One of the most important reason for the phenomenon is the factor of time. The age group of 15-25 is mostly composed of students, who have much time for exercising and are also regulated to exercise at school. And those over 46 are at a stage of stability, without worrying about employment, housing or education, so they are more willing to exercise for physical fitness. On the contrary, with the increasingly firece competion in society, those between 26-45 are under a much heavier pressure from finding a satisfying job or career development, housing or the education of children, thus do not have enough time and energy to exercise.

To conclude, though busy or stressful, we should keep exersing, like running or jogging, which can not only help us stay healthy but also can relieve our stress. A healthy body and mind, of course, can enable us to be more efficient, creative and competitive.




1. 就業滿意度 the job satisfaction degree

2. 大部分大學畢業生the majority of college graduates

3. 工作領域中in their work field

4. 各種挑戰various kinds of challenges

5. 處理工作中的各種困難deal with difficulties or troubles in work

6.以更加樂觀平和的態度with more optimistic and peaceful attitude

7.日益舒適的工作環境the increasing comfortable working environment

8. 國民經濟的發展the development of the national economy

9. 自我實現 self-realization


1. 如圖所示的是......的分配比例。

Depicted distinctly in the pie chart is the distribution of ......


To be specific,

3. 很明顯,......

It is clear that ......

4. 以下能解釋這一原因。首先,普遍認為是由......這一事實引起的;而且,......;更重要的是,隨著國民經濟的發展......。

What might account for this phenomenon? It is generally accepted that this is caused by the fact that ......In addition, But more importantly, with the development of the national economy,......


The college graduates are eager to face various kinds of challenges in their work field, so that they can deal with difficulties or troubles in work with more optimistic and peaceful attitude.

6. 而且,日益舒適的工作環境以及大學生之間友好的關係是另外有助於這一現象的因素。

In addition, the increasing comfortable working environment and more friendly relationship between colleagues are also another contributing factors.


But more importantly, with the development of the national economy, there are more and more working opportunities, which can make college graduates find a suitable job they like.


Thus, the majority of them can achieve their self-realization and feel satisfied with what they are doing.

9.我過去常常在想 ......

I used to wonder and ponder ......

10.這一圖表給我啟示 ......

With the enlightenment of the chart that ......

11.我可以預見 ......

I can foresee that ......



Write an essay based on the following chart, in which you should

1)describe the chart, and

2)give your comments.

You should write at least 150 words.

Write your essay on the ANSWER SHEET. (15 points)



Depicted distinctly in the pie chart is the distribution of the job satisfaction degree of college graduates in a city of China. To be specific, those who are unclear whether they are satisfied or not account for 14.2%. In addition, the proportion of those graduates who are not satisfied is 6.1%. By contrast, there are 63.2% graduates are satisfied with their job, with 16.5% of them being generally satisfied. It is clear that the majority of college graduates are satisfied with their work.

What might account for this phenomenon? It is generally accepted that this is caused by the fact that the college graduates are eager to face various kinds of challenges in their work field, so that they can deal with difficulties or troubles in work with more optimistic and peaceful attitude. In addition, the increasing comfortable working environment and more friendly relationship between colleagues are also contributing factors. But more importantly, with the development of the national economy, there are more and more working opportunities, which can make college graduates find a suitable job they like. Thus, the majority of them can achieve their self-realization and feel satisfied with what they are doing.

I used to wonder and ponder whether I can find a satisfied job after my graduation.With the enlightenment of the chart that the majority of college graduates are satisfied with their work, I can foresee that increasing number of individuals will do what they want to do in their working field.




12. 更好的職業發展 have a better career development

13. 由於生活和工作壓力忽略了他們的健康 neglect/ignore their health due to the stress in work and life

14. 處於亞健康狀態 in the state of sub-health

15. 奧運精神 the Olympic spirit

16. 增強體質 enhance physical fitness

17. 面對當今社會與日俱增的壓力 be faced with/be confronted with ever increasing pressure in the current society

18. 習慣運動 is accustomed to taking exercises

19. 形成個人習慣 become a personal habit

20. 發揚體育精神 follow the spirit of sportsmanship

21. 體育強國 powerful country of sport

22. 身體差 poor physical health


1. 經常鍛煉可以使你更健康,並降低你身患職業病的可能。

Working out regularly may make you healthier and lessen the possibility that you'll suffer from occupational disease.

2. 過度工作和身體抵抗力弱導致他猝死,這使得他的家人、朋友、同事十分震驚。

Overwork and poor body resistance resulted in his sudden death, which stunned his family, friends and colleagues.

3. 失去健康,錢再多也沒用。Wealth is nothing without health.

4. 我們應該堅持鍛煉以增強對疾病的抵抗力,這對人的一生都有益。

We should take exercises to build up resistance to disease, which is beneficial to one’s whole life.


Developing a healthy lifestyle has a positive effect on brain healthy, and that means doing physical exercises regularly and remaining socially active.


Write an essay based on the following table. In your writing, you should

1) interpret the table, and

2) give your comments.

You should write about 150 words on the ANSWER SHEET. (15 points)



The table shows comparisons among proportions of residents of different age groups who do exercising in a city. As can be concluded from the figures, those at the age between 15 and 25 and those over 46 exercise more per week than the other group, acounting for 45% and 55%. By contrast, citizens whose age are between 25 and 45 rarely engage in exercisig. Among them, those never working out and the ones occasionally exercising occupy 40% respectively.

One of the most important reason for the phenomenon is the factor of time. The age group of 15-25 is mostly composed of students, who have much time for exercising and are also regulated to exercise at school. And those over 46 are at a stage of stability, without worrying about employment, housing or education, so they are more willing to exercise for physical fitness. On the contrary, with the increasingly firece competion in society, those between 26-45 are under a much heavier pressure from finding a satisfying job or career development, housing or the education of children, thus do not have enough time and energy to exercise.

To conclude, though busy or stressful, we should keep exersing, like running or jogging, which can not only help us stay healthy but also can relieve our stress. A healthy body and mind, of course, can enable us to be more efficient, creative and competitive.




1. 就業滿意度 the job satisfaction degree

2. 大部分大學畢業生the majority of college graduates

3. 工作領域中in their work field

4. 各種挑戰various kinds of challenges

5. 處理工作中的各種困難deal with difficulties or troubles in work

6.以更加樂觀平和的態度with more optimistic and peaceful attitude

7.日益舒適的工作環境the increasing comfortable working environment

8. 國民經濟的發展the development of the national economy

9. 自我實現 self-realization


1. 如圖所示的是......的分配比例。

Depicted distinctly in the pie chart is the distribution of ......


To be specific,

3. 很明顯,......

It is clear that ......

4. 以下能解釋這一原因。首先,普遍認為是由......這一事實引起的;而且,......;更重要的是,隨著國民經濟的發展......。

What might account for this phenomenon? It is generally accepted that this is caused by the fact that ......In addition, But more importantly, with the development of the national economy,......


The college graduates are eager to face various kinds of challenges in their work field, so that they can deal with difficulties or troubles in work with more optimistic and peaceful attitude.

6. 而且,日益舒適的工作環境以及大學生之間友好的關係是另外有助於這一現象的因素。

In addition, the increasing comfortable working environment and more friendly relationship between colleagues are also another contributing factors.


But more importantly, with the development of the national economy, there are more and more working opportunities, which can make college graduates find a suitable job they like.


Thus, the majority of them can achieve their self-realization and feel satisfied with what they are doing.

9.我過去常常在想 ......

I used to wonder and ponder ......

10.這一圖表給我啟示 ......

With the enlightenment of the chart that ......

11.我可以預見 ......

I can foresee that ......



Write an essay based on the following chart, in which you should

1)describe the chart, and

2)give your comments.

You should write at least 150 words.

Write your essay on the ANSWER SHEET. (15 points)



Depicted distinctly in the pie chart is the distribution of the job satisfaction degree of college graduates in a city of China. To be specific, those who are unclear whether they are satisfied or not account for 14.2%. In addition, the proportion of those graduates who are not satisfied is 6.1%. By contrast, there are 63.2% graduates are satisfied with their job, with 16.5% of them being generally satisfied. It is clear that the majority of college graduates are satisfied with their work.

What might account for this phenomenon? It is generally accepted that this is caused by the fact that the college graduates are eager to face various kinds of challenges in their work field, so that they can deal with difficulties or troubles in work with more optimistic and peaceful attitude. In addition, the increasing comfortable working environment and more friendly relationship between colleagues are also contributing factors. But more importantly, with the development of the national economy, there are more and more working opportunities, which can make college graduates find a suitable job they like. Thus, the majority of them can achieve their self-realization and feel satisfied with what they are doing.

I used to wonder and ponder whether I can find a satisfied job after my graduation.With the enlightenment of the chart that the majority of college graduates are satisfied with their work, I can foresee that increasing number of individuals will do what they want to do in their working field.




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