



1. “介詞+ which”在關係分句中分別可作時間、地點和原因狀語, 代替相應的關係副詞when, where和why。 如:

①I still remember the day on which (= when) I first came to school. 我仍然記得初來學校的那一天。

②The factory in which (= where) I work is a large one. 我工作的工廠是一個大廠子。

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2. “介詞+ which(指物)/whom(指人)”在關係分句中作地點狀語, 表示存在關係, 關係分句主謂常須倒裝。 如:

①They arrived at a farm house, in front of which sat a small boy. 他們來到一處農舍, 前邊坐著一個小男孩。

②I saw a man, on the head of whom stood a bird. 我看見一個人, 他的頭上有一隻鳥。

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3. “不定代詞或數詞+ of + which(指物)/whom(指人)”在關係分句中作主語,

說明整體中的一部分。 如:

①China has a lot of islands, one of which is Diaoyu. 中國有許多島嶼, 其中之一是釣魚島。

②There are a lot of students here, none of whom like the film. 這裡有許多學生, 他們之中無人喜歡這部電影。

4. “介詞+ which(指物)/whom(指人)”在關係分句中作目的、方式或地點狀語。 如:

①Could you tell me for whom you’ve bought this coat? 你能告訴我這件衣服是給誰買的嗎?

②The man, from whom I learned the news, is an engineer. 這人是一位工程師, 我是從他那裡得到這個消息的。

5. “介詞+ which(指物)/whom(指人)”用於被動結構的關係分句中, 作狀語, 說明動作的執行者。 如:

①The wolf by which the sheep was killed was shot. 傷害羊的那只狼被打死了。

②The man by whom the wolf was shot was a good hunter. 打死狼的那人是一個好獵手。

6. “名詞+ of which”代替“whose +名詞”在關係分句中作定語。 如:

①I saw some trees, the leaves of which (= whose leaves ) were black with disease. 我看見一些樹, 它們的葉子因害病而發黑。

②He mentioned a book, the title of which (= whose title) I’ve forgotten. 他提到一本書, 書名我忘了。

7. “介詞+ which(指物)/whose(指人)”修飾後邊的名詞。 如:

①It rained all night and all day, during which time the ship broke into pieces. 雨下了一天一夜, 就在這期間輪船撞碎了。

②The driver was the man from whose room she had stolen the maps. 司機就是那個男人, 她從他的房間偷走地圖。

8. “介詞+ which +不定式”。 此種用法多見於正文體中, 相當於一個帶有主語和謂語的定語從句。 如:

She had only 1.87 with which to buy (= she could buy) Jim, her husband, a present. 她只有一元八角七分錢, 用這些錢她給丈夫吉姆買一件禮物。 分句中分別可作時間、地點和原因狀語, 代替相應的關係副詞when, where和why。 如:

①The factory in which (= where) I work is a large one. 我工作的工廠是一個大廠子。

②This is the reason for which (= why )he was put in prison. 這就是他為什麼被關起來的原因。


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