

芥末醬今天被華為100萬年終獎刷屏了。 。 。 但我們的大華為在全球知名的Facebook面前就小巫見大巫了, 在Facebook工作可以說是全球科技行業工作人員夢寐以求的事情了, 不過要進Facebook可不是那麼簡單的事情, 除了突出的工作能力, Facebook還特別擅長在面試環節百般刁難申請者。 Business Insider最近為大家總結了7個最刁鑽的面試問題, 看完以後芥末醬感覺我還是乖乖留在大芥末好了。 。

1. Describe the personality of an executive that you wouldn't want to work for again. 描述一位你不想再為之工作的上司的個性。

2. Why are you researching opportunities outside your current employer? 為什麼重新找工作?

3. How would you build Facebook for blind people? 如何為盲人建立Facebook?

4. If you were in a Q&A with Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg, what would you ask him? And why? 如果你有問紮克伯格問題的機會, 你會問什麼?為什麼?

5. Is there anything that you hate doing? 你不喜歡做什麼事?

6. We pride ourselves on a great work- and home-life balance. How much balance would you feel you needed in order to be happy in both places? 我們向來為自己能夠平衡工作和家庭生活而自豪。 為了在這兩個地方都快樂, 你覺得你需要怎樣的平衡?

7. How would your colleagues describe you? 你的同事會怎麼描述你?

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